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Aro we a nat ion? Was President Monroe a democrat? And as such did be represent the sentöuent of tliis country la the iainous doctrine propounded by lii whlle president of the United States? Hare we at AVasliinton a lot ol c egards, ivlio daré no raise their ;ce against sucli au outrage as ia ixiug perpetrated by England in Kicai atigua to-day ? li this administi-atiou entirely. Rome -as it is in free trade ? Is it possible tliat our goTOrnment &t Wasliington "is fally agreed witb Crtat Eoritain in enforcing its dernsnds against Mearaugua?" Car. it be pofesible ? TliTs irreat, free, freedota loving tjon Bit ldly by and nod assen t to the bul.'yfalg oí a little sister republic by A grat power ! Sfliades oí Washington, Monroe, and JacÊsöm, what sart of an "American1 Have we at tlie helm of Sliip oí Siste? Wliere wUl he land tliis ship oefare liis captotacy is at an end 1 Are we a 'iiatioa 1 Or are wc simply a great big spine;6SS molluek, quivwing witlj, fear at tlie bellowittg of a Buil? Overtime has succeeded half and three-quarter time in many of the big faetones of New England. Thetendency is in tlie same direction in all industries and in all parts of the country, ündoubtedly the business improvement will continue. Thé Loncton newspapers can not pouit an awful moral trom the late of Aiuerican railroads any more. Tlie tiouble witli railroads in the United States, tbey were f ad o! saylng, vas reckless ruaning into debt and btüldiag beyood present needs. Now that tlneir owa pet Caaadian Pacific road, heaTily. subsidiad by govwnmcnt and meant to draw Asiatic trad ir om the United States, has allo wed its dividend day to pass without ri.ming np any diridends, perhapa London edltow will giw us a rest on the subject of American, railroad mismanagement. An American pfiysieia.n, whO is now Ui Berlin, is said to have discovered a rurc cure for cansumptiom, which coiv sists in theinjection óf small quanti1ies of pilocarpinO into the veins ot the patiënt. The theory of the cure U that the drug acts on the lymphatlo system, restoring the white oorpuscle oí the blood and rendering tho disease germs in the ciroulating finia hamiless. This cure is eedorsed by am American consul in a letter to the state deparbrnent, and it is eaid that it wül be discussed at a great mdical conference soon to be held in Munich. Surely medical bcíencv is wattas womderful strides in tlit. closing days of the nineteenth ccaitury TVliile there is little pirobability tliat the bilí introduced by a rural niember of tbe Illinois legislature to make a separate state of Chicago will pass, it is easy to tmderstand ivliy the people of ie of the state iright be to ent loóse íroin th big and grasping city. Chicago has little in cotnmon with the rest of Illinois, and 11 Cook county -vere nide into a state by iteelf Üie other ccumties would be botter off. "Wlien Ktw York city was und&r tlie control of Tammany the people ia other parta of the Empire statO oitea expressed the hope that some way miglit be dcvised by wMcH ithey coaild he relicved iram the political dominatioa of that corrupt crowd. At present Chicago is republican, but the next clectioa may giv it to the demócrata again, aad then the wliole state of Dlinols wiU have to bear the disgrace oï bourbon misrule ia the city.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier