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The Sound Money Democrats Of

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as, umlike tirosO oí Illinois, are preparing ito maki' a víh'otous fight for their eonvictio'iis, -vith a, fair prospect of success. Tlie ínsoiranee comp&aiee dolng business in Michigan tfoiring 1804 reccived $4,530,27."i.!)l in premiums, and pald out in loases $2,640,521.69, thus makiug i profit oí over $1,800,000. If China now goas to work to intooduce American nppliances and 3Det3iods oí civilization, as is reported o be hor intention, ehe will fare much ■better in her next war with Japan.. Pcacli growere in Delaware are com!!ell&d to admit that the prospect for a full erop of fine fruit was liever ■fcetter, but tliey recaí! a May frost Uve jears ago that blasted Ihir hopes Tfnder similar circumstances. esïwaït Ot Aiiiork-.-m paper is uhig, vind O'V6r $2,000,000 wortli ■was Bent abroad last year. St range to relate, Germany has not yet disoovered tlie microbe in the case, and selucled ithe article from its iwrts. Bpain regrets tlie Allianca aHair, dtrt Mvill this briag reform ? Often ib tlïe past she expressed sorrow ior 3Utrags o.n American, citizens and property, Jut the outrages were repeatOd jast the carne wlien opportunity afforded. Tennessee's exjgovernor, who lias ounted himaeli in ior a-nother term, TVill now proceed to distribute xlie offices in his control, a.nd thoso who are disappointed Avill be appropriate3y irowarded ior iarticipation in a ■áirty job. Boston has now reserved 14,000 acre-i (ar park, recreatiTO ajid water purpo.scs. tuid Philadolpliia lias ostabIislied !twöntjr-six new public parks, ■lans (ind squares durlug tlie last aoven years. Tendón also is ]iursuiu.L,' the Ramo policj-. These cities iniow tlie difference between a real and a fictitious boom. Bnctland anay ha-re a small opinión ef 11 tlio American república but one, Tytit It looks llke bad statcsmanship to offend itliem in a body by what is ■vhtually a n act of wanton invasión. Tlie torce lanided on tlie soil oí Xicaragua weus small, but its animus wlll be a-eniembered, and may return to plague ibhe inventor. Tlie sales of íorcign wool in the Uinited States during the past week Tvere almofc cqual to the sales of fhe domestic product. AVhen it is rcBuembered that tlie domestic wool BOld on iin average tor fifteen cents a pound less tlian in 1892 it wlll bo seen bow the American farmers have bee-n benefited by tarilí reform. The State officials of Georgia are congratulating themselves over the fact that they have been able to sell an issue af twenty-year, 3 1-2 per cent, coin bonete at a bigher premium than was received forthe securities which President Cleveland and Secretary Carlisle disposed of to the Belmont syndicate. Still Georgia has not made such a good bargain. Cleveland and Carlisle made abadbargain, that is all. One of the curious features of the silveragitation is that the heavy guns of the free coinage batteries are being used more in Colorado just now than anywhere else. We did not suppose that there was any need of making free coinage speeches in a state so heavily interested in silver rnining. What is the matter? Is even Colorado getting lukeTvarm and careless of the inflationist ause, now that prosperity is returning?


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier