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(Jet. R, Barker spent Sunday ín Lansiag. Chas. II. Davisoji was In Toledo over Sanday. Allwi I. Pond returued home to Chicago yesterday. E. C. "WilkmscMi. oí Marquette, is visiting friends in t-lie city. Miss Bessie Du.nster is confiued o her home with the grippe. A ten pound arrived at tlie borne oí Charles Lasier, this a. ni. Jíiis. Fred. H. Belser is confiaed to lier bed witli a, severe attack oí tonsilitis. Henry K. Rldley, of Montpelier, O., formerly oí tinte city, is visiting1 frcnds In Ui ecity. Win. Marken has goae to St. Johns to visit Mr. a.nd Mrs. J. G. AVise, and i.ilicr friends. Míss Julia Gaylord who has bien Tisítlng Mrs. L. H. Clement, lias reuiniwl hoine to Detroit. Mrs. J. J. X'ewton oí N. División street, has gosie to Detroit to visit soo Kalph. Miss May Shearer, wh has bem visliiag Friencte licre. has returned io lu'i1 lioime in Jackson. Gilbert S. Pitkin, of Petro'.ia, dát., is visiting liis mother, Mrs. Julia A. 1 'i ík! n o-f S. Fifth ave. Dr. Dce Kapp of Cripple Creek, Col., is a.t home visitims his pareats íor .■i, 'timo. Miss Grace JeakLns of Flint, is a guest oí lier auat Mrsl B. F. Watts, oí N. Fiith are. F. Jj. Keeler a.nd wiíe are visítiug tl.e la.tter's mother. Mrs. M. E. lílUs OH 8. Main strcut. Mrs. Margaret "Wel's, oí Bay City, is in the city f&r a f&vr days, visiting oíd friend'9. JöhJi Iíice MLner is. at the home of his pn.nvits. Str. and Mrs. .1. II. Miner, oí E. IJberty i-t. A nine pound boy toas arrived at t.he homo of V'm. Curtís, 011 Broadway, Xorthside. Mis-s Nina Wilbar went to Howell Satua-day evening tO' visit her párente oier Suaday. Osear Schmid, oí Jackson, speat Sun-day witíi Jns pareats, Mr. aad Mrs. Fred ScJimid. Wallace G. Palmer, of Detroit, arriied in the city Friday íor a few days visit wifch frieaids. Piesident Angelí entertained the Hon. Willlajn B. HarnbloAver daring his visit to the University. C. O. AV'iltse carne over íroni C-'lintou Saturday aad wUl &pend a íew days vvitii Joe Ball. Mi.sw Iouise ICarrer, oí Port Hurón, who lias' been visiting Mrs. Le, of .State st., relamed home Moaday. Miss Eberbach has been o-bliged Ito be oíbsent from her booklceeping duties tor a few days by reasoa of illness. Miss Marión Gray, who liad leea visiting relative.s in the city a week or so, returned home to Alpena. Mto'ndiiy moniing. Mrs. TV. S. is to remove to Detroit this week, where her husbamd is engaged in tlie mail service for Únele Saín. M'rs. Garfield amd daughter Miss Caddle, of Armada, X. Y., are guests of M'rs. G's sister Mrs. E. A. Andrews, Of N. Ashley st. Mr. and Mrs. N. Jacobs aad dauglater Maa-garet, of Cliicago, are visitiug the laitter's eister Mrs. Eaton, oí E. A,nin etreet. Mrs. O. Ij. Mattliews, who ha.s been here atteaiding the funeral oí lier íather, the late J. D. Stimsoai, has retvuined home to Lansing. D. Y. Btoa-rs auid family, of Chicago, are guests o[f Mir. aind Mrs. Jas. L. Babcock this week. They still linger here after the Festival. Fraink Hess lelt the city at 5 o'clock a. m. Thurisday and was at the city hall, Detroit, three hoars a,nd fortyfive miaates later. Good time. Drs. Darliag and Huber and ttieír party leav Ama Arbor Monday June 3d aind sail fro-m New York Janei 5, om the Westernlan3. for Antwerps Chas. V. Melloir is to remove his family to Grand Rapids, Mrs. Melloir left Monday for that place, and the boys will follow later on. Mr. amd Mrs. J. J. Goodyear , left Mioinday tor astay of two or ihree weeks down east, for Mr. G's health. Fred Richmond, of Cliicago, spent Sunday in the city. Eev. E. W. Jíoore leaves to-day far a two weekis vacation. While away lie will deliver the annaal address to the "W. E. B. A., which meets next moatli in Omaha, Xeb. Miss Jessle Bashiaell, who has leen visiting her sister Mrs. Geo. II. Poad, oí E. Ann st., íor the past three weeks, returned lióme to Xoble, Bra.neli coiinty. Frid-ay a. m., accompanied by her little nephew Kenneth Keith, who g-oo-i to spead the sunimer hi.s yi-aad pareats. Mre. Ralpili C. McAllasfcer Is spending the week with relativos In "Welister. Miras Ida Ilirth, of Detroit, who h;is bw.i vteltiag at S. Krause's lins returned home. HSerbeort F. Presocufct, of Columbas, Ohio, is visitinu' liis pia.rem.ts, Dr. and Mts. A. B. I'resco-tt. Mrs. .]. C. St. Clalr, of St. .Tosepii, aecompanled by lier two children. 's tlie guest of her píirents Mr. and Mrs. W. ;. Burehfield, of Miller ave., imtil aft-er cojiimencement. Slie eomes to see lier sister Miss Whinie gradaate. ;eorg-e DoelHie ajid J. J. Waslibuiui, 't wo Aan Arbar drug clerks, rode over to WMtattöre Iake yesteráay, aiad started to come borne. Af'tev they bad rlddeai for eight or ïdne miles and t-liings didn't begin to look familiar, oae of the boys thought tliey would stop at the next house aaxd inquire vhore they M-ere at. They did &o, and thO lady who came to the idoor .pointed over to the leffc a wajns aind eald, "Th.ere is "Whitmore Dakie, it is omly about a mile away." As oine of the boys was a green. Vlieelmam, yo'U can imagine how that bit of iaiformation was received by him. The work of the Ann Arbor Art Club Is to be gi-en a public display, at tlieir rooms ia the Masonic Temple Juaie 5, C iioid 7. This, is a club that deserTes the substantial encouragement of all the people of this city and vicinity. The members of the literary class of '93 will be surprised and grieved to learn of the death of Miss Maude Barrett, one of the brightest girls of the class. She died yesterday in Mt. Clemens, where she lias been teaching in the high school for the past two years. Her death was due to malaria] fever, t'rom which she luid been suffering for several weeks. Miss Barrett's liome was in Kalamazoo, where tlie remains will be taken for burial. Sho was twenty-four years of age.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier