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I ir 8 IX J ÜRIO US TO S TOP S ÜDDí TV V O PñT DENLY and don't be imposed upon (i I ÍV ' by buying a remedí (hatrequires you V vJ í0 (' o, 'as it is noiMng more (han a Js A XI li. substituto. In the maden stoppage Tof tobáceo you must hav? some stimSfl J)% ulant, and in most all cases, the ef(l f = fect S tfie $timulant be ü opium, jL motphine, or other opiates, leaves a ■■i"""""1 far worst habit conT. Tr35 A f f í. tracted. Ask your (i XI -JJ J ((((({ 11 áyuggistaboutBkCO sJf ikJA iX.! JS vegetable. You do - - - - - - - - t jíóí Aove ío Líop míw f tobáceo wüh IÍAC0-CÜR0. i wiíl reoíij ;o wftefl to síop and your desirefor tobáceo will cease. Your system ivill be as f ree f rom nicotine as theday before you tooh your first chew or tmoke. An iron ciad written guarantee to absolutely cure the tobáceo habit in all its forms, or money reunded. Trice $1.00 per box or 3 boxes {30 days treatment and guaranteed cure), $2.50. For sale by all druggist or will be sent by mail upon receipt ofprice. SEND SIX TWO CENT STAMP8 FOR SAMPLE BOX. Booklets and proofs f ree. Eureka Chemieal & Mj g Co., La Crosse, II is. Office of C. W. IIORXICK, Supt., St. I'aul, Minnesota. Bepc. ., issi. EUDoarCsi-ïh u1" oatotíuíSo SeTdMkny years, and durfng the past .wc years have smoked flfteen to twenty cigars regularly every day. My whole nervous system became af ■ fectcd until mv plivsldan lold ml I must glve up the use of tobáceo for the time lieing at wL tl "ried ocalled "Keely Cure." Xo-To-ISuc." anl varioui i otter rmnedies, bot wftl om succes" until I accklenally learak of jour acO-CarO," TUree weeks BgOtó-fl, Ieommenced nsing your prepararon, and to-day I consider myself completely cured; I am in Derf?"t 1 1 il u and th" horrible cravlnií fr tobáceo, wiiic.h every invetérate smofcer fullv app?eciÍtes"íiaS oomVletely lelt me. I insider yonr ■■Buco Curo" simply wqndertul and can f ully recommend it. Vours truly. 0. W . Horniok.


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