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Coffee Room Society

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At a meeting tor the completion of the coffee lKRise organizntion held last week, the iollowing constitutlon was was adopted : Aiticle I. :i.nie.- The name of this society sfliall too the,Coífee House Assotiatian of Ann Arlxir. Arlóle II. Object.-Its object shall le tlie esta-Wisliiiis and maintaining of a eoffee house or cheap, where no intoxieatins ugea siiall be Bold ; t'he maintaining oí a íi'ee reading room, and t'he enjaging in appi'opriate (reülgious ■work ais tihc Av:iy tmay open. Anide III. Memlxsrs.- All adalt peraons wiho are wilíinjj to eo-opei-ate i n tho wort may become memlers, by paylng un aunual íee oí -5 arts nuil Bignlug the constitution ' Article IV. Oífícers.- Ghe officers ií t lio aseociatioa shall consist oí a, pre.-idemt, a Tice president, a secretai'y and a treasurer, and of an cxecutlve coinmittee comslstlng of the abone tnemtioned ofíieers and as maiiy fpei-sans BM .sliall be deemed deslrable. The rtuties oí -these ofíieers sliall be tJiose wlilcli usually pertain to tbose offices. Tlie executive committee aha.ll Have iull charge of tlig business 01 tlie association, and wlth thO ofj, tehall niake a full report to tl'.o aaeoclatlom at the animal meeting. All olfloere siliall b eleeted ai the tuinual meeting and tliall hold their offices for the term of onO year, or ■until their BucceasOTS shall have been eleeted. Article V. Superintendent.- The eoíiee house shall he placed in charge oí to, superintendent oí good moral and .religiO'Us cJiaracter, elected by tlie executive committee. The superintendent Kthall 'be a-esponsible to the executive comniittee {or tlie managemesnt of the house and the malntenamce oí good order iu it, and sliall endeavw (to inake it attractive. He shall keep a fuH accouint of receipts and expenditui"es, and ehall make a full report to the executive committee, to ain ajttditing conimittee ayipointed 'by thom, whenever required tto Üo bo, and regularly once a qua-Ttr. The connpemsation of the superintendent Wholl eo'n.sist oí hoime and a gtipailated teum per momtli. Article ArI. Guaa-a.ntee Fund.- A guara'ntee fund uhall "bc raised by subecriptioin Ito m6t the expenses of the first year, wltb tlue uoderstaading tli at it elDa.ll not be used excepfc as it nxa.y "be meeded. FurtJier arrangemonts hall TO made for tlie future as nieceesity Bhall arise. Article Til. Games.- Gaines, witto. the Oxception of cards, shall be allowed, but no playing for stakes oi any 'kind slia.ll toe permitted. Article TOL Meetings.- The ;mniial meöting Bhall be held on the flrstlMonday in June ; otlier meetings at the cali of tliO president. Artdcle I IX. Amendmen.t3- Tuis ccnstitution may toe amended by a volte of two-thirds of the meintoers nt at any annual meeting, or at amy Bjpeeial meeting called ïor this pu-po'se, provided a -w-ritten notice oí wicli ainendment fsliall have leen presented Wt a .previeras meeting regularlv called. nv LAWB. 1 . Quorum- A quorum of the associatiou shall consist of fifteen members. 2. Amendments- Additional by laws may be adopted aud amendments made at any regular meeting. The oflicers for the ensuing year are : President, Robt. Campbell ; vice-presiilent, W. S. Perry; treasurer, W. W. "Wetmore; fcecretiiry, Geo. 0. Higby; executive committee, the president, vicepresident, treasurer, and secretary and the following persons: Mr. Hedrick, Mr. E. A. Spence, Mr. V. Armstrong, Mr. William Biggs, Mr. A. J.Mummcry, Rev. J. T. Sunderland, Mr. J. H. Montgomery, Rev. W, L. ïedrow, Mr. S. A. Moran, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. ,Doeg, Mrs. Pardon, Mrs. Hawey, Mrs. AVorden, Dr. Garwood, Mrs. Sarali White, Miss tilda Brown. Ai a meeting of the executive board, held at the close of theassooiation meeting, it was voted to raise the guarantee fund as soon as possible and the president was requested to nomínate a committee of seveu for that purpose.


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Ann Arbor Courier