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The Sound Money Democrat Is The

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kind of a man who ought to be maKing ap his mind to vote tl ie republican ticket. The future historian will be obliged tosay of Cleveland that every lime he tfd a" sensible thing he had to incur the üspleasure of his party. Jtïs difficnlt to understand how a íoan who talksas sensibly as President CEteveland does on the currency question ee to make such abad bargain in the snle of those bonds to the Belmont-Morgan syndicate. Th-e talk about Senator Allison as a eandidate for President is increasing, and it is only the simple truth to say tbat he is a safe and capable man, and sae who could easily be elected. 'To do what you think rightisalways xpedient," saya Hill. That was what Oeveland thought when he resolutely jefused to say a word for the democratie andid&te for governor of New York tast year. Aret ipasliers to be aboltehed and nfr rSglils any more ? It looks so eince Mrs. Mtoerva. Taylor of Ok:ohama shot and killed a inan who wa,A anaoying her with nis attentions. "Tire budding promise of international iibift.atiea has been nipped lately by ealihgs f England with little natjooe in Central America, South America, along the Pamirs and on the upper lile. About all that the peace society can claim is that England is willing to rbitrate with a nation bigger than The official canvass shows Judge Hoore's plurality to have been 80,487. The salaries amendment was defeated by a majority of 88,974, and the circuit judge amendment by 36,711. Coniyared with last year's vote for governor, ■ epublican vote for supreme justice shows a falling off of 47,921 ; demoic, 22 ,010 populist, 4,069, and prohitiouist, 2,611. Baö as the industrial depression. in !ln; Cniteil States is, it is not so bad as ir ,r.Ti t I'.i-ilaiii, if we are lo iidge fpoan statements made ia a retent oíficial Mar. Jaimes Keir Bardie, M. I'., said in a speecli, before the parliameiLtary relieí committee lliat a govemment Orant of $25,000,000 womld no onoa-e tlian relien-e fps six weeks the suffering and hunger among tlie liritiHli uneraployed. About the funniest thing on record comes f rom Monroe. A little over a year ago Mary Baubien awidowof45 sued Will Ronau aged 53 of the samo plcae for breach of promise. The court room brought out many sweet love scènes enaoted during some flfteen years of previous courtship and in the end the ■widdy got an award of .f2,000 flamatce. -ini-e thon the courtship has re-progressed to such an extent that the yonng( '.') couple were married last week. - Novthville Kecord. The decline in the valué of "our colleague, the horse," is Prof. Tynelall calis him, is one of the remarkable facts of the period. In 1894, good horses which had been worth $200 and $300 bean to sell at $75 and $100, and those of the hack variety at niuch lower figures. At the recent Madison Square Garden sale of blooded horses only, those with first-elass pedigrees and of perfect beauty and style, which would have sold a íew years ago Lor $1,500 apiece, went for irom $150 to $200 ; and one which liad brought $500 as a yearling sold íor $175. The explauation oL this "slump" is to be found in the extensión of the use of elietricity as a motive power, and the irowing j)opularity of the bicycle.


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Ann Arbor Courier