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Not To Be Criticised

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Admira.1 Mjeade, a man -vlio ha spont a liíe-time, nearly, in the nava of this g-overnment, and against -whose loyalty, bravery and patriotism tliere never has been a lisp, but on the Ooofcrary who ha beea .prometed írom time to time íor excellent oonduct as an officer, is in dlsferaee tfith this peculiar administ rat ion. A few days ngo tlüs,officer resigned. When asked by a frlend why he did bo, he is said to have remarked that thts admimistratioa lacked backbone in its forelgn policy, and he was tired ot eervlng under it. This remarle, in Borne way carne to the ears of President Cleveland, and it inade hiim arngry. Inatead oí accepting Admira! Meaile's resLguaticm., he refused to do so, amd ordered a naval court martiaJ to try him, with the distlac-t understanding. oí course, that he ahaJl be coaivicted and dishonorably uismissed írom the service. If not, the ofíicers -vvho compose that court neod never look for promotion. Tlae Czar oí oü the Russias would ha.rdly daré to do a deed like that. Have wei íree goveraaneot or have we a monarch}-- aiul (in iinlimited monarchy at thnt ? Speakiag of this out rage the Detroit Evening Xews aptly remarks : ■"Hiere must be disciplino in the navy, aio doubt, in high places as well as in low ones. What a pity it is that the Clewlaail administration is so constructed tliat it has no onO to enforco tina discipline against faithiul and patriotic gentlemen save those w-ho haie leen active in treason themeelvee during the past when the Meades were not íound íaltering ?" The idea, of an ex-rebel sentencing a unión officer for unpatriotic sentimcnits ! Tot gods ! "What a spectacle, my couintrymen ! If Adtairal Moade is tried aad illsmJssea irom the service, as proposed, it 'will be the dlaty of cangress to take prompt action in restoring lüm.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier