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tmore repubücain p-rospeclty to offset democratie déficits. The democratie party eeema to be more iaelined to follow Coxey tliaji Cleveland ou maay queetlons. Secret .-u-y Cariiele is more oí atracas a timanciaJ talker 011 Ilnanclal Sífalrs ithan as a manager of siicli ge. Carlile's Botuad money speeches -vill t-omc lianilr nexi summer Iot circulation as republican campaign doeu: -. ;itor lliü saye tliat the ilemocratlc slboatioiü te grcwliig better. His idea of wliat ooinistitutos ;'better" 35 ecceintric, to sa.y the least. It will be a gooi dekal easier for x democrat to obtaiu tlie nomination gcreTaor of Kontucky this year thau 10 get himSelf elected. "vi'lien President Cleveland spealcs oí iJie democratie party as "the party of 'the people,'" he majiifests an easy etf-ulnees ol the latest electioii returns. The leg'islativre liad another eapal puiii.slmiMit bill and killed it in ijtbe closJngliours of the session. Bet,:!1 the Wil tlm.n kin the men.- ■Howell Eepaiblicau. Eeport comes froin Keatucky that re are nO'W three democratie partics in the state. It may be fottnd ttifficult in November to gather up Jragments enoiigli íor one. Sunator llill speaUs about sllver lii tbe cui-sury añil indefinito way ■wlik'h implies an inteution to walt aaid seo whleli side offers the best btducements to a man of lus practial insUncts. The trouWe with -whicli most of the ,-trcet corner advocates of cheap inoiiy U tliat their fmancial wisdom is redited ly tlie fact that they are -jiia'rfe to get credit at the grocery stores. Georgia wlll soooi "be bombarüing tiie coumtry with the largest watennelo'n and poacln crops ever gi-own ín ü ir. Jliictm is ai'rang'ing a geach carnival and it p.roniises to a big a-flair. Last year's receipte froim the inme tax in Eng-land were $78,000,S00. TJie figares wjïl le increased Is year thromgh pa-otfits on Jiaadltng TJïiited Stat-es bomds under a democratie a d ni i n ietrat kxn . A IxMiisville paper gives a long list oif newspapers in the state that re in ïavor of sound money. Iven.toiekiains at the 16 to 1 persuasión shoukl look it over and take a necond ■thought before Bwallowimg the populist It may be true, as charged, that sound money is an acquired taste with Secnet&ry Carlisle ; but he haa 30' reajson to be ashamed of the com3any in which he has thus placed ümsielf. Michigaa democi-ats wlll no doubt present the of Ed'win F. ühl to President Cleveland for secretary ol ■itate. He -would be aa honor 1o tlie adminlstratiOTi. To be sure lie Jias not a aatlonal reputation, but toe has the ablüty, and that is all that te needed. A California clenigyman proposes k abolisli taxatiom by making na■Momal, state and local govermnents arn tlielr own living by operating all ltoes of tramisportation, the t.eleyraph, and other formi of buslnees aow caiTied on by larga corporación?. Details of the plan are omitxm1. aaid no wonder.


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Ann Arbor Courier