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Coffee Rooms And City Mission

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Do Kve Jieed a place where aiiii reiormed fi-om foüowing tho saloon und kindred evlls can gatlier ior enjoyment amd improvement ? Do we need a mfesion work liere adapted %o the poor aod the depraved ? lf yes, do we need a new orgianization to knaiQtaia such a place and .;arry cm. Budi a work ? These questions liae Teen asked and considered at mieetings held for eome weeks past at the variouis cliurches oa AVednesdo.y miiglitis following the prayer meetings. A goodly niumber of oarnest mea. amd woinen ha- been in attendnnce, and haie given the matter ■fchought and investigation. The decisión is, to go forwaird. to tesb the íeasibility oí t,he inoment in uu cffoirt to secuire a. guarantee íund ol Xivie liuindired dollars. A "tneetiug was ealled at the ílethodtet thuirch at 8:30 o'clock last night to' take ation bow&rös an organizattoin ajid the election of proper officere. Tlue meed of ench a work for the ■unioirtunate and depraved, though not so great in Anii Ai'bor as in our large clties, is comcedëd by all wh-o havo gi-n tïie subject ooaisideration. t'ertainly thoee among as who need sal■viatioin tlie most ehould have it mini-t ei ed "to them ; and ministered in ways that are iitted to them. Our Lord offered Hls help aaul salvation espefially to the pcwjr and needy and and Wie depraved ; and the Gospel as 'g'iven us by Him comsisted in help amd (healiaig to the body first ; afterwiairds ito the mind and soul. Wliy should Ve uo'b copy liLs methods if -ve are aiining ito do His work ? The questioci is u, seri-ous ome whether the Gospel of Lord ie ministered at all to the moot heedy amongst -as, eitdior to body or soul. The failure oí our cüiurches aloaig tJiis lino is betog reoograized and in omr larger citles tlie woirk for tliese claeses is being attteampted through city missioms and the Salvatioa Army, and ko the 'iuestlon ariaes, do wo need a separate organization Jiere ior the accomp'.i=hment of tliis won-k ? To mnltiply Oü'gaaiizatioiis amnecessarily would seom fco be uawisO. But can this peonliar Voi-k be done under present orgaaizations ? Camnot the churclics dO'ltans woirk directly ? or the Young Men's CliTistian Associatioin ? whethor itliey co'nld or nott, the fact is it is not ttome. Tlie Y. M. C. A. has been ipproaöhed Ito see whether it can incorpórate this npeci:ilty of a Coffee Ejoodi, btc, -vitih its other work. teil V.S. it is O'Utside plans u.nd ilny could mot eafely cover so mucli growtud. This has always boen the ajntswör of the Y. M. C. A's when work of the city mission order lias been propotsed to tliem. They eoncthe Uiat they must confine themselves 10 their mva Rpeciiüties- and probably witli wisdom. Poir the genius of g'ood and sjiccessful work in all depairtments In onir day, is in specializi.n.iï. It would be aai economy of agencies and expenses if the Y. M. C. A. coiuld talie up this work, bnt they have co-nsidered it and have declioaed'. "We therefore, reoogelzlng the impoitance of this work should not lie.sita!te tO' adopt aa agency whicli Is adlmira-bly fitte! for the work and which eleewhere is gramdly accomplishimg it.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier