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The same oíd absence of liglit ia fche court housp tower n'ghtfi. Silas fê&xtom, oí Ypeilaati, Cakes WaJter Hii k ' p'ac ■ '.n the ('nok House bax-room. J. "L. Babeock is building a colonial porcli on tlic front of bis liouse on División street. Ittue OorngTegationial cliurch is in put in a new heatíng apparatus and ,T. F. Sclmh is to funnish it. Boy, 'tbc youmgesrt eoo of Aid. A. 1. Tei'gTisou, feil f rom a mauser and broke liH wrist j-esterday aftei'noon. About $60 -vorth of fine imported dental Instrumenta were ntolen from tbe Itental Co'lege betweea Friday aiig'lit and Monday morning. For önmday May 26, the Christian Endeavor Society of Bethleliom "Luthran cliurcli is arranging a [ine program, tliat lei:ig tts tliircl anniversary. , A cold, -vet May filis the barnwith ■vrheat fiaid hay, buít if it is too íold, the vegetable cellar goes cmpty. "Wihat ■vve Khould liko would be weather tliat is just rig-lit for both. Tlie Shetterly Bros. are fittijis; up tile Btore next south of the Favmer's & Mechanies' Iiank in fino shape for their liew ba.rber sliop, whicli ttiey expect to occupy about June lst. The Board of Public Works wi.l roceive bids imtil noon of Fridíiy, May 31st, for building the Hurón and t-lill et. isewers, 1 7 1-2 miles, the pipe to vary írom indi 1o fifteon inch iu eíze. The Ann Ai-l.or Stare now challenge nny nino in the state wnoee playera sa-all bf under 19 years oí age. They ■-ent np to Ohelsea Saturday, .-md scoopod the clul there by a score of 9 to 0. A lady's bicycle was picked up on State st., late Saturday niiht by OfKber Isbell. The macliiae had been stoleii and abnndoned hy tlie thlef. :it was reetored to lts owjier Monday x. rn. ly tlic offieer.s. Arbor Tont, K. O. T. M. have found the new furniture store of Henne & Stanger, Xo. 'J eind 11 W. Liberty street, in good furniture ihe oheapest In tliis city, and have given them a.n ordeir for over $200 -vorth. Four liobos were taken out .of a car on the T. & A. A. R'y, Saturday uight, and taken befo-re Justice Gibsoo Monday moTning-, and given the tollowing seiitcnces ; Gleason, five ;lays ; Kelly, seven days ; K arl nine Jays; Dalton, seven days, In the :ounty jail. PlxDf. Ij. P. Jocelyn of tlio Hish íchool, has been lionored by Ijeing selected io revise ilic algebra of the late Prof. Kdward Olney. Sheldon & Co., tlie iublihers, have sold inany copies tot it to imivcrsilies, colleges and Schools all owr the country, and riiey piropose to have it revised to ftring ft up to date. This is a raeritiñ compliment to a wortíiy teacher. Ben}. E. O'Xeil and Geo. F. Sanze havo been recommended by Postmaster Iïeakes, few appointmont ns substituto mail cairiere. Harry is'icliols, wlio took the examination for a postoffice cletrkahip at the reeent civil service exa-mination, received tho liigliest markings ever given umder the civil rservice rules. His average was 93.50. Fourteen pass31 the examiinatiou and five failed. Xotiecs ïiave been posted about the Atliletic ferounds giving the section of the inAv relative to' trespassing thereotn, aad tlie people wlio have been In. the habit of taking In the athletic games wlthoat payihg for it, liad better look out for breakers, for the auithorities have determined to enforce the law. A. student was airrested Saturday as a starter,, and paid ostss. OUiers will not be let ■do-wn feo easy. Dr. W. W. Xichols brought down. & ■twig fi-om a hickory tree from hta ■fruit ifawn Momiday a. m. tihat 6&owed hcnv cold weatlier had effected it. ïllie Jeaves were practically cooked by the irost. Tlie Dr. thinlcs, liowever, Uhat hte fruit has not been injured. He ihad no fears for the peaches, but he (liad grave comcern about other fruits, Ipears, especially, but is inclind fco believe them uninjured. Hunéay tnomlng ico was roported found o.n teidiewalks in many places, and in feardiens in many localities. Mrs. Susa.n Gr. Cooper, widow of A. ST. Cooper, died yesterday inorning in this city at the home of lier daugliter, Mts. Raipfi C. McAUaster. Mrs. Oooper was bom in Dublin, Ireland, of Eng-Hsli párente, Nov. 21, 1823. She eaine to this coiLntry whon a girl and HvDd ftr many years in the township of Lima. Aftor h'or marriage she Hvod for many years in Salino and 'in Aun Arbor and Jackson. SliO ii'asu sister of tlio late Itobert Price. Sli'e leaves two chlldren, llrs. Ealph SlcAllaster of tliis city, and "V. G. Coopcr, of Jackson. Funeral trom tlio houso, 81 E. Huron st., Tuesday at 1 o'clock, bm-ial private, at Saline. Offlcers Fred Iluim an:l Jay Wood took three prisouers !.o Iouia j Monday. The pii-oners were the ones v.iio had the goods secreted in the straw stack o ths Lawrenee farm. 'JlKit 'fair and warmer1' wcatlier, reported Cor M-Miday. was a sliglit error ooa the part of the weather lureau. George Shellmire, formerly wïth the Ann Arbor Organ Oo., goos to the Lafce Park mimmcr resoa-t jiotel at Lake Minnetouka. Mlnn., as soon as the season opena, as chief clerk. Tlie man who said "dont plant anythiiiig- tliat wlll bo iujared by the {rost utiti'. after May 18th." was a very ■vise man, was he not ? Now, iiow about evon the lSth ? That's the question .:i George Johnston of this city, is back from Aun Arbor, where lie was calíed feo attead the funeral of his brotfoer, Johu W. Johnston, which occurred last Thursday. Deceased liad iiKiny frieiuls in this city.- Jack8Oin Citizen. The cleanlmg of the streets and gutter.s durtag tlio mo-atU oí April, includimg: ifche remo-val of all ice and accumulaitions oi the winter cost $548,4S. rTlie graTl O'n t-he s-treets 10 reptiir the saine during that jaonth wae $30225. Mrs. Ilnriiilen. mote of Mrs. i'ieo. W. Weeks ■ bhe Northside died Mi 1 day ;it her hwne in Samarla, tO vhi:h place -M .■.-. Weeks went Mo.mlny eveniag. Jli. H. ha'l lut recently retorned froin a visit wifch her scn in WasMngton, D. C. At a meeting of the Arbelter Ver iu WDoaday, (n-i.-tinn .Martin and Geo. Dutz were elected delegates and E. C. Sirring altérnate, to atteii'l tlic ütate convention to be held on tJie 11, 12 and 13 of June, at burg, lïuy coianty, -witli headqaar■bens at Bu y City. Stag Mannier A. L. Barker arrived in the felty Moniday in the interest of our home talent opera, Mikado, yhleh Avill be produced May :28th, and 29th, at the grand opera house. Mr. Beuker is delig-hted wifch the excellent chorus he bsgins his work with to-day. Geoi-ge "Wahr, who is the local agent for tlio Haimburg-American Line States tliat the June steamers are already orowded, and that it is ïiext to imp'Ossible to secure a bertli, even at this earlj' date. He says that the same is of nea.rly all the iirstclass lines. Talk abomt hard times. Sonne wá.y people get money to travel een. l'iïilny èvehtag, May 24, George "R. Swaia will give a stereopticon ontertaimment in the Congregational chnrcli, ander the nuspices of the Cta'i'Stiaji Enidieavor Society. His subject iwlll .be "Glimpses oí California.'" 'The stereopticon to be iised is One of the finest, an;l the entertainment iha been liiiglily oomplimented by t.lie prees of sevwal eastern cities. Admipsio.n wlll ha fifteen cents, childrrii 'ten CMlts. Jacob Kapp, the man who was injureü by 1j(í;ií;' upiset while trundllng a ■ttiieelbarrow on the T. & A. A. tracks recemtly, died Moaday mooiIng {rom the effects thereof. He was a inative of Gerniany, and had been a residiMit di' tliis city eoane 20 yeaxs Or miore. He was a brotaer oi Franz Kapp, Ma. Barbara Sauter, and Wiss Mary Kapp, all of this city. The funeral services will be held on "Wedmesday afternoon, from the Bethlclicm chuircü, at 2 o'clock. Timotheus Taminosian, a student froun Aintloch, Syria, who attended the Uüiversity liere for a number of yea-rs, but who could not satisfy the faculty that his faculties were sufiiciently developed to be granted a sheepskin, is a member of the graduatiiag class of the Jefferson Medical college, of rhiladelphia, Pa., aiad on May 15th he beco-mes a íull-fledged M. D. He was a goodi student) while liere, but fouad the Englisli language quite perplexing, and was too ambitious to take the time necessary to thoroughly mister it. His address is Xo. 1003 Spamce et., Philadelphia, Pa. On Frlday evening itwo yooing ladies, Mis-; Frazeir of Albiom, and Miss Ida Jotonson, of this city, were walkiag npon. the Ktoue walk on the north sido of the 'Univereity square, when a gil-I carne up belund thera on a wlieel .nd ordered theni off the walk. Tliey lid not get otff as quickly afi the rider desired, .a.nd made some remau-k about taot being obliged to give the right of way to bicyclesi The igiel ttheai isaid tlia-t "bicycles ]iad a it?litHo the walks hare, and she would éliow Iluem whether or :iot they would get off tlie walk," or words of like import. Tlien she took her wUeel, went back a ways, mounted nuil ran into tlie ladios. Miss Frazer WBB Ilirown down, and au arm considerably injured and was bruised quito badïy. It was an outrage, and tlu; iicipctrutor ought not to go unpaimiished. Pedestrians liare rights O'n the walk iliat overybody is bound


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Ann Arbor Courier