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Mns. K. C. Paul ís ia Mt. Cleajiens visiting. I.ew Cement bas gone to Indiana and OM. ïhos. Corbett, of i. rourth ave., bes been UI t'or a few days. MtiS. Walter Potter of Detroit, is visitin f M H Amrüii McLaren. Jlre. ï). Kuirnett aaid daughter Mits -Amanda, Jiave g-ooie to Fllnt to ieside. Mre. Lena fiSlietterly is entertainir.g her sister Miss Dxrttie Itiley, of Kalaniazoo. Mrs. Jj. II. Clement spent Memop1 lal Dar at Iloinur witli her iatlier, II. B. Green. Mre Dr. C. B. Niuacrede and family g-o to Xoi-tli L;üco for a Btay of á few "veok-. Mms. Gearge Dean, oí Bnsbtoa, Uttogsboa county, has leen vteiting at Col. H. ií. Dean'8. M-ns. Mary Canover, of S. FJfth ave., has retainned frcxm a visit witli lttr damgbter in Oliio. Mis. Pardon, of N. División st., is emtertaining lier friead, Mrs. Brown, of Ontarto, Canada. Honry M. Tabar and wife left 3 toi'day for Jame-stown, S. Dakota, for perma.ncii.t rosidence. Bev. A. ('ottman, wtio Had lieen ïiBlting hte o'ul ]):uisbi(HK'rs here has re tu raed home to Jackson. Mre. Prot. Kempi'B brothor, Mr. "Wi-idcinami, of New York City, is spemdlng il fow days in the city. Mis. Bell umi Miss ISl'.a, leave to-day for Iowa, to visit Mi-.-. B"S Mrs. Coanstock. l.iiu en II; n'oii, who hastien sp.ndIng sonie time witli his familyl, Jeft yesteiday Í01 Terre Haute, Iud. Ou Saturdiay, June 8, Mrs. L. M. Pa luier Avill &ail fromi Xew Yorlc Ier a. ,'my of two yeara la EuropeMi.-.. Pamnie Ciliapin, of Lawrente st., Avi.ll havo lier soa Yolney, of Hl. Johns, as a guies for several days. Mre, Nellie L. Gleason, of Cleveland, is viBiting her párente Mr. and Mis. W. K. Chikls, of Maynard st. Irariug the absence of Dr. C. G. Darlimg in Europe, Dr. J. McCljrmonds will have charge of his oractice. Mrs. "Walter P. Snvitli aad cliild, of Schooloraft, is the guest oï her párente, Mr. and Mrs. S. IÍ. Barney, of '. Willia.m streot. Mib. L. C. Sabin, oí Saoüt Sto. Marie accoöipanied ly lier two éhildren, is lilie gumt for some tiane of Mr. aad Mib. J. W. Iienaett, oï S. Ingalls r,t. J. K. White, of Ow-osso, formerly of tliis city, h.ais beea ia the placa a (t.'iy ot so. He is lieire cariug i'or the famüy lot in Forest Hill cemetery. Miss M. ;■?. Bro'wn hos beeai home fruiu lier Bouthenn atul easteru trip a coniple of weeks but none of itUe item jjatherer.s for the newspapers g-ot hol dof it. iliss Julia Co'lien eaïtertained a coinpa.ny O'E fricmds at a dancing party Fiida.v evienlng in Jiono.r of her guests George AVlieeler and Anna Bell, of Ainn Arbar.- Jatkion Citizen. Aretos Dunu died tliis aiternoon at about teai minutes past 2 o'clock. He was 81 years oí age and was one of Uie oldest Bettlers oí the county. Deputy County TTeasurer Lehnian reports 74 liquor dealers as paying $500 aiad five manufacturera $65 tax making $37,325, of whlch oue-haH $18,067.50 goes to the eounty, less the ooie per cent. comraission. The CaiMxen's Mission Band of the Cotngpegational clurcli, wlll gio an ice cream s-ocial on Thursday evening, Juae 6fcli, in the church parlore. Doors opon at 7. .Vdmission inicluding iupper, 10 cent. Th: State Building & Loaa Aseociation of Indianapolis have just completed the organizntioii of a local toard. ïlie peculiar tliing about this boai-d is that it is composed en tirely of ladies, except the treasurer President Angelí has gane to Co lumbia, Mo., to deliver the commeuce ment address at tüie University o: Missouri, and to assist in the dedica tory services of the new main build ing. Fire destroyed the old build ing two years ago, and the legisla ture of tliat i-state TOted $200,000 ior a new struoture, which has just been co'Uipleted.


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Ann Arbor Courier