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Revival Of The Monroe Doctrine

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The almost elmultaneoua actions of Fp&ln ;uid Great Britain are curious, tu í-ay the least. Great Britain., af ter a Mii, ut tempt at control of the desUnies o( Ilawaii and oi the commerce of th(! PaclilC by niea.ns of perpetual iease oí Necker Isla ml, a lease to the grantingol wlikh President Cleveland and Seercbary Greshani were fatuously favorable, eeemis to Iwive gone tö woik -wiUi ijiteait to secure such a footing in Nicaragua and Venezuela as may niakc lier dominant ovw thO projected hip camal, and over the ti'3-di' of the great Orinoco lliver. Yery oddly, just at the tilme of EngJand's oncrgetic aetion on the continent Spain niakp.s nucli an unfriendly demonstration in thO Caribbean Sea a to make it likely that thO Atlantic squadron of the United States will be withdcawn froini tav coaiste of the foi.tra) Amerloan vepoiblic. If the concurrent actions liare been planned by the two Kuropoan powers they can nol luit be regardi&d as threateninir the fxistence of the Manroe doctilno as. a poJitical factor; if they uo bul accldeatally simultaneous they ar; euggcstio of .future la,nger. Wlietbér accidental Dr premedita ted, rtoent evento demónstrate the neces6-ity o' a a-eaiewod aavd extended assert:oji oí the great doctrines of Ameriiea tor the Americaints, aaid of thO construct ion and maintenance of a navy adequate for tuiO enforcement of the doctrine. i The conqnest or forciMe possession by any European power of a foot of soil upon any part of the American continent or on any of its islands that have an independent and specially a republican form of government should be regarded as an act of war upon the United States. No efforts should be spared to unite all the republics of Northern, Central, and Southern America, and of the contignous islands, in an offensive and defensive league for the maintenance of Pan-American independence. The wise policy of Blaine and Harrison, of Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, and Monroe should be revived. At the present time the country needs a Secretary of State as bold as Marcy and as diplomatic as Seward. Sailors as bold as Duncan Ingiaham, of the St. Louis, or AVinslow, of the Kearsarge, or as Commodore Wilkes this Republic ahvays has liad and ahvays will have. It is only when hampered by the instructions of timid or dilettante civilians that our naval officers hesitate in vindication of American honor. When Ingraham took Costa from the Austrian frigate he knew that Marcy was Secretary of State, and when Wilkes took Mason and Slidell from the Trent he knew that Seward was Secretan'. What Walker would have done in Hawaii had Blaine been Secretary may be guessed at easily enough. Just now there is need of a revival of Americanism. Great Britain ought to be made to kuow that the United States will not consent to her obtaining freehold, leasehold, or protectorate in Venezuela or Nicaragua. Spain ought tobe made to apologize for her assault upon a United States ship, and if circumstances give good color of justice to the act the Cuban patriots should be recognized as belligerents. The sooner that all America, insular and continental, shall be governed by Americans the better it will be for the peace and prosperity of the world. - ínter Ocean. I'eihaps Iïockefeller wlll make rucugh out of lus raise ia oil to pay rot only his incomie tax 1ut givie bis coul oil univensity, run on the colt! water plan, another million or two oï iroucy. i Tho "pasr Job" which the dwnocrats assigaed fo Üiemiselvs whem they uadertO'Ok to revise the tariff lias proecl io be the liardest task. any party ever attcmpted. Xot only lias it If-pt the leaders 'buisy for the greatc:1 part of two years, bat it has wréckert tho party as well. Da you lx'lievc, kijid reader, there is a God ?- ar is this great uni-reê fjcni the blade of Brass to tliO mighty planet that vevolve tliroiugh ondless ppact- and lor augíht ive know, thrcmgh otornity- only tho creation o! blind chance, govenied by 110 luw, natl directed by no intelligence ?- Our Drunb Animáis. Wlier. ttbc Eockeefllens amd the Ar mo-urs and the other i.apHalisi.s intere&ted, Iliave made enoaigü extra to poy (their Inoo'me ta.x, th.e price of oii and beef will prabably go down again. The giverniiient assesses thfin on their incomesi, which they, psy, and then tuni around and raise 1ho price of tlieir camniodities and, rnakd the consumere pay it back to. tlicra. The people and not the capii tali4ts pay the incwme tax yoa see tkui't you?


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