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A robiu's note, n sprout of grass, A bonnet new and dear; A deluge of ten tiiousand poenis, And spring is here! The coart house 'has shed its storm doors. The Toledo & Anón Arboir's earnings íor March. íell oíf $10,810, on a total of $00,671'. The K. T's will leave Ana Arbor August 22, astead of the date givir. yesterday's issue. jas. W. Robisoín brpugiit soine gooitï lookiittg equines home fi-oni Chicago ■wttli hian. Drop in and take a loolá at tliem. There iwre 569 ononey oirders paid from this post office last week, aggregating about $5,000. Accordmg to Ituw, tlie stars and íttripes anust float oier every school liousc in Michigan when school is ineessioin. Elizabeth E. Kirby tlirough lier attorney Andrew E. Gibson, has applied tor a divorce frorai lier husband .loseph E. Kirby. Accordimg to the aiew military reg■ulatiioos all minors joining a military compaaay must have the w ritten consen1; of pareats or guardians. Ca-thaTine Keenan sues ior divowe frcni her husbamd Bernatrd Keenan, snel als fo.r an Injanction restraining Keenaai íixjim dispoBing oí his prop-erty. . t TJiose who have not yet paid their sewer tax sliould ireinember that the tax is running at five per cent all tlio time, and that the way toi stop interest is to pay thenit liad a little lamb, Which grew to be a ewe ; It followed lier to school one day. and then it realized whutafool it was, for the school was a cuisiile college. And there it Biíon Became a mutton stew. Tlue measl;3 are quite prevalent omeng the youngsters about towiu C. S. Millen liad the tag1, collar and all, stolen off liis dog w day; or two, emce. The first official act of Mayor Walker was a grave afíairl, to. siga aleed for a cemeterx lot. A mew galleiy lias been put iii) at St. Thoanas' church for the accommo datioii of the orchestirai and choir. It is a fine improrvement. The followlng new telephones have been put in : Farcnelr's & Mechanic's Bank, No. 161 ; J. Henne & Co., Ko. 160 ; Joe Parker, 46 ; George B. Marsden, 158 ; C. Speath, 97. J. L. Washburn, '95 pharmic, will sutc.eed W. G. Palmer in Calkins' Pharmacy. Mr. Palmer will sever Ijí.s connection with Mr. Calkins next Saturday, aíter a eervice oí fíve years. Kelt year will be ttie last chance íor the oíd girls, according to the íew Orleans Picayunie. TUiere will not be atnother leap year tul 1900. Olí1, baolielorb had better take proper precautions. Just th sajne, it wlll be maoy. a day before Aun Arbor will lia ve a better hief ojf pólice than Parrisi 5 Banfield has mada Any man, holding the positiom. wlll make enemlas if he loéis his dutyi. The mew Hardware íiiim of Muehlig 6 iSchonid, succeseoi's t-o Schuh & Muehlig, comsistlng of AntKrew Muehli; and Fred Sohjnid, ia a gootl one and propooe to onato a strike lor theii' iproiper sliaa-e ojí trade. Railroaés have dropped the ten 'run wild" m their running train orders and now use the more expressive words "run extra" or "nmi irregular" for freight tralne, and' "lui: special" for passenger trains. A difference of opinión between the board of public works amd Hutzel Co., in reference to the construction of the "Washington st. sewer caused a little frictioia this aiteirnoon betweeoi the above mentioned parties. They are making bicycles now, w iitthing but eight pounds, warranted too carry safely a mam of aneragö ■size. If 'tiiis keeps on, people in the nexr generation wlH le riding aroimd Ctti lap-welded cobwébs wltü invisiblei tires. Ben. O'Neil lias, resigned his positiou as mail anessenger, on account of the diminutive saüiaxy, having to beep two liorses and realizing less tJiaoi six oemte per trip. Bids are dow beinff recei'led at the postoffice for re-letting the job. Po&tniaster Beakes sayis that this oiiice cam no't be effected by conunterfeit two-cent tstaanps issued by Cliicao) -crooks. The only way to get thoso stampe into circulation ■rtould be to sell them at a discount to pairties tising a great many dturing tliO yeair. CoinmaiLder S. B. Daboll of the depajrtmeat of Michigan G. A. R., lias oppomted V. K. Clhilds, of this city. 'a. member of tlie executive comiiiittec ai tJbue Couiacil of Admtniistratio.n. THife is an impOTtant positkMi as this committee practically döea tlie work of the eatire connciU Stephen Prntt, of Detroit, will erect a large business block this spring on the vacant land just south of Koch's furniture store. It will be constructed at a cost of $20,000 and will be a fine addition to the business houses of the city. There are to be three stores in the lower story, while the second and third will be occupied by the Crescent Clasp works. The first story will be built of brown sandstone, and the whole reuiaining front of pressed brick. The plans were drawn by Malcolmson & Higginbotham, of Detroit, and the contract'has not yet been let. The flowers will bloom on the lawn, (But it may be some days yet.) And the birds will carol through the dawn (It may he some days yet.) Thecrystal strcums willgurgle free, The young lnnf sprout upon the tree - And spring come dancing merrily, (But it may be sume time yet.) -Cleveland Plain Dealer. The O. E. S. poverty social will lakei place on or about May 8. Lelia Fox has been taken lo the Industrial School at Adrián, to reniaiii until stoe is 21. The Paulist fathers, Revs. Smith and Younan, will contluct a mission In St. Thomas' ehurch throughout the ■eek 'beginning Sunday April 21. Maj. Win. C. Stevens is moving the laige maple trees om the Catharine st. side of hls lot to other locatious. This is niadie necessaTy ibecause of the gradiiiR down of the liill on Cii'thaa-ine st. vhieh will be done thi season. Margaret Caroline, wife of Charles West, No. 38 Fnller st., died this morning 12:30 o'clock, of pneumonía, aged 38 years, 6 montlis and 4 days. Funeral services wil! be lieldon Friday, at 2 o'clock p. m., from the A. M. E. church. At a meeting of the Boardi of Birectorsofthe Y. M. C. Av Taesday cve'g, Mr. O. B. Johnson:, in the literary department of the UulTeirslty,. was1 employed temporarily as the general tecretary, to take charge of the ïooms, etc. The üog poisooer is 011 dttty again, end niany canines aboait the city, t ome f tlieni -valuable ones, have been pc-iscued ivithin a day oi" two. Tiio.3 F. Leonard, of E. Ann st., lost oiie Tuesday a. mi. tliat he thwught a great. 'deal ol. Charles F, ICyer is expected home frtmi Seattle, Wasli., tlii.s. week Fri day ot Satarday, to take oliargO oï tlie books ol the firm of S"va.thel, Kyer & Petenso. He left therei 011 tbe 15th. He lias been in Seattle for aboiut eighteen months. Henry J. Friss, late bookkeeper for SwatJael, Kyer & Peterson, has been calied to Chicago by the illness of liis eon. with consumption, and may be absent for a considerable period. Mr. Friss is a meinber of "Welen Post G. A. E. , and a jrentlenian mucli thought of by hiis comrades. The city treasurer received a letter from Rhinebeck, N. Y., this moming. asking "tJie valué oí one $1 and one $2 bill on the Bank oí Waishtenaw Aun Arbor, Midi., issued May lst, 1854." Tliat gentleman could not give the writer lunch encouragement. These were wild cat times. The little ehild of Elmer VanAinbeig. avIio has been totally blind, caused fi-om catairacts, is no-w able to see again witlx one of liis eyes, but unotlier pE;i'ation will ,be neceesaiy to let tlie light into' the other. He will be taken t o Ajin Arbor in about tluee weeks.- Brightom Argus. Mis. Abbie Topilinson, a former resident oif this city, living on X. State st., until abolut ïour years ago, vher. he went to Brockway, Mich., to live with lier granddaughter Mrs. Abbie Cowie, died April 3, aged 87 years. The remains. were taken to Spiingüeld, Mass., for burial. Cards are out annóunuing tbe marriage on Wednesday evening, April 17, of Levi Nowland, of Plymonth, and Jennie May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cook, of E. University ave. The services will be at the home of the bride's párente at 7 p. m. The couple will be at home after April 22, at Plymouth Micb. Frank Leminon, witli Davis firoe. i'c Co., and lor se ver-a 1 years one of th; most popular clea-ks ia the vilUrgí! lias accepted a positioii with f?.-}ialrer & Millein o Aiin Arbov and wil! begin his duties tliere next Moinuay. Frank will take witlli hiin the In .■; L wislies Oi ti. lioet of w-anm friendisi. - Dcxter Ieader, April 11. ■'i! team thiat at Wek-h Post Tuesdoyüig-lit, ('oinrades lJean, Boule, Ses sions, Cliilds and Danforth, were each called upon to render unto the post an account of tliemselves and thelr doIngsj whilu at the recent state encampment at Mt. Clemens. This they did in a very enteu-taining way, causing mucli meiTirnent, and at the same tiiiu' glving the members a descriptioai of the meeting. The spiring eleotioai cost the city of Ann Arbor $535.45. Oí this $79.ö(' is chargable to the republican pa.rtisanship exhibited in r&atlug the sevenfch ward. - Arg-us. And still the AjTgnis keeps up its own partisansliip. It is oiot a great lengtli oí time back il: history when the Argus advocated the división of th lst waj-d into two iing precincts. Tlieai the cost of eleition would have beeti the same as now. Tbc üro Tuesday aftemoon which called out the department, was in a house on W. Second st. Tlie people erc absent from the house at the tinne, buit it is probable that the fire cauglit froin a ttefective chimney. llie flames were extinguished by the Chemicals without the aid of the hose streairn. The loss emtire is estimated et abont $50. The dlscovery was niade }ust in the nick of tima, irow' eer. The latn county treasurer Paul G. liiefcej is iiow esmgeugeé In newspaper woik i.n Toledo, O. The marrieil folks daincing club will have mi informal Eaister party at dj-ojiger's on Tlitu-sday oning, Apii! 18tli. Jacob Dingman was arrested by Officer Banfield this noon for indecent exposure of person. He was brought before Jusüce Pond, waived examination, and bail was fixed at $500. Mrs. Beattie, of Pontiac, lias puichased the residence of Jas. Shirley No. 19 Wilmot 8t., tlirough the Bach & Butler agency. Consideration $2,500. Carne. Wedne'Sday evening to reside wïïh Mr. ajid Mrs. Bdward V. Seyler ei E. Cathariae st., a bright littla isme -pouiMl baby girl, over whlch it parents aire very proud. aaid happy. L. Gruner lias two mem it work dynamiting' the stumps on his twelve ocre l&t on Brook's Btreet, 3d ward, prcpa.ra.tory to putting ia spring crops. He says the dynaimite does the business thoroughly. Tliere is ome class of people, and1 quite ire&peeta.ble people tliey are too, v"ho ■■11 always treafc you if you po y íor it : Doctors. The Eberbacli Drug and Chemical Co. have secured the contract for furnisbing the University witli suppliesfor tiie coming year. Tbeir bid was $2 low the eastern liouse that seeured the contract last year. Walker &Co., feel very mucli pleased with their page ad in a recent issue of the Courier. They stated to a representative of this paper to-day that they had already entered into correspondence with parties in Columbiis, Ohio, as a direct result of the advertisement, and would effect some sales there. Dr. Fred W. Blake, dent. '94, is niccly situated In rooms over Brovvn's drug store, and has warked into a fine dental practice. He prides himself upan doing good wort, and everyCimï vcho patronizes -him is so well sfitisfied that others 'are reoomimended. If you. want to get your teetli doctored drop up and consult Ir. Blak. The Ann Arbor Concert Co. reports a very successful trip to Howell. They drew a crowd that the hall would scarcely hold. After the concert the company had a fine banquet in the private car "City of Ann Arbor," at which Caterer E. C. McClure did hiniself iroud. He produeed a very original nenu, including some of the following 'are and palatable dislies: Potato witli make-up on ; young turkey, with violin obligato ; beef, with trombone solo ; deviled crabs, with plionograph attachments; sugar corn, with soprano solo; Saratoga chips with characters; macaroons with specialties, etc. The company expects to give some more con ((erts in Uie near future in surrounding towns. "Say," Baid.a sixtJi waird bachelor, tliis monniiKg, pointing to the ). ocd-winked statue of Justice on the court liouse, "I nevea' could see "vliy. they always liavie a woanan to repífíeoit Justice. Men íu-e always jTJdges, a,nd men always compose the jurieis, and woaniea haie nothing to -with it. I EieTOr coaild understaiid it. PferhapS yooi can teil the rea sen," addressing liis eonversation. 1o the writer. Before an answer could be formúlate d, a, black-eyed yonng married attorney from tlie 4th. v.ard. poke up : "I can. tell you. Berause her woo-k is never done." The bachelor from the 6th went ofí scratching the bald ispot on his head. as if no fully coanprelieiLding what thc 4th wardef meant. Ií is únderetood tuat under fche new scliool law all teachers in all city schools, whether uadea special charter or not, will have to passi a regTilaj ezámlnatlon the same as is i equired oí all otlicr teachers. While 1hs law may be a gwod onei, it is quite Hable to work great injustice to maay experieaced and excellent 1 í .íichcrs. In out owa schools, for ins.tanee, there are t eachers who leach sp ia! studies, tliey are fine instruc1iis in thcir line, but they beconne íus-ty Ín otlier lineas, ajid it would be diíficult for tlie-m to pass a geineial examinatioai. They would certa luly fail ualees they could take time lo post up on the v&rious topics requiied in a general oxainination, and yet tlieir services to the schools are ■vorth mo're by a la.rge per cent. tluui could be Mióse of amy inexperjejiced persons, just out of school, end consequently retaining fresli in nicnioi-y the topics required. Tlie Aun Arboir schools have always been as sucecssful as any in tihe state, and the school board, together with the superintendent, have al'ways leen the jiHiseí of the cnpacitie-s of the teachers, and they have seldom failed in that judgment. It is uot nlways the best scholar that make-s the best teacher. There are peculiar qualities successful teachers must jpoeses, and it is these qualitiesj quite as mucli a a knowledge of books, -vvhich is locked for. Just what the decisión ■will bo in regard to. omr owa schools ■whicli are runaing under a special charter, is not knoKvn as yet, but it is altogether probable that the atlorney general will construe the uew law as aplpying to all schools.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier