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Spring, we love you lor your viole ts, And lamba tlit gnily skip, But mostiy for the hpp that soon There won't be any grip. The best furnituro pileil out on tfce irent steps indícate wliat is going on -nithin. Kow is the time íor that friend oí ycurf who has a horse and cari'iage to take you out for a ride. Housckeepers are 'fimdiing out that the ■oracious carpet bug is planning ii 11 acti- sumniw campaign. Tlic next meeting oí this, the Detroit diocese, is to ba held with' St. Aiiilróv's parisli in this city during' 1lu: coming June. A Dakota Indian has gome into tbe wcather pa-ophesyimg business, and this is hls predictiom : "Hoap big water'' this season. Henry B. Dcdsley is assisting Astcssor O'Heairn in, taking thO births and dea,tns for past year, and in ruaking out the military list. George Jacobus & San started the a new for Mrs. JIi mnda Lukins, on Chiurch st.., between Willard aind Hill &t., Fj-iday. ' Georgo Spatlielf, Jr., has bought (li e residence property No. 5 Traven cft., Korthilüe, ainl will reinodel the wie ajid iix it up' ia gaod siiape Mrs. John S. Weneir, whO' died at; Ciclar Springs recently, lived in Ann, Arbor fixjim 1838 to 1854h. She -was( 7S years of age, aad had beeni an, inalid eeTeral yeairst Mf.yor Walker vetocs the $100 re-' ■yvard for the dog poisoncrs on legal gtoimds alone. Ho is in sympathyi ■vvlth the spirit oí it, but does not "be-1 IteT tihat it can legally be did. Ides of April now are with ns, But its breezps blte ml stingAnd still '-olil Father" Winter Llngeis in the lap of Spring. To-day can be well considered quite a blow hard. Mrs. C. A. Chapín lias commenced 1Ub erectio'n oí a ítiew residence on Kingsley et., east of State st. Mr. and Mrs. Bernh&rd Mast, of ]:t;ites street, lost their infant sou 1 uesday eveninig, alter a brief illness. Kobert Campbell has coinmenced exca-iating' for a fine new residence at tlie corner of S. División and Monroe sts. The latest thing in. window decorat i-ons is colored saw duist. It makes a - ery pretty grooimd woirk on -which 10 display some classes of goods. A. D. ThoaipsOin, of Howell, has been empiyed by the T. & A. A. railroad, to ;cok up titles. He is now engaged in putting the right oí way for a ne-wi !ino of railroad from Aim Arbor tq AVhitmore Lake. The Devil's Auctiom was onO of the theat-rical attoactioins at Aan Arbor tlm week. Two newspapers were eold dirt cheap, but the editors were bid in.- Adrián Press. Don't you be loo satanically sure of tbat. Th(i idea of setting aide ome day i;t the year to iasitil intO' thO minds1 ei t'he growing generation a greatei' dtgreo o{ patriotism is a good idea, anu yet in this glo.rious republic every 6cl:ool day Bhould be a Patriot day. A letter from Mrs. Alex. Winahell i o a friead in this city!, was received a íew days since, sbating that shO woultl leave Mianeapolis, Minn., last Jícnday for a year's tour in Eui'ope. Shu goes in ccrnpany wttb her brother and ihis family. Patrick Doflovan lias been strucls wltU the spirit of progress now sa popular on the Xorthside, and wiU put a new roof on lite store 011 Broad-: way. Mr. Do-noTan is now 81 yearfl o lei. has been in continuous business on the Northside fifty yeaj-s, and says' (Lat he never knew a bigger boom for tJiat portion of the city tham is now on. Mis. E. D. AVines, of HoweJl, is the. posessoT of a. copy of the. "Peninsular Coutrier," of Ann Arbor, diited1 April 20, 1865. The pajpeir is almosfy wbolly given up to accounts, of the iiisassinatiou of President Lincoln, and i? printed witli turned column rules as a badge oí mouraing. lt is a valuable relie oí ttliose troublous timefc.- Howell Republican. Augustin Sage, living two and onehalf miles northwest of Saline, died fast Thursday at half past 1 o'clock of the grippe. Mr. Sage is of the Lodi family of tb at name, who are quite prominent in that township. He was 44 years of age, and Ieaves a wife and five cliildren. The funeral services will be held at St. Thomas' chtirch, in tlüs city, on Saturday niorning, and burial will be in St. Patrick's cemetery, Northiield. rJ liis is Jufit as gooi a fruit región as tliere is in Micliigaji, the only 11) mg about it is that fruit trees nced care and attention, tlie same as cVerything else grown by farmers or ciilicrs. Apples, plome aml cherries nuisL be sprayed to secure a good erop. and -the trees 'muist be cultivated, pimned and caa-ed tor, or they vrill not respond witli au abunda nt Lar vee. That is all the secret there is in fruit growin.gx Hérman Prinz, of Halle, a. S., Saxony, wlio is a member of the junior deint class, iinished his work and left for liïs home Saturda.y, whero he is au insti-uctor in crown and bridge woik. He will retuma in, the faJl; to complete his cooirse and take his slieepskin from the U. oí M. Mr.i Prinz was mafle a Master Masón flur- iugthe past year by Fraternity lodge In his country they ha.Te to servo ai years' probation beíore taking the; 8d . degree, we are told. Oh, furnace in the hours of freeze, Yon ne'er got over three degrees; When thaw time comen, and signs of spring, You warm riylitup like everything. The general expression aimoiig business mea is that business is picking up. New paint is refreshing and beautb iyiiig taajiy Ann Arboir residences just) LC'IV. Mis. E. .T. Iiutts is to buildi a eew nsidcnce at No. 50 "Wasihtenaw ave., this summer, to oost about $5,000t If you like strawberries well enough to for tluem and tlie sugar they takc. it is dead easy to obtain thean'. Maay of teacliers are conteanpJatiag a trip to Denver to attend iIjc national oonvntion there this glimmer. If any one thinks there are no inKcts in the air jast now he should fsamine tlie sides oí a newly painted Louse. "W. Pièske "wlll build a new liouse tMs spring in the neighborhood of the j loll pate. He Jias already begunj the ' foundation. Pontiac claims to have the best) looking mayor in tJie state. How, ever that may be oaw mayor is. the bf st Walker in the Bbate. 11 a y 3d is Arbor Dayr It is a day that should be more gemerally observed than it is. Plant a tree. 'lliat is g'iowing "svliile you are sleeping. Iulerior Tiews oí tune Great Hive offico of tlie L. O. T. M. diere wetre taken ■ft'ediiesday to be displayed in the illus-trated lecturo gi-e.a by Mr. Iloyt throughout the state. 'The members of Comp&jiy A will hereafter be more pirompt ia attending- to their drill duity or there will oonie umto them a remiader tliereof that will remimd them thereof. No more neglect says Gapt. Fischer. Dr. Fleming Cai-rorcv, of the Univereit'y, examined all tthe paipils in. the state school for the blind'. He believen that many may regain, their slght and will opérate upon them at Ann Arboir. - Kalamazoo Gazette. There is aai rdimance on our cityj statute bookd that demies the right oí any resident to kleep his or lier chickens on his or heir neighboi-'iS premises, and any one who breaks tuis ordtoance deserves to have said chicken's necks wrung'. The exahiination cf Ex-County: ui ! iCu,pw]; jCaang eai.t, was again adjourned until May 11. Tho prosecuting attamey will then makn a chaage in thO complaint. Ie is tliouglit, howover that thO afluir will be amioably adjusted by that liruc. The bicycle rage amounts to nearly a craze. Every one large and small, who can raise uioney enough is investing in a wlieel of sonie kind. Street ear owners complain because it hurts tbeir business, likewise liverymen. The owners of liorses are seeing them deprecíate in value. Especially are these things true in the larger eities. Mrs. H. K. White, of the rirenroad, áieü Friday a somewhat extended, illnese. Tlie fameral was held at the house on Sunday afterijocr. at 2 o'clock, Eev. J. T. SunderlniKl coaiducting the same. Mrs, White is ome of the oldest residents of this vieinity, and a highly respected and widely known person. Tlio children's masquenade at Gran-t ger's 'Wedmesda.y eve. was ooie of tlie slghte that ome comld wish io see. There were abwut one hum d: ed oí the Httle folte en masque,, rep-i :i f enting all soi-ts of characters and thijjga. That they eoijoyed the affair goe without &ayiag, aad it was no kas enjoyable to the m.any parents auil older people who looked on. Tlie was mot only a success but ai proat credit to Mr. and Mrs. Gr&ngerj who conceived attd carried it out. !Seeral loxes of valuable(?) books were a-eeeived Wednesday by the ootinty clerk froni Ianshi.u Mr. Iiansingbtirg says that there arecords of these books now stored in thq atlii' oï the court hotiises; aad that it is impossible to get tfnem awar. 'lliat hc reporte3 tliis. fact to the authoiilie.s at Lamsinigf, but yet they seem dt-teriniaed to keep sending on more of tlienii. Tliore a,re toims of them Ilsat are not worth the aniouiiiit. paid out in freight and' exproas chai'ucs. And yet no legislature tlnat lias ever been chosen has dared to set down on 1üis extravagant wast of public iuiids. There oceurred Weömesday at the rtSiidence oï Mr. anxl Mrs. James M. Cook, of E. University ave., the maviiage of thcir daughter Jennie Kst, to Air. Levi Xowlamd, of Ply- inouth. The ceremoaiy was perform ed by Rev. C. M. Co'benn, of the M. E. church, and was vitnessed by ai nuniber oí relatives and friends. A rweption followed the ceremonies, at which guests were present from the city and abioad. Tlie coiiplo will toke their depao-ture for Plymoutb whore they will liereaíter reside. Tha bride has a great many friends in the city who will wish her and heit hubband happy and useful lives. A moment, and onr joyis goue, It lives and living, alea ; A dayor twoof aunshine And then there come the ilies. Min IlacUey bas ommenced the erection of a mew on Terrace IIilI, Momroe street, Dr. V. C. Vauglian Is giving liis handsome residence on State st., a dmv coat of paint. The May Festival is being extensively advertised thrautghout the state. It is a good thiuig. Push it along. The newspapers have received their f opy oí the Michigan Manual for '95. It contains a g-ooel picture of Bro. Ddvitl A. Hamuioiad, of tJie Apgus. ProT. Lombaird's new 'house ia having- the most completO electric wiring pul in, of any in the city. The wires are insulated with rubber covering and are all laid in porcelain tubea vith porcelain inisulators, -so they do uot touch wood at any point. A well-known wealthy gentleman of t liis city last niight annoimced that, he stands réady to put $1,000 into. a V. M. C. A. buildimg. It ia certain) thut there are mamy others equally ■wljing to have this emterprise pusheil to a euccessful coinpletion. ïome people read the newspapers just to see Iiow many errors they can find. nd tlien take pleaisuirO in jab-, buig them ait the. editor or reporter lufee people oí couirse never make a. misbake themselves'. Aiud if they do me oiie is unkind enougilu to twiife Ilneni of it. i Tilo Courier hos received the 26th cnuua! catalogue of the Cincinnatl Ccufeervatory of Music, over which pwsides as direetress Miss Clara Baur anti a& preceptress Miss Bertha Baur, ioimerly of Ann Arbort It is one of the largest schools of the country, baving been organized by Miss Clara Birár in 1867. E. F. Mills & Oo.„ of Ama Arboir, this ■eek concladed the purchase of tliü stock of goods belonging to Mrs. K. Ii. Alley, and will replemisli the stock, the latter peurt of this week.: They will open their store abo ut Saturday avíUi a full line of goodsi and coijiinuie the business at the old stand. - Eiightoin Argusi. A Httle girl, in eaylng her prayera the other night, was told to pray ion ter iatber and mother, who -vere botli --ery 111, and for one of the 6eryaütfe who lwwi lost her husband. Phe did as instructed and eomcludec lier petition wibh these woo-ds : "Anc jjow, O God, take g-ood caire of your- si-ij, because il anything should hap pen to you, we Bhould all go to pieces Amen." The recital Thursday at the Churcl of Christ, given by. the pupils of Prof F. L. York and Mr. E. N. Bilbie, was very fine thing. The audience wa very lavge, more than could be accom modatetl with seats, and wliat is very complimentary to the young people tak ing part in the entertainment all re maioed uutil the program was endec Messrs. York and Bilbie may well fee proud of the marnier in which their pu pils acqnitted themselves. Frank J. Eiggs, law '93, and a "Wat-htenaw county boy, now living ii Detroit, has been. appointed mansgei' ïoi Michigan of the SnowChUircli Commercial Agemcy. It is a veiry responsibte and active position, and I'rank's friends here in Ann Arbor will bc pleased to leam of hisl good leut üne. w; H. Butlea-, oí the firm01 Bacli & Butler is local aganp lor the firm. An item is now g-oing the rounds oí the press to the effect that whisky liï made of old ragsi. "We see mothing ïfeiiiarkable in thiis. Everyone knows that a greater part of the oldi raga in this country are manufactured out of wliteky, and thero ia no apparent ïeof-on Avhy the process of coner sien may not work as well ono way íik aiiother, froim whteky to rags an4 fi om rags back to whisky". The flush tank covers on the sewers have been causing considerable trouble from a peculiarity they sometimes seem to have of flopping n when stepped upon. Those on State st. being particularly cantaDkeious in that respect. Accordingly City Engineer Key is at work designing a new cover which will fit the tanks already in, but at the same tiuie remain in their places. When this new cover is completed and found to !)=! all right the Board of Public Works will cause all tl ie tlush tanks in the city to be covered with thein. Moet people in our cities are aware) ot tlie law, bu,t %t will do: no harni'itoi teil what rights the teams and. vchltJe.i oí any flre deptartnient of any( city ot village " A piece oí apia ratus on. the ray tO' a fira mayi run into a window, OTca-tum a can riage, smash a lioreO car or kiíl a men, and no damage can be collect- ed. TJiis sort of law liolds inj overyi st ato in the Union and is backed np by decifions of supreme courts every-j where. It is needless to. say, therei foie, that teanisters who interrupt the lire apparatus are taking all the) chances. Wlien the fire alarni) touLQS, tlie iire department of acityj unüer the direction. of a chief engi-i neer becomes a sovereign. power."


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier