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The Stingy Appropriation

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The le@iela.ture even in its appropriation seemed to wish. to hit Ann Ar"bor aind the University, for oí all the thingfs asked for, it gave what would least help the city and be a buvdem to the college finaiicial budget. It voted $2.1,000 for aai electric light pln.nt, ha.rdly a dollar of whicli wül be spont eiUier in the city or state, as the grifeafc part of it wlll be for engine, dynamos, wire, lamps etc. It is not like the building of a law dopartmont annex to employ laborers amd to buy materials here. On the othor ha.nd, with this new drain om the rio ml er resources of the Unlversity to keep lwying duplícate inaohinory, eupplles, extra boilers, coal and eanployiag anore help, the regents will mot bO long in discovering that tlieir lightiug expenses will l:e diO'u'ble what tlix;y now are. ïhe Colorado repiiblica.ns wlll not bolt in 1890 wheu ilieir pa-rty condenins ïree coSüBlge. Tlie Eepublican League clubs oí thut state have made tlite pouit clefflr. Tlie yo'uing lady ivlio ran for atlonDiey general iin Montana and ivas defeated, is about to marry her successful coimpetitor. Even in politics wliea a waman -vill she wlll, you may depend 011' t . Tlie govemor of South Carolina adm'ïts tlvat the Btate "is still in the UinkMi and in Ito stay." South Carolina was reminded of that fact ly raan as eminent -as Andrew Jackson ajid Abraihaim Lincoln, and the worst mfefcake it tover made was whenit disputed tliir opinión. Th dmocrats who are deaouncimig tlie preisidenit as no democrat siho'uld remember that Mr. Cleveland represente all that remains to the party oí it recent control of every branoh of the govenimeiit. The coming oongress is literally one of the most un-demöcratie the country has ever seen. Bnglands' nwvement to annex Amatongaland, in África, is intended to proveoit tlie South Airican repubüc posn obtaiming a seaport of its own, and fe croating mucli excitement aanoing the Boers. Germany also is uindieretood to object to tlie grab, aiad expeete France to jota In a protest África co.mprises 11,621,530 squaa-e miles, of whlch Brugland now holds 2,194,880, Franjee 3,326,790, and &enmjany 884,810. Portugal, which omce almost monopolized the continent, now retains but 820,730 square nïiles ; Spain, claims 153,834, Italy 548,880, tlie Camgo Free State 905,000, amd tJie Boer republic 177,730. The Africainls themselves are not yet entirely landless, but the fourth ol the continent that they rebato wBJ probably be taken fi-om them within the next ten years. The Oliio repuMk-a.u couvcntiun is sound on the uil ver question, and so ■vill be ïive out of every, six state conventions held by the party tuis year and next. ThO republicana will Jiothe istaimpieded on tiuat issue. Senator Palmeir's dcsciiption of Yiee Pres. Stervenson as a man who never expresses au opinión on a question tJiat lias two sides is very gwod ; Imt lie is by no mea,ns the only lemocrat:c leader wíw fe Becrettog lus views om the feilver issue. SMönteen yeare ngo Pittsbarg was so recklessly involved in wild municipal eolnemes that its T per i-.ent. bo-nLs sold at 55c on the dollar. That era of ptanglng passe-d away long ago, and last week the city sold sonie bomds ait a priee süiowiag that it can borrow money at loss than 3 per cent. It is a fair illustratioin of the valué of sound municipal government TUlc thirty-two moa who híive been secreta.ries Oif state, and who, excliidiiig those wluo became presidents, comp-rised Clay, "Webster, Calhoun, Clayton, Ererett, Macy, Cass; geward; Fisli, Blaine and other distinguisln d men, averaged hig-luer intellectual y than did the tweaty-three pre&idents. A mam at tlie bead of the state depai-tmont has to be great to avoid being dwarfed by co-mparisou witli his predecessors.


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Ann Arbor Courier