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The May Musical Festival

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r: lic Festival Journal, pubíished in tlio interests of the Seccmd Annual Mar Festiai given by the Choral Lnien of the University, of Michigan, lias just been issued. The University Musical Society, au oi-ga-twation uiiquo among university societies- ii. many respecte imlike anytliing in Ihu world- has made anx enviable record by virtue of its niaay ventures as for example, the purchase of the niaonificent instrument formerly known as the ColUimbia.ii Organ, the buiWinf; up oí the Univonsity School o' mu&ic, etc., but the ainnual Choral Lulon series of concerté, culminatinc in a grand festival each year, lja estabhshed the a-eputatioa o? Ann Arbor as a musical center. ■Vher. we reflect that we have in our midst artista of world-wide reputaron - one oí the finest oi-gans in tho ■ttorld, one of the laTgest chorases ii, country - a School of Music whicn has already begua to be talkp 1 about iu the largar castora oities --and above all, when we realize that al' these are due to the enthusia.stic Eupport of musical ai-t by the citizenü oí a city of eleven thousand inhíibUants, supplemented by the Btudenti of oui' great University - we do not think that are assumhig too mucli wheoi we speak of Ann Arbor as a center of musical culture. The facts we have just cited lend hm-rest to the announcements contaiued in the Festival Journal. "SVe finil among the list of artists ongagj eo, Lillian Xordica, the greatest American, an artist who lias re aitly conquered Europe and won fo." hcrse.lf the proud title of one of tho greatesf "Wagner singers in the world; Miss Rose Stewart, asiugev who always wins way into. the hoaitt, of her hearers ; William H. L'ic.cer, the finest teanor in America; Max Heiniich, inimitable princo of artists. the greatest in his line, of tliem all ; GertfadO May Stem, anoiher fine artist whoe reputation has prowh eo marvellously within the last five years ; William H. Clarke, a magnificent bass singer ; Clarence Eüdy. the king of Amertein oirganists , Martinus Sieveking the brilliant pianist. Such an array of so-loists giies to the Festival a metro'politan chai aeter. Added ter these artists, we have tho ïiiagnificent Festival Orcheetra, of GO piayers, under tiue lead oí that talfined young Emil Mollenliauer, a mai, whose sti-adily increasiiif; reputation is a Báítisfaction to all who appreciate his sterling worth as a áfan ana brilliant attainments as ii niusician. Besides this fine ordie&ira, the Choral t'nlon of 300 ■5OiE, luider the mastel-ly training of l'i-of. A. -A. Staaley, will be heard in tliat remarkable, -vvo-rk of Héctor HerJJóa. "The Damnation of Faitót." 'J hc concerts inclade a Syniphony CoiK-ert, Friday evcning May ITtli. The AnacreOL' 'Overturc, ClierUim- orspiei to "Tristan and Isdole1' AVagEer ; the "'Uiifinished 8ymphony,'' Fohubert, and Tannhausei1 M.-ucli, "iVagDer, (in which the Choral Union takes part) are the principal numbers. Saturday monmiing, May 18 th, Mi'. Olareecc Eddy gives a recital on Ithe grand organ. Sniiiiday p. n.. c. brillia.nt Orchestral Matinee with a som-ewhat popular program will be giveñ. In the evening, the Festival clcses witli tho productioa oí the "Fausf, with the finost c;isfc ever brought together west of New 'ork City, viz.: Iilli;ui Nordi ■,-i.M:irpaietlia ; Williaan H. Eieger, Faust ; Max HeiaiiLh, Mephistophelea ; AVm. Clarke Brander ; Choral Union, and Festival Orchestra. Reference to the .TourEal shows us that the programs ara artistically arranged, and contain man j' novelties as well as standard works. 'J'liH price for Keason tickets for tlie entjre Festival has been placed at $2.50. The railroads of Michigan ]ac agreea to Bell tickets at half rate, tliat is a.n open ratO of one fare tor tlie round trip. These tickets aro good until May 20fclu It -will bc seen int this Festival is in reality b magnificent aifalr. The tlnu;í ter of these musical attractlons eLo'ws plaiuly that the managers of 1111.=. eaterprise have determlneil lo leave no stone unturned to make these oyente of lncreaeing import-auce. Tli e expeass are cnonnoms, and therc isao possibility of prof it iasuch aai ent-erprise. It is an at tempt on tim part oí a tTaiuiersity society to (ii its part to make Aan Arbor, the. wat oí the great inistitution so dear 1-c the state, a musical city, aoxl to malie the institution itself an influcijc üi stimulating high artistic deals. I; Ls peculia-rlj fitting tüiat this hould be so. Dr. Stamley lias tho executive ability to carry these great enterpiitcs tlirough successiully. We pre(ilct that in a short time the anEual May Festivals at taie University, of Hicliigan -w ill be ra-nkeid -with thoso of Cimcinnati and 'Woircesteir.


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