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That Lansing Growler

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A writer in tlie Ivamsing Republican kicks abomt University Hall mot being lairge enomgli to hold the people wlio desïred o attend the May Festival, and ateo beeanee he got wet in the irain tüMft èreeted all the people as tihp Saturday might's performance was over. and ■fliinks the management to blanue tor it all. He alsa aseertfi that there were four thousa.ud tickets sold when tlie hall would 9eat only about 3,000 people. T!he official figures as publi-:hoil show 1 Hat tho largest attenüance was Saturday night when 3,800 wwre in attendance including the 351 propio upan the stage. Of this number bout 200 paid the door keepers tibie entra-nce fee after the managemrait retfused to eell any more tickets, mus takintg their own chinees, making only abomt 3,000 tickets sold for hat ndght, ftttd io.r the other it was mueh less. Heretofore ie hall ha been amply large to accommodate the crowd, lut this time the aflair outgrew all expectatïo-ns. It is certainly to. be regretted that tha.t tliere were a-ny from abvoad wbo failed to secure good seats, bnt the maaiagemenit did the very best t]iey hnewïwv wtth what they had to do wlüi, a.nd instead of being cenmnsd, sliould ba commende;! for handling the iHiweildy mulütude as well ;is they did. Tjlie same wrfter appears to hae beern in bad temper from the start, for He findis fa.ult with e-rerything, evn tiie hotel where he stopped, and tlie "kid" wlio directed him thereto. It was ao ofl day tor liim' all around, and i! he ever cometa again, it. is to be boped tha.t he wiU liaw the üood semsO tto make a.rrangements aliead oí time, and haro all the luxuries provid e tt tor liim tba-fc he seems to tliink süiotild ïall at liis feet at hifl biddingv The Svrite-r oí tMs item lias been in Lansing wfoen lie could not get a nifal oí any khid eerved liim, and oo-uld not get within a Wock or two oí tlie went he wen there to wttness, tout lie did not go liom and write a, letter to the papers eursimg the i-)oor manng-emont, the hiortéls and the wliole town for itII a maji tafee bis chancea in a crbwd without having made any arrangements in advance tot lus accoiiimodatioüi, he ouglit to be man enough to take what he did secure wlUh. good grace, and noit give the public a taste of bis dyspepsia.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier