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Gt erge Nochol, of Flint is ia town 10 day. I). A. Tinkcr went to Jackaon tliis moinJñg. Miss Myrtie Kenipí, oí Cbeleea, is ,1 town to-il.iy. J. D. Ryan went to Rochesfcer, N. . iliis mornlng. .'. Dean left this moraing lor St. .ouis on tlic T. & A. A. Ba-rold Warwick, of Plainwell, is {rienda in the city. Miss Mary Lcwis, of Jackson, is tliq _i.:-si of Aan Arbor trlendis. Mr. :m:l MrS. II. O. Mai-kluam, of -Ui 'street. wcre án Milain Sunday. Mis. E. I". Mills and cliildren went, o Detroit Monday for a week's stay. S. W. Clavkson went to Tecumsli -cfcierday and Is oxpected back to!ay. Dr. W. J. Herdlmaji was called to MaiKliester yesterday on consulta;ou. I). B. CQieever, who liad beeoi in ■Jncagc for a few lays, lias returned )ome. W. H. Don-amce Jr., wlio has been i Jackson for a week, returned. home ;.st nignt. George Tisclier has commenced the' tmlion of a nevr residence on Hill sT'eet. Mrs. "Win. II. diss, oí Battle Cveek, is tbc guest of her parents in thJa oity tor a time. James Cleinents of S. State strcct, etiiraea last night froni a business trip down east. August Dicterio went to Brightoni Monday ,to take charge of E. F. Mills & Co's interests therci Mrs. X. T. Sly of Plymouth, spent Sunday witli. her eister Mrs. A. D. Markliani. Tlic sbíth boy canxO to Uto witli Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Kline of the Nortlisidc iSunday. Ed. Schairer and Orlando Keimold wtnt to Saline last ercning to attend ;n entertainment there. Miss Francés B'Hrgess returned yest(-rday tpom a weeks' visit witli rel,i;es nd friends in Olüo. Mrs. V. G. Dieteirle aad ehildren havo Teturned home f rom their Manchester trip. Miss Pearl McDonald has returned frcm a weeks' visit witli her parents in Ashland, Ohk. School XTommissioiner Cavanaugh goes te YpsiliMiti to-anorrow to examino 'the schools. Mr?. M. J. Martin oíN. Fourth ave., rcturned yesterday (rom a few days' ■v with relativos in Chelsea. Ilaivey Bainnister, of SistJi st., is quite 111. He is 'being visted by his son William, oí Saginaw, e. s. Charles Burkhardt and Ed. Herbert went to Saline last night to attend a presentaron oí "The, Strollerá." líenry Clemente, who has been visÜ)DK his oíd home oa S. State st,, rduraed lióme to Bay City this noon. Mrs. Theda Y. Beardsley, who has been with her daughter, Ur&. E. A. Ktitli, oí S. Thayer st,, for gome weeks, left yesterday for her lióme Ln Howell. Mrs. -W. B. Phillips, who has been attent fct Carthage, ÏC. Y., tor the pust six weeks, has retumed home. Mr. iaad (Mrs. Pliilip H. Quick of S, 1 welftr. st,, retxurned from a week's ■it vith relat i ves in Ba-anch counMoniday. Fred Eiclimoadv "wihO' had been in the city folr o, day or two„ returned licnK.lto Chicago Mouday. I'ieil AVuerth, oí Geo. W'abr's and AYm. üuele with John Goetz, Jr., made a trip tO' Mancliiesteir an,d return on their wheels Sumd.ny. C. Ij. Simmoms, of Henuderson, 3ST. Y,., epent Sunday witb. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Goodrioh. 'He left Monday for Dulutb. to take the' position of purser on the City o'f Duluth. Eicnard Kea.rns was up from DetPPlt Kunday visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Keams, of Tliompeoii et. It is announoed that on Tuesday of nest -week Iticlhaird is to wed Mi&s Louise Edlwards, of Lansing1. Mr. und Mrs. E. E. "WTliite werO calVi eA to Ann Arboir Saturday by the c'ath of the former's mother, Mrgj Wartha White.- Jacfcson Daily Citi- zea. Chas. Eister manager of the Western ünion, at Grand Rapids, was o. guest of Milo Pulcipher yesterday, with whom he learned to click the feey. Mrs. 'Julia D. Fro'St},. of N. Ingalls street, toas returned from Illinois, vhere Ishe has been on a seven weeks' Tlsit ViUi her. mo-tner, who is very ill. Koblo E. Monroe, who has been ill from typhoid pneumonía íor several weeks, has bo iar recovered that he hopes to go f o Webberrille im a day or two to remain for a time) with relatives there.


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