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The Monroe Doctrine Has Been

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persoded by tlie Cleveland doctrine. Col Brice declares t.hat he is a gold wcmometailtet, lut the íact remains tíiat he boiijílii ble Beaatorship on xhe bl-metallic basis. The repubiicai)8 oí the little Delaware cught to be ashanied of tliemselves. The republicana of ihe nation are ashamed of them. Japan is all right. Tlie Russian bluff did not work. Tlie plucky little nation ■will enjöy the frtiits of her victory witbont any further interference. One of tíie leatiing features of the ïoreign policy of Emgland i a dispoaitiem ta bulldoze little jia.tions and affbiti-ate with big cunes. It -n-ill le well foir Senator Palmer if be roundis out liis variegated politlcal ca.reer by retmrning to the republicau party for extreme unction. Democrats who do aiot want to rote for free Bilver next year sliould be mnking arrangement to bat out of the party which is going to put Siat doctrine into its platform. Secretary Oarltele's fortlico-ming fiaancial speech will le read with general interest, partieularly if it tells Jiow he carao to make bucIi a bad HrwIo in the eale of those last bonds. Blackburn wems to 'have taken, ad'awntage in the Kentucky senatorial frace so íar ns 1 1 1 1 democratie nominatio-n is concerneil, witJl the cilancos tn fa-xr of the election oí a republican. A dispntch from Bcnator Charle H. Smith, brings the gtratifylng intelligence Ithat Gov. Itich has signed the resolutioin providing for a status of the lato ('nv. Blalr to be erecteil.- Jatefc.=oai Daily Citizen. Why stop so it ? Brected w-here ? Japan is a small country Ín área, wïth a denso population, and it ha the best reasoca íar -wishmg to extend Jts ten-itory. Ilussia 'has more land thaai any other tnation in The ■world. Tlve idea ithwt Russia is to saín anot-liiT dice oí tlie earth as w, result oí .Tnpaifs and brilliamt campaign. against China is caleulated to put international politics on a par -u-ith plracy. Tlie mayor ot Boston and the chlet justice oí tlie Jlassachusetts suprenie court "voro Ongaged orne day last week (Arbor Day) in planting gix American elmis in front oíf tlie court house in tliat city. Jioston maintains an official called the City Foreste-r, and 'd-urtag the busy planting season in Vhe spring and f all he has oier 100 unen at woik in beantifying the streets aad parla. Yet the cot oí ihe 'department is oomparatively emall. A lady's card filiould be very nearly fequare, of moderate size, fine in texturo, amd, oieedless to say, whlte. H marrietl, "Irs." should precede xlie aa-mo on an engraved card, and tlie hiusbamd's name should be given in full. 'The address is printed in the lower iriglit-liand coirner, and tlie day lor beinig at lióme in tlie lower leftliand 'comer, and tino engraving is invariably in plain fscript. AVlien there are klaughters tlie eider is entitled toa feeparate card- as, "Miss Curtís," íor lexample- only aíter one or two seasons in society. Up to that time soe is Buppo.sed, jid her sister also, to cali ouly witli her inother, upon "whose card thcir mimes appear.


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Ann Arbor Courier