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Xone of the willing ton have as yct been selectetl by Mayo Walker as memoer of the Board of Public Works we uoiderstand. Th Lewis Art (tallery it Üold water, is being packed and shipped to Ann Arbor. Oh, for a man witli a inillion dollars to give awtiy. Wm. R. Davis, of Vpsilanti, died Sunday evening at his home, of heart disease. He was a man upwards of 50 years of age, and had been in the slioe business in that city for a great many years. "Miss Stewart is a litte bird, I can think of no other comparison, hen I hear lier warbling her sweet songs," was the remark of a prominent citizen this morning. There will le a ispeslal meeting of tlie O. B. S. on Wedoiesday. of next ■n-eek, May 2&th, for initiation. Members will please make a no-te oí tliis and gwem tliernselves accordingly. Tlie W. C. LT. U. ho-ld their next regular meeting Tliursday May 23 d. at tnree o'clock at McMillan Hal!. The presence of every member is desired, as business of importance will lie tramsacted. The members of tlie K. O. T. M , and alsooftheL. 0. T. M., will attend divine service in a body June 9, at ïrinity Lutheran church, on S. Fifth Ave., in honor of the fourteenth anniversarv of the order. Xext Suüil.-ty evo-nins at the M. E. chureh, Eev. Dr. Cobern wlll resume hits. lectures on "A Trip Througli th Eamd of Philistia,'' Jiis subject being "A Walk witli the 'Wizard of tho Piek,' amd among the Beclouin Arabs." Mattie Buil, wife of James W. l'arsoius, of 89 N. Main st., died S'uaday evening May 18, of eoruumption, agcd 20 yeai Funeral Bervicea woie Iield Tuesday atternoon trom the ireeldence, Kev. Henry Tatlock tonductüig t?.ie same. On Friday ovouing next, May 81, Mrs. Grace Wiilting Evans, presiden of the Yoiang Womaas' Christian Asaociatioa of Detoott.-wiU speak ia the M. E. cliurch, liaving for her subject, "Our Youmg Wonnen," Tliis wlll celébrate the first annirersary of the Y. "W. C. A. of "this city, and the people generally are imvited to be present. A ruling of the post-offlee department, which is of great interest to firms using circulara printed type-writer style, has just been announeed. Hereafter til matter sent through the mail which resembles typewriting, whether printed or not, must be classified as first-class matter. The Postmaster General says printers are imitating typewriting so closely that it is impossible in many instances to distinguish the dinerene e between tlie two. George Sanford, of York township, living on the Ridge Eoad, about a mile south-west of Mooreville, died Thursday morning, of a complication of diseases, aged about 65 years. His funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Universalist church at Mooreville, Rev. J. T. Sunderland, of this city officiating. He leaves a wife, three sons and two daujrhters. ITlie 3(1 ward Tigers. -ve.nt to ïpeilantl Saturday and mopped the earth with a club oí oidor boys, tlie Yplites quittiag at the ead of the Sth inning witk a score of 3ö to Ü2 aainst them. Xow our Tigera are wïllingto tackle any club of their i;.e in America. The Sixth Anniversary of the Kpwortli League oí tlu Al. E. church will be oibeearrcd nest Sunday, at 0:30 o'clock, p. m. A BÜiort address wijl begivenijy Prof. Goi-ilon, president of the EpAvorth Loagiie of Ypsilanti. There -will also be a.11 installatioa of the new olfice.'.-. irs. Sclmróler had her pocket pickd of $22 at o,ao of Saturday's coacrts. There was a gentleman on eLfcher side of lier, i,:id wliile cae oí them engaged her ia conver&a.t:.a.a, fche otëher was buey gettiing lier jocket book. Tlie lose Is severe to Mrs. Mrs. Seluneicler, as the money was saed mp to pay a doctor's bill. In fact, ehe bad taken u to ■'-'■i idioctor, and mot finding likn at home, ta.rried it -wiblx her to the concert. Two young girls who bad left tlieir homes, and good homes as near as can be learned, were taken care of by the proper officials hcre withiii the past few days. One had been Lnveigled away from home by a rascal said to have been cotmected with the circus that was here Saturday, who advertised for girls to go upon the stage, and the other had evidently got miffed at something, and bad wandered tbis [ar and gol stranded. One was taken care of and furnished with employment by the Y. W. C. A., and the other was torced totell who she was and where kIic oame froni, and her fatber was ti I Eor and carne and took her home to-day, although the girl was very tirm in assertins; that she never would go back home again Neither girl had been brought up to do any sort aj honsework, and both werethoroughly nelpless when it came to finding somethiiig to do that they might support themselves. It is very strange that young girls can be so extremely foolish as these two were, but sueh appears to be a íact. There was a heavy fi'csze ttgain TWailay ifloroinií whicli lias probably flnísh-ed everythincr th:it had n:t airead} m-IkmI by the c.oíd lingera oí Jack Prost. C. F, O'IIeara is taklng a ten ilays' vara t ion, an:l Bon O'Xeil is taking liis plaoeq aud Georga Saiizi is takint; tfUe ]ilai' oí f'airier Chas, iííyers Avho [ off oa a twelvo day'a vacatioo. Brelvm ..& M-oore were up efoie Justi-c Fond Monday mornlng, nharged wlth "having, keeping and serving Uquors iu, a coinoert hall," and waived examlnatión and went to bhe circuit court. Ou hus 1 ni ad e fíes ara attra ting trade íro'm nelghboring towns. We are drawing customers from towards Jacksou and Ann 4rbor. - Majicliestr Enterprise. A word to to the wise ooght to be sufficieot. WadliaTni. RyaQ & Reule have bought th famcws sarrel team of Wallace, are getting a fine advertising ■wagon tiínée a Wurster & Kirn's and trtll to a few days liiaie a daisjr quipage on the Btreet. Prof. Kempf is getting muc.h encouragement írom the surrounding towns. regardiing the attendance at' the Mikado. Beveral cluls have alpeady secured i?eats in a body. This attractioü bids fair to be ono of the best give-n at the opera house this season. Whe Wesleyaja Guild O'fficers eleeted la;st nigilvt are : President- Prof. H. 8. Carliart ; viee president - J. W. Bootli ; secretáa-y- D. W. Springer; treasurer- J. E. Beal. The other directors are T. C. Trueblood, Ij. D. Wimes, Dr. J. N. Martín, Dr. J. 1!. Stoere a,nd Dr. D. A. McLachlan. County Clerk Dansingburg lias boxed nip all the reports of the Board of Agriculture on hand here- fonr boxes of tliem - a.nd sent tliem to ilie Asrieultural College, p er request. There are abo-ut ten cord of Joint Dociimonts and other books up stalrs im tJiie attic of the eouirt house that .some oae can ba" just as well as liot. ï)r. Fred W. BlaJce who has been practieiag dentistry very successfully here since graduating last June, goes to Alpeoa ext Monday for permanent residemoe, takhig a posltio'n wlth Dr. CaiT, ia prominent practitiooer of tliat city. He will mot remove liis family until fall. The Dr. is one of our best yoaimg dentists, a.nd Ann Arbor dislikes to part with him. A ne-w device Ivas recently been in■TGnted after the i i'-in o' Hip slot machiine, a-nd bids ïair to become very popular, eepecially in taking up collection?. The Oo!ii CaUs throaigh slots of 'different lázes, nirl dollars, halves, qaiarters a.nd dimes drop on vel vet, but the nickles n.nd pennies drop on i. Chinese r?oog and make a noise fchttt co-n be heard all over the church. Tlie eomncil did a very generous deed last nigiht in lmvering tlie nimnunit oí bands to be gtven by tlie city treaisurer frotn $80.000 to $50,000. This action lias Teem. asked befare, buit has ahvays beem very emlihntically reimsed. Tlie amount iww asked is ampie protection to the city, anid is a gTeat assistamce to the voorly ooiinpensated treasurer wlio is forced to go about aind ask liis frieaids to go ii pon itós bonds. "Wliat the city it to do, would be to hire the tfeasurer'8 bonds from some -eputabl-e company, and pay the expense ltself. City Attoamey Kline lias been down to Toledo, arad lie íinds tliat tht apriiokllng of sfcrwets in that city is paid íor by a tai om veliicles. ï"or iosta-nce, every doublé and heavy wagon is taxed Or year, single carriages $1.50, a.nd $2 cvery tlcjTcle, which creates sufficient Inue to pay for the job. White that is probably an easy way to raise ■revemue, it doos aiot scem exatly just, after all. There are maey people who owm mo vehicles at all. For instance we know otf one entire block, and O'ne that needs sprinkling v&ry mmch, that -vould only coatribute $3 per year for tlie purpose, and uearly every persoo living on the block wauld be glad to pay their proportion of tlie expense if the dust nulsance could be allayed. "Tliat's a benutiful bed oí í'.oweis yon have there,1' a-emerked a geni lriiian tO' a lady the other day, who lives in tlie eastem peurt of tlie city. xli:) was laborhig in her i'.ower gard a. "Yus, 4h:ii i htv poretty, bul v!i;it öio you thiak oí fh!s .me?" and she i ' 'i ïittle oif that had boen completéis- eest royod by dog. "1 lii.s bed -vas far pipettler than that ona, and had .soiini! ten at twelve öiollars worfch oi flowers in it, and ovory plant is destroycd. Do you iUuue me ior wislifcng t.lia.t every dos i il tho elty was dead ? I mi ia hou I hear of i! killed, I do notjieel -,-orry, fot this is siot the ftrst timo I :i;iy; lo-L any woïk aad iny plants." The gemtleniaaaddree(l agreed wltb her, and irumarked : "Well, I am glad I di 'jio'fc keop eitJier dogs or chickens to a.nnoy iny neighbors."


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