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Xnw soon the tiorrid little fly Will have tlie linppy fhancp At uve lie'U rntind out' faces ImzzJ At morn about Ihem pranc-, Having a swell time - the buds. A Shetland pony baby at Dr. Deli's stabtes, om W. Hurón st. Tlie new long dfctance t eb-pa one In the county clerk's office, is au improvement. White clothes do not makO the man, they always give an indicatdon of liis charactei'. llic prices paid fai-m woirk. hands spring for the season ranges from $15 to $18 a mo'iith. The sap drips down iroan the ïnaple branches, and inakes a sweet spot on y o ar new spring hat. U is a fact, without the loasib doubt, tha.t Capt. Chas. H. Manly will be the next city treasuirer. Dean & Co. took a penny over1 their counter tlie other la,y that was issued 'by tnem in war times, and] had their ad on is face. The Lyra Maennerchor lias received. aso. invitation fix)m Laasiing to talie part in a celebratiom in capital city om June 20th. A neat little building hus been put up just west of the Congregatioual clmrch. It will be occupied by Paul Meyer with bis news stand. George Marsden, wiho conducta the Miller a,ve. green liooises, foa-nierly owned by the late James Toms, has put in a telephone, and will ti.ll aXi, erders promptly. A. T. Sinke, in soiting over coffee for roasting at Dean. & Co's a few daye süice, found a Brazillian coin, 100 Beis, in the berries he waa about to roast. The piece ia said to be wortJi $3.87. Spring, wo love you for yonr violets, A ml lamt.s tlint payiy skip, But mostly lor Uie hope thatsoon Tliere won't. beany grip. E. B. Hall is hiavlng a fine duok boat built for hls own use, by John Bross, oí Dexter. H. M. Ta-ber has sold hls house on the cor. Monroe and Packard st., to Prof. Hairry B. Hutchins, the new deaa'. of the law department, for $G,800. Jota Wotzke has receivd information fix)m Germany to tliO effect that hls mother died there recently at the g'O'Od oíd age of 86 years. Newe lias been a-ecelved here ta "the effect that Morris, the youagest child ol Prof, John Dewey, died recently in Europe, -vvhere the family are sojournlag for a time. The Cedar Springs people hold up purses of $5,000 to be raced for at thelr ïair next September. How much idos our county fair propose to offer ín this line ? On Ilrursday evening next Prof. FrancU I. York, of Betroit, aad Mr. E. JÍ. Bilbie, of this city, will give a. Pupil's Recital in tihö Chareh of Churcli, on S. Unlversity ava. During the last qimrter the AnnArbor postoffice paid ior itsel1 and sent $4,717.55 surplus to Uncle Sam's trea&ury to help .out the lesa fortúnate potsoifices in tilO United Stiltes. Glan Mills is right ia it jast now. A traveUng paper agent made a strike yesterday by offering a fine ïolio writing paper witli the water mark "Glen Mills" thereon. It was a great stroke of a sliarp agent. Tlie Northsiders are now agitating tlic building of the street car line to the Northside, aad we uiiderstand are wüling to put up quite a little amount to secure for Broadway the benefits of the 6ervice. They ought to have it, too. Th ere is an even dozen new men on tlie Board of Sapervisoirs this ye&r. greater changO than lias been made befo re in any one yea.r for a long time. Oi these one was elected by 2 majority, one by 3, aaother by 5, and tstill anolher by 8. Pretty close shave. ShOirtly alter the April vacation, Prol Kelsey will givO a stereopticon lecture 5n the Presbyterian church on 'Recent Disco-verles in Pompeii." It will !be foir the beeefit of McMillan Hall. The same lecture was recently giren lat the University oí Wisconsin and '"was well received. Nelson Hogers has bouglit the store ojn Broadway, on the Northside, formerly ownefl by Ed. Keoit, a.nd will iit the building up in good slbape and put a stock ol ilour and ieed therein. The Xorthside seems to have taken on a. rfelit smart boom. Good for the Xortliside. At the amnual inoeting of the "VVomams Auxiliary of Bt. Andrew's parisl. held Thursday p. mi, at Ha nis Hall, the followi'iig offlcers were elected : l'rcsidcnt- Mrs. C. B. Nancrede. Vice pres.- Mrs. C. 'S. Millen. Secretary- Mies Can-ie Frieze. Treasurer- Mrs. "W. O. Doty. Bay Kent was up Justice! Gib&oai yesterday eharged with as samlt aind battery on anoblieir young lad. Om reconiineaid of Mr. Greene, vho was in charge of the jttTOliiie of-, tender, young Kent was sentenced td tite Beform School at Lansing until 17 years old, but Bemtemce was suspended on promise of better conduct; The school board ought to purchase the land where the slaughter houses are located, and add it to the 5th ward school lot. Tluen the 5th warders and cltizens generally sho-uld make a park of it. It would) add 100 per cemt. to the good name of city, and 500 per cent to its good looks. It would be a graad thing for the good health of oor city, also, and do away with. eoeie most fearful smells. Already the small boy dreams of the days When he 10 the rtver can Bcoot And enjoy himwplf ín divers wnys, In aTrïiby bathlngsult. The croe uses begin o pop out, while the en ow drops havo been. in blossom sevenil days. Tiró people living on. E'. Aun and !X. División sts., after a lateral Bewer, and they want it lad. Ttfere is not a botter flre department in Jlicliigan than Ann Arbor has to-dy, all things considered, and any meddling -bherewith wül be a mistake sure. Prof. A. B. Btevems of tliis city, has been appototed by tJie American Pharmaceatical Association as chaiiman of the coimmittee on adulterations of drugs. A Battle Oreek newspaper scribe is saW to hjave discovered a man who is "living without brains," and actually publishes hls discovery as a piece of news ! The largest stamp sales that the Ann Arbor postoffice has ever had for any tjnree jnonths in its histary was closed March 31st. Tlie stamp sales tor tliie qoaa-ter foobs up at $9,073.36. Ii ajjy of tiie distinguished visitors ■vlio come to Aaia Arbor enjoy boating, fisiiing, etc, they 'wffl iind our ne' mayor a prince in tdiat line. He is hospitable, too, and knoivs how to entertain. On tóaturday oí tlüs week the M. C. will give special rates to Jackson til occasioin being a great musical eveait in that city. Kaadall will photograph the sen.ior laws. Oi'. l'riday ening, Apiril 26, Prof., F. V. Kelsej' will leeture in the Pres-, by.teiia.n church on. "A Summer in I ornpeii." This wiU be a stereopticou lecture, and tor the benefit of McMülam Hal!. Six ipeople -vhose funerals O. 51. Martin conducted during the past month. were 78 years oll aaid over. llic oldest was 89, the average 85, and itlue combimed age 510 years, Six centaries represented in ihe ages of six people. Hiram Lighthall, of Sylvan, is beiug talked of as thO next chairman of the board oí superlsors. There is ooifc tliing to be said of hini : H& ia a gentleman, and he always knowa where lie is at. The peoplo of Howell can rest aseured that they will hear same fine musió when the Anu Arbor Concert Club visits that city. It is coimposed oi tin: very best rausical talent Ann Arbor possesses. Te the question "How are the pêacÜ buils ? ' ene íruit gfpower answered to-dny : ''Oh, ive sliall have about halí a erop. Many of the bads are killed.'' Another said : "Th-ey are all riglit, I belleve. So fair I tto not i think the erop is injured." Mi-, and Mrs. J. "W. Hangterfer wïll celébrate the 20th aauüveirsary of their wedding on. Friilay, April 19tlL, at Belle Isle Casüno, Detroit. Many Aim Arbor friends oí Mr. Hangt-erïer have received invltatlons, and al) wlU congratúlate liim and liia most estimable wife upoia tlie happy e vent . Iï tluere are any oí tlie sustaining niembers oï the Y. M. C. A. "who Jiave not ireeeived invitation.s to the banquet to be giren Tjy the Woan.ui's iiuxiliary, April 18th, they will comfer a favor upon the asöociation by 1-e.po.rting the iact to Pres. Chías. AV. Wagner, Sec'y Nat-hian Stanger, or Treas. .Geo. L. Moore. The way our fi-iemds, the enemy, j shout over the eleatlom of Mir. Walker, onc would t hink they liad clone someihin.L. wonderful. AVhen the republi;i.n - lid the same tliiiig by Mr. Walker in the - that is elected liini - the demoerats didu't erow a bit. It waant wonderfu!, at all. "TJiings hos chamg'êd," since tlien. A little bit of law wlll not come amiss just ïiow, as the fishermeii are ] aaxious tor a jab at tiio big fellows ! goLng up strea.m. Here it is : "That ir is uailawful ior naiy person to take, cateU oi' klll aaiy iih ia any inland stream or lake, "vitli any kiad oí spcaior grab hook, or by the iuses of jacks or artificial liglit of ajiy kind, or by the mse of set lines, uailer a penalty i oí a fine oí $25 aiad costs or mean in the coainty jail foir 30 (laya or botJi." Undcr this la.w anybody may make tlie complaint. Do yon remeinbeír, says an excliaage ];ov pleased yon used to be whein joiu' papents called at tiiie school yoti Mere attending? Do yon remember how j-ou would study so a.s to, be mire oí a perfect lesson wIwmi your class wás called on to recite before your father aaid mother ? Well, yon. liave children oí your owa now, wlio are attending school. you ever thought oí visiting the school where your boys and girls attead ? Remember the pupils oí today are as ■well pleased to liave their parents visit tliem as ywa were in school days, and besides it eaiconirages them to do better work ajid also convinces the teacher that you are interested in the work. t


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Ann Arbor Courier