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trfge Kinne returni-d tu Monroe Uoiitlay. Kobért Gerner h;i= goae on au exitijded trip in the west. liciiry A. Stelnbacih with E. H. Mile-, spcnt Bunday lm Cliclsea, riiase Dow, wlm hae been ill tor a. coupli' of weeks, is out again'. Mr. and Mis. Geo. Stimson are entí'itainimg a brigtot baby boy. Waid Howlett, of E. Ajih htreet, .'pendí? the vaoation in Jackison. Miss Paula Girbacli, of Chelsea, is visiting Aun Arlxw friends this -eek. Led Gniner left MonKiay for a, week'e Btay wit'.i irlends ia K:lamazoo. A was boom to Mu. atad Mr?. }:d. Hurst of üie NorthsidO lit Satui'da}. Mr. A. E. Sliaw, (M Olivia, Place, leit Jlomlay a. an. for a trip i:" i]t'' f.fUtll. Wallac :. Palmer left Mon-day iDOiniiii: to take his new position in IH-1ioit. Mr. and Mts. Frank Oosaman, o! Jackfon. spcnt Eaeter wifch Ann ArUo friemds. Mis.. Harrey Koot of Xorthvtlle, is clic uuest of Miss Corii. Alexundeir, of I.mviciice et. I'raiik Feiner, wluo lias been in Deiioil tor tlie past two w&elas, is tacU lijm agaln. ü H. Wild, Jr-, U thO home oí G. H. Wild, Sr., Wediaesday. Th is the secouti sou. C. W. Dennison, of Leadville, (olc, is a gnert of Sire. W. G. Uoty, on S Fifth ave. Gfo. D. Mclntoisih, of the FHnt íy Kevs, is spandíMg a íew 'days witli E. í. Ottaway. Counly Scliool Com. Efect Wedenx yev lias gone to Kalamazoo to aísil írieote for a. few days.Jo'híi O. Jenkins, foinrnerly of tlie Argus torce, expecte to rftBSove to Detroit ia a few daysAliss Spooner, of Gramil Raptóte, is ;!■itll)g tuse Misses and, ilabel Pculiam, oí. E. Liberty e.Prof- J. A. C. HildniW, wifei aiiulrchiltíren expect to leave foír Gemiaaiy as soor. as tlie Umiversity cloees.Mis. Fvod. "W. Sclmiz of Detroit, ís g-jütending tlue week witli her motliCT, Mrs. Dietas, oa N. Asüiley awe.. C'bshier Belser of ttoe F'. & ÏE. IwilIí, hoi gone to Flüii to atteud tlie state luec-ting of the Royal Afoanimn.Dr, Jaaiies A. Mclmdoei, of Jjiraa, ( iliio, will spend the coming, -weet ar 1). A. Tiuker's, od. Climrch st. JcJid A. Zalia, formerly witb Mack & Sclumid, now oí Detroit, lias been. Aun Arbor Iriends diiring. fhe. pas l few days. Aitíiur St. John, oí Aun Arbor, expecte to spemd the epriiig a,nd sudimer wiUi Arthur Birfl, of Higlüaüid.-Ho-well Eepubllcajir Guy C. Tlioimpson, of the Wayne County Lega) News, was in thO city Suuuay, visitiiig ïiis parents, lütr. aii.l Mre. B. í. Thoínipson. Dr. and Mrs. Fleming Carrow and Lir. nnü ilrs. Paul G. Freer, are aatklpatinig spemlLng tde summer tion iu the mountains of Virginia'Mrs. Dr. Carbour, nee Hattie Swathel, of Chiattamooga, Tenn-, is in stlie city visitlng: lier parents, 5Lr. ant1 Mns. J. T. Bwatliel of S. State il roet. J. A. WUmam and íamily, wliO' barre been living here for the piast year, cducating their chiidren, wlH mQ've back to tlieir former home in llint in the near future. Wan J. Frank, whoi is well known 1 many of onr younger people, a s-on of Win. Frank fonncrly of tlio Germania, is now with Traub Bros. I iv Co., .Tewclers, Detroit. M is-s Una Abel, otf tlie Mrs. I Wiothrap Co., who bad been tho gruest oï lier mother at the S. A. E. house iop K:eial days, lias resumed lier place in the company aguin. Adam Schlee, who lires ui Aan Arlior ,towu just off hte rivw roadj and wlk has been ill some time, is con..ilcwing. He has &o far reoovered lba-t lic is about the bousO once. more. Prof. J. H. Drako will visit Menonv isee, Eficanaba. and other -upper peninsular schools the coming week 6nd examinee them with reference 1 o aidmitting ttair graduates to the UnirsíEy. Postmasber Carpeater submltted to au operation upon his eye, at Ann Aiboi yesterday, calculated to cure tilo ulcera from which he has sutferp.d mucli Ehee past few months.- Ypsilaoti Sentinel, April 10. stephen C. Hall, Ut '69, of "VVaverly X. Y., a promlneaifc business man of tliat place and oí Buffalo, formerly i a Dexter boy, is vteitLog oíd frioads liere aal in Dexter, accompanied by I bis son Mlnard, who expeots to entei- thc L'niversity uext year. "P"or marriaffe choose your opposlte." Atfirstl tnougbt that rash; But 1 shall clioose my oppjSite- I I want agirl willi cash. It was a man of apt remark who described a stammering man As oue who got his language out on the 111Htallmentplau. In the springtime ymmg mau's faucies, Witli the kiss of buliny Kir, Turn the o der incn kuow betler - ïo thoughts of ligliter uuderwear. Lee Co-wan is iu Detroit visiting' fjitndi-. LIi Manly oí the Nbrthfiüte, is serious-ly 111. I', o'. Ga. W. I'atterson leít Monday nitíht for New York. Car! C'. Warden left las Saiiday for o week's sfcay ia New YotS: City. Míes Carrie Dickefl, of tlie 2dl ward ■bool, left Fríday for lier honse Ín. Enmeo. Mise Peai-1 5IDoniald left Saturday for week's vLsit witli her párente in Ashlaml, ObiOu. Misses SS'ellie Bacli and Freddie G5HJftTe, left Fiidny Chicago, t isit relatives aad íríemds for a week. L. C. "Wallingtom Avilo has been visiting at Dr. Fred W. Blake'S, returttc(i home -to DetroEt Firíday. I Dr. AV. G. Eice ha gone up north on.' ti. liunting expeditíonMrs. W.. W. Bliss,. wöo has leen Quite seriooisly ill,. is convalescing. Mis. W. AV. Beaiñan: has gome to Troy, Ohio, to renraia' for one week. Jolin Comstoct who was visiting relatie ca here ha rerturned home ti Owosso. Walter C. Fi-itze, treasurer of the Alhletic Associatioa, spnds his iaation in Chicago.. Mrs. R. S. Greemwoioul lias gone to. Cleveland, O., focr a short stay wlth frionas. Henry Mattneivs expeets to leave Iliis city and take up life residence in Lansing before long. Claude Chapín who was visiting fiiends in tlii city and Scio', bas relAirncd lioime to Milan. ! . H. YanTasael, "Wesleyan Guild seciei.arj-, has gome to his home in Detroit to speud a part of tlia vacation. Miss Tna Momtonye, who had been pending general weeks witJi relatives hf.Tü a.nd in Ypsilantl,. has returned honi'. to Laüe Eidge.


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Ann Arbor Courier