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Wow lioth ihe bnsv city man Dis; lip the arden pHtct, To glve ihe bnay h( ciiancc ro make uu awful suratch. -Tliat ti'fd feeün?' '- tluit's ilTlflve you goi it ? The assessor wíll catch yoai if you oü't watch out. A (tired wheel is said to be a good thlDi: or that tirod feellag. Justice Pond says two majority is as effective as 2,000, for all practical purpcses. Tlio. great display in drug stores Juet: dow is the artiels kaown as cgg öj-et- for Easter. The road scraper is doing good Tiorï. on streete ivhcre lateral cwrs. bare been built. The lecture of Kr. R.vaji. tn the Epnortli League ccrarse, has been ehanged ïrom April 12 to April '2C. TIic W. F. M. S. of theM. E. clnmli meete on Frlday evening next with 31re. W. J. Boo'th, No 25 E. "VVilliami Street. You are wanted at the tea and soeial to be giren by tl la-dies oí the Preebyteri.-m clmrch rhursday at 6 ?"cJcck p. m. Th-e regular animal meeting of St. Ajydrew's p:uish will itake place on. ïBiiday next, in tho chapel, at 10 e'cloct. a. m. Tuere will be a series of meetings ïrtd at the Baptist churcli this week, the pastor Kev. T. "W. Young, preachvag eacli evening. Tlie costumed Gypsy recitation that ■waj bo well rendered by Miss Myra Hfnion last Thaisday evening at Xewiwrry hall was wrlttee for the occaaiw. by Mise Clara McMooegal. Joh:u Slieehan may say som e indiseref thiags in a politica] sense, but toe has got the momey questioa down pat just the same. TVm. K. Schmidt was Tip before Jus-tu-c Pond Satarday eveaiing for astanlt on James M. Kul). They are: tv o law stadeats. As Scinnidt was iüK! aggressor he got off with $5 fine aad costs. Adolpüi Spiing, a foitaier Aan Arbor hoty, and at one timo ■witíti the' Ctiurier, is iiving liow alt Hubbard, üidland couuty, wliere lie is tlie j)ro prietor of a Btores At tflie recent Jection lie M-a.5 chosen director of the :--bool district of that place. "Wiinteil - one tliousand five hundieú people te give $1 each for tlie coed gymnasium. Can not tlie money be íralsed by $1 subacriptioms better naú easier than any other way in i3m world ? TherO cuglit to be 20000 people iu tlie state ready to re?-ljond to such a cali cheerfully'. Tlw! funeral services of Betsey Blewatt, widow oí tlie late Edward Blew■att, of Ann Arbor town, "svho died April 3, oí Id, liaring reached 70 years, S moa. and 18 days, avüI be held frora thO residonce at one o'clock p. -m. Friday. "Iihe remains wili !be interred iu tlie Dixboro cenietery If tlie HiU street sewer Ís to' o.ost $C0,000, and the city hias power to issue not to exceed $40,000 worth of Bfjad, and has $7,500 already out, lioiv will it be built ? By sectio-ns ? And 'liow long vill some of our thickly eettled business streets have to Tait before Uiey can be reached with 3ev erg ? James P. Bird, wjriting from Kimaiíai's College, Alilene, Texas, in regard to liis Ccurier, adds : "The grass Es conilng out and tlie lean Texas kine are bo filled with. }0y at siglilt' of it íliat tliiey can't eat grase, bat take; larger vliif[ oí tliO passing Hand storm ajid thereby get 'grit' to take tlitir. tliiTOttgh the next winter." The greatest musical ci-itic in the woilü to-day is undoubtedly Mr. Henly E. Krelibiel, who was boni in Ann ibor. He tomes back to lis old bomc for tlie iirst time since liis youth tü leoture before the Inland League Tuesuay mght of ïiext week, on "IIow to Listen to Muslc." Ann Arbor people should and will give sucli a ai&tinguishi'd guest an enthusiastic leccption. Mis Jertm ir. Preemtun has boen a wldo'w's pension by tlie iVrpurtmrni ai WariUngtoa. I (' It vían secared bttrougn W. K. tíhlld's ..■i,a"n:'y. í AV. K. ('liilds Iims reoeived :iotice f-oiii AV.'ishinffton tlmt "Jff" V)nv:s o' tlrs city, has been p;;-:intft(l a penB'.c.n. boina placed oiii tlie rolls a.t $12 íi nimitl'. , ín tho li-t of officials rtf tlw Ba-ptlft (l.u'cl' publi-hed a. few day's since, liriw P. I)oil!ey %vas choswi trustee for tíiiree years Lnstead oí Trof. A. I!. StcM'ii-, as stafced. C. Tíi-])!ir(U died at his lióme Xo. 4.) S. Flfth ave. .cooraer Jeffei-som st., líist D'bt at 7:30, oí comsiunption, wltli whleh he liad been ill ton upwards of a year, affed abottt 30 years. He leaves a vife, fout ui orther family. servirle pefreshments in the usual manner, tln-ew nside all con-ntional tonus, opened the "cubbard" rtoors aind turned the boys loose at the imminent risk of ttóir lives. Xhe S. S teacher must have been a boy In her younger days, or slie never could have had such a keen appreciation. of thelr natare. The reniains of Mr?. Johnson the mot lier oï Geo. Johrasoo, Mits. DeAVitt C. Tal!, and John Johnson of the ."th vrard, ■ere bPOOgilt hcro Saturday trom Albion, whre sfoe died at the home oí her daugater xraver, iiml tatoeo to Webster bnrtal. Slie was 81 yeai's oM. Manager Keech, of the telephone exchange, lias made arrangements so that the wenthcr reports will be received eacli diiy at 10 :30 a. in. for the following 36 hours. For instance if on Thursday mominK the dispatcli reads: "Toniglit rain cooler, Friday, íair and sliithtly warmer," the fiags hoisted will be for fair slightly warmer weather. The reports will be given in the Courier each evening for the followiug day. Gik-lirist Chalmere, a youth who Uree ou tlie Geddes ave. raad east, of tho city, placed aa oibstructioii on Uio M. C. ÍR. E. on tlie 29th of March last, wblch it is claiined would liave tlnown a train of E liad it loen going ful! speed, but as tlie boy did it cidpntly without malina, but out of ■a desire to r,ee it fcaobked off," the pioceeding's against liim were disraissed. It carne oo betore Justice Pond tliis a. m. Mrs. M. Ij. JD'Ooge, seciretary, sends ,ii the following : Tüie Charitable l mom 'desires. to glve public cxpa-essiOW bo it.s Ki-nse of loss occasioneel lm the. death of Mrs. N. G. Butts, whO1 tof t'welve yeara liad beeoi a most acti 'vtorker iu the Union. Her ser ircs. so freely givea, were liighly v;ilu.ed, nnd Uie poor families whom slio 'was ever bo reaidy assist, will gpektly miss lier frequeat -isits uid gcMeroussympatiiy. By order of the Union. ' The eemmoii of -Rev. G. M. Cobern, at the M. E. cliuiTh SiMi'Oiay ove. ini ooiver to Eobert G. Ingiersoll, -vvae a fáiu tliüic. Mr. Ingereoll oughft) to have he;ml it. If lie had domefio, it is alfcogether probable, as ain lioa o! ni:ni, lic would revise Borne oí statements he anakes, and gefc tbcni nearer the trath. Ir. öobem provecí his ground by facbe tbat are so ■■11 known tlnat they ought to have ome to the ears of Mr. Inigersoll be fore lic wrote or forinulated hiiis lecture. It ík a plensure to be able to state' tliiii the High School 'secret societies hare takea the sensible and wisë ooui-se and have resolved to disbaad. The wild and extra agant statements in regard to the members of these s.Ot societies combining and resisting thé rules of the school, aaid testing in the ccurts the right of the school board 1o pass such rules and regulations as might in its judgment be deemed best foi' the government of the schools, caiuc from those who liked to talk, and not from the inembers o! the soolcties themselves. Tlie high school v ïii certainly be benefited, and the st,-o)il;ird of scholarship elevated by tlLt; ne' rules, and by the dismembermeiit oï the soeieties. A ncw metliod of holding boys unlcr the n.laeaoe of Sunday schools m;is actopted by a Hillsdale lady last week. She invited her class to spend the evening with her, and insteail of j Hiram B. Starks, oí AVebster lownsliip. died April lst, 1895, of general debility, aged 71 years. Funeral ser ioes were held to-day Tliursday, afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock, Erom the Webster Congrega tional ch-urch. The deceased was a former resident of thls vielnity, having lived just outside the city on S. Main st. tor a number oi' years, afterwards reniOTing to Webster. He was a brother of Cyrus M. Starks. Geo. W. Eiiner ehn.rged wtth outting' the air bra-kes on a M. C. II. R. train on December 13tli last, h,ad a iufx befare justiee Pond íhis morningr, ■nahed examinatioai and will go to tlie ci cait court íor trial. Ef ner liad been down to Ypsilanti, and return-, in lipón a fieigihit ti-ain tbat was not going to liere, lio is ehar.sed Ttt3i outtlng th brakes and tftciiplng the train wWle in fall 1110tion. Tlie railroad aathorities have been all thls time íinding out wlio did it. ■Vluesn the demócrata first prot control of the coimcil somO ye.trs ago, tile ('O'UTier put in a bid for printing city reports and all wo-i-k needed, hich was lower Ithan any other bid, but it.s representativo was iiifoa-med that if the Courier wouW agree to do Uw. work fo,r nothiïug it oouldnot Uae the job, "for,'1 üd. the offical ' to the victors belang the spoils," and he asserted that a democratie oííicf! should have tthe work a.s long a tlvo democrate 3ield the majority in tilt couiicil he pro ved a true picphet. But wliien republicana get control oí afiairs theu all work goes to tlic lowest bidder. Th ík it-oni from the kist Hülsdaie Standard, may be of some interest to wirnO of out readers : "Will Alfoiiid, fche cripple, who run a popbom stand on Goodilch's corner for some tirne, ;iaid who has 'beeai undergoing treatment at Ann Afbor ïor the pa&i thiree months, -vvas In the city last Tlrureday ftiii'O'Ute to his home ia Allon. He iis now ttblo to walk. squairely toni the bottoms of his feet and the transforma ti on tlxat has taken place ujïder the dlrection of Prof. Nancrede of itlie Uciiivei-sity, eeexns indeed re maikable. The pa-oíessor pronoances that in the coua-se of timO lie may diseard tlie crutches and walk. only wltii. o, cane oj1 peaHhaps even without Tlhie ieet have been etralghtened without ie cutting of a bone. The eotire cast oí the treatment has beea $105, which was met by the subscriptions oí Hillsdale people. Mr. Alford. reque'sts us to express to the friends who liave assisted him, his sincere appreciation and gratitade." Tlie Yjisilantian in its report oí the free silver discussioia indulged in bciore the grunge in that place recently, speaks of Proi. F. M. Taylor. oí the ohair oí l'olitical Eeomoiny, of the University, and says : six montlis past the liad used' lii feisiu-e time to perfect variouá cha,rts giviag the variations at feient dates oí money, and the prlce oí commodities, the vaviation of M ages, "the relation of the various üiibicns oí the debtor class, etc., aaid' tlue&e lie made use of to good advanta.uc. lie swept frota the field, the huudied and one things urged in fa-vor oí fiee coinage which have no bearing om tlie question, and succeeded iu makimg dry statistics exoeedlngly inteieí'ling. Mr. Sheelian, o f Aun Arbor. also made a speech, which was highly appreciated. The result of tlie iscussion was to clear the atmosphero. eomewhat, and wlU lead to laiger conceplions and a fairer consideration oí the real elements


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Ann Arbor Courier