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READ Tl CAREFULLY UNTIL THE DAY AND DATE, SJTUÜÖ1Ï, UT, 11, 1 i. I. ANN ARBOR, MICH. Six Car Loads of Fine Clothing and Furnishing Goods Have Been Shipped From the Late Cincinnati Fire to Ann Arbor, Mich., to be Sold in 5 Days BY ORDER OF THE [BSÜBAKCE COMPANIES. In c nsequence of the late Cincinriati fire, $169,500 worth oí Men's, Boys' and ChiWren'H clcithing has been sayed and the stock has been ordered to be removed to Aun Arbor, Michigan. The entire Palace Riuk, corner of W. Hurón 8t. and Ashley St., lias been rented by tlie insurance companiea expresely lor the purpose of this great íire sale. The building has been closed for one week to arrauge for the great sale. The entire building will be open again and the fire sale will commence Saturday, May 11, at 10 o'clock i. in., and last for five days only. Ëverything will be soM at rtiail at:!o oer cent kss than actual cost to manufacture. The stock consi Fine Clothin? for Men's, Boys' and Children's wear. $169,500 wortli of Fine Taüor-Made Olothing tor Men's Boys' and Children's wear, saved trom tlie late Cincinnati fire, must be sold by order of the surance comnanies. The appraisers for the nsnrance companies, after carefully examining th'e stock of clothing, coududed tlie same was nol badly damaged as claitned ly tin' assurei'l mannfacturer, and failingto agree as to thp actual loss, wore torced to take the stock, turn it into uioney, and the goods must be suld at once in order to make a final settlenient. All g Is ruflranteed as represented or mouei' refnníted. All goods are appraised at 33 cents cm a dollar at manufacturer's cost. As tibisis all we want for tliem, the great fire sale will enable the people of this city and vicinity to secure theirelóthing for almost nothing. Sale will positively last for five daysonly. As the time of the Great Sale" is limited, everything will go off rapidly. This is the Brst time a sale of such extraordinary magnitude has ever taken place in this city, and may never occur again. In order to show what gigantic bargains will be offered, a few irices are mentioned; aatl reraember there are 4,000 different articles we cannot inention here. Save this, bring it witli jou, and ask for the iollowiog nientione'd articles, and remember, the Great Sale will last for FIVE DAYS ONLY. Reati these Prices Garefully. Aspleudid suit of men's clothes in Cassimere and Worsted all shads and aolors, Cutaways and Sacks bound mul imbound, only $2.98 ; this suit is guarantceil vorth"$14.00 or money refunded. Men's extra line quality suits in Words, Cheviots, llomespuns and EngWhipcords, all styles and colors, and satined lined," only $6.89; thls suit is gnaranteed worth $20.00 or money reiunded. High grade goods meanins equal to the rinest quality of merchant tailor work, in all styles, Prince Alberts, Cutaways and Backs, in Wide Wales, Clay Worsteds and Cheviots, silk and satin lined, only $9.98; guarauteed worth $25.00 or money refunded. An elegant pair of men's Cassimere I'ants, only $1.48; guaranteed worth $4.00 or money refunded. Men's Fancy Striped Dress Pants, only $2.48; guaranteed worth $7.50 or money refunded. Genuine Scotch Cheviot Suits, only $5.98; guaranteed worth $20.00 or money refunded. Foreign Wide Wale Worsted and Broadclotli Suits only $12.50 ; guaranteed worth $35.00 or money refunded. Spring Overcoats only $5.25; --uaranteed worth $18.50 or money reionded. NobbyTop Coats, worth $25.00 only $8.75. Boys' h-uits at 79c and upwards, guaranteed worth $2.50 to $7.00, or money refunded. Men's Finest BalbrigganSummer Underwear only 79c ger suit; guaranteed worth $3.50 or money refunded. Men's Finest Dress ühirts, jruaranteed worth $1.25, only36c. Men's Fine Socks only 8c ; guaranteed worth 25c or money refunded. Men's Mik Suspendere only 19c; guaranteed worth $1.00, or money refuuded. Men's Flannel Shirts only 19c ; guaranteed worth $1.25, or money refunded, and thousands of other articles we cannot meution liere. Come and see them. You eannot afford to miss this opportunity. If you wish to attire youself as well as yon can, nowdo it at 6ne-third the price. Be careful and make no mistake. Look for the name and number, and recollect there is no branch store conuected witli thia wonderful Fire Sale, whicli will ast five daya only at the Great Fire Insurance Sale of Clothing, in the l'alace Rink, cor. Hurón and Ashley St. A chance for such wonderful bargains occurs only once in a life time. Rememler the" address. 500 Suite and 1200 pairs of pants, real wet, will beslaughtered at any price. Save this and bring il witli you. P ly no goods sold and no one allowed ,n the building until sale commei irday, May llth, at 10 a. m. Duribg the "üreat Fire Insurance Sale the store will remain o))en until 9 o'clock at night, and Saturday until 11 p. ni. Car fare oaid to all nntrons residing out o the city. Special prices to country merclianls. Mail orders will receive prompt attention iL accompanied with inoney order. By order of the fire adiuster. CLARENCE WALKER, Ann akhoiï, Michig In the Palace Kink, Cor. of Huron and AsbleySts. Remember this Great Sale will positively close Thursday, May 16, at 10 o'clock p. m. -


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Ann Arbor Courier