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The Story Of The Liver

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liecent inv-estigations have sliown that Bclentlsts are just begimung to unüerstand the human body. In that oigamlsm no orgam playa a more vital pturt than the liver, about vvhich Prof. Audrew Wilson ,of the UniverBlty ol has -n-ritten a popalar article fckr the May Harper's, onilo(lying in it the resulta of the ateBt scicntific reseaTCh. As cvery peí txm has more or lees trouble -vvlth liis oí1 her liver ive a-epriut an extract fi-om the article, believinig all ou readers will be interes-ted : The arautomieal faets regarding the lir are easily appreclated. By way of a. rationa! imderstanding of the Jivtr's work it is necessary to beoome icíjuainted witli the liver's buüd. It s the biggest organ la öur body, weiOhi(ag, as it does, befcweem tbree fine! four poiind1. lts color is of a , chcclate brown, tianged somewhat I wiül a buvnt-umber hue. Lying to the riglrt of the stamacli, it is sheltered i,nder the lower ritos and below the muiacle (or "diapin agni') -whicli eepaa-ates the cliest ironi the body's lom-r aity. Cane: above, it is hollowed out below, and its right side is tliick and rounded, ii. opposition to its tlün left border. Solid in substanee, we'. liad the Hver marbed off into iire unequal pa-rts, or dlvisions, or "lobes," of whicJi the ilgïit lobe is the lai-gest, the left left lobe aiext in point of Bize. Now Itbis big glaaid, as regaipde its esssdit.iai structm-e, is iound to be comiioied of cells. Everywhere we find the essential elemente iof a living body to osisist oí these microscopic units ■tho nature oï -rhich it is necessary appreciate, especially -witli referciice to tlie liver's woipk aud duties. Cf.h are really the ■workmcn oí tlie !Lin.t; frame. Tliey are composed ol 'irint; mattei "protoplasm") in tLtir typical developmeait, and it is tlnough the work and laboi-s of the üilïerent oelte of our bodies that the iife physical, and I may add the life nú-nial also, are maintaineu. x ucells in the tear glandss manufacture ttars. just as cells in tliO sweetbread manufacture sweetbread juices, or st as cells in the saüvary glands are ( M-ionsible for tlie making of saliva. It I tlie cells of tlie brain which are thi; instrument s thro-ugh whicli the work of governiiig and cont;olling tlie body is carried cm And I w go back ia out body'si history to itt; very begiiming, we sliall find ikat, to start wlfch, it aróse from a single living cell we cali the ovum, oe gom. "Whatever may be doubtful about Ufe ano its action, tliis at least is certain, tliat all out bodily Avork, H perfonned by mea.ns óf the cell oknies whieh compose the most vital and most active constitirents of our frame. Like orgains, tlien, our YiEY i eseentially built up of liviug- cells, the hepatic cells of the anatcmifct. Tliey are a.ggregated in slumps wliich foa-m itlie "lobules'' of the liver, eacli lobule measuring froin the one-tenth to the one-twentieth oí au inch in dhmieter. A lobule ia eally an epitome of the -vhole liver. i; wc anay asoenrbain the functioais wbicli One oi these little clumps of liver cells discharges, we may be e ore of kinowing tlie work of the gland as a v.-l.ole. Eegarding Ihe liver cells tbemselves, they are of course utterly niioro-scopic bodies. In diameter Jhey Aiiipy froou one-tliousaaid't-h part to the one-two-thouisandt-h part of an in: li . Of yello w color, the microscope fclioffs us that their protoplasm, or living matter, Is of granular nature and exhibits oil globules in its sub fc-tfinee.


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