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The Pioneer Press Company

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""""I Irs TXJUilOUS TO STOP SUDDf li. Y9TP DENLY and don'l b upon (f lï Ü by buying a remedy that requires you f II to do so, 'ís it is nothing more than a substitute. In the suelden stoppage Sfc-,--j yfs. Tfjy f tobáceo yon must have tome sth'nÍ ! j ulant, and in most all cases, the ef t feci f. e sí"nuantt be it opium, iA tjf il morphvne, or otlier opiates, leaves a T""""1 far worse habit conf Tr A f f T tracted. Aak your (I I rx L II il II 1 druggüt about BACO llJÍaWW CURO. Itispurely ■ vegetable. You do """""""""""""""""" ?ioí ce ío stop - ng tobáceo with BACO-CURO. Ii '■ üoí'; ,vo tften (0 sio and yowr desirefor tobáceo will cease. Your system wiïl'be asfreefrom nicotine as the day bef ore you took your first chew or smoke. An iron dad written guarantee to absolutely cure the tobáceo habit in all its forms or moneti refunded. Price $1.00 per box or 3 boxes (30 days treatment and guaran teed cure), $2.50. For sale by all druggist or will be sent by mail upon rcceipt of price. 8END SJX TWO CENT STAMPS FOR SAMPLE BOX. Booklets and proofs free. Eureka Chemical & M'f'g Co., La Crosse, Wis. Office of C. W. TIORNICK, Supt., Eureka Chemical and MTg Co. . La Croase, Wis. bt' Faal' Mlunesot. Sepot 7, 1394. V''"iWrs1; lliU '' 'u:l'n ? totsco ftc'nd for man5' years. and durlng the past two years have smoked flfteen to twenty ciprars reguUrly every day. My whole nervous stem became af" 1 71;"" íní, I"1'8'0', ,toUi -"'V ' mast ege up the ase of tobáceo for the time being at least. Itnod the Bo-oalled "Keely Care'1 No-To-Bao." and various other remedies, but without suceess. untll I aooldenajly learned of your "Baco-Caro .- Three weeks agoto -diï Icommencei usms your p.vjianition. an,l to-day I conslder myself completely cured; lam iii perfect henltli, and the horrible cravlng for lobaoco, whlch every invetérate smoker f ully aipreclates. has completely lef t me. I eouslder yoar "Baoo Curo" stoply wonderful, and can f ully recommeud It. Vours truly. C. V. Hobxiok.


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