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National League Convention

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The eiglith animal convention of the Republican National League, of the Uniteil States, will be held u the City of Cleveland, Oliio, on the 19th, 20th, 21 th, inst, and we learn that the repilblicans of our sister state are making great preparations to entertain in a very cordial and hospitable manner all who may attend. Governor McKinley and other speakers of national reputation will be heard Bi thé convention, and mattere of very great importanee are to be considered. This convention will no doubt have considerable influence in shaping the polïcy of the Republican party in the campaign of 1896. A very large proportion of the Michiaan delegation will leave Detroit on the night of the IStli by one of the steamers of the Detroit and Cleveland line. A party of Cleveland republicana will arrive in Detroit on Monday morning the 17th inst., for the purpose of furnishing f uil information regarding the conventiou, hotel accomodations, rates, etc., and will return on the lSth, with the Michigan delegation. The Central Traffic association bas fixed the date by rail at one fare for the ï-ouiul trip. Tickets are good from the 18th to the 22nd, inclusive. The Detroit & Cleveland Navigation eompany have given the low rate of $2.25 for ' the round trip. Berths will be extra, $1.50 each way for a lowerberth, which will accomoilate two persons, and $1.00 for an upper berth, which is single. The steamer leaves at 11 p. m., standard time, thereby givins ampie time to a large number to leave home in the afternoon. New York is coming 3,000 strong, and other states in proportion, from Maine to the Paeiffc coast. It is to be hoped that Michigan will be represented by at least 1,000 people. The Tecumseh Herald is 45 years old, and is not grey headed yet, but sprightly, youthful and as full of bouyant spirit as when in its teens. It is one of 'the excellent papers of the state. A Boston paper declares tliat England's attemptto seize tlie mouth of tlie Orinoco will be dealt with decisively by United States government sooner or latev. If tliis means sooner than March 4, 1897, tlte predictiou may be disinissed atouce xis a delusion. The Jeinoerats have carried Wilmingtoti, Del., as a natural result of the failure oL the po-called republican legislatura to elect a senator. The majority elected to perform a public duty was boodled into a deadlock, aDd the voters have righteously struck it down, just as fchey wiped out the democratie congress of last year. Gov. Morton is paying close attention to business at Albany, as usual, and lus health is said to give hisfriends no serioas concern. Though he is twenty years beyond the average age of the twenty-four presidents when inauguratet, lie will receive the full vote of New York in the convention of next year, and oothing could be urged against liim in any State except that he has passed the limit as to age. Gladstone and liismark, who are much his seniors, would probably be of a different opinión, but iliey do not know what it is to be hunted down by a swarm of office-seekers. If Kepresenitative Donovan should run for governor on tho record lie made ia the legislatiu-e, he would po-11 a great m-aaiy ■x)tcs'. nis Till requiring railroads to issue interabouagable raileage lcwks may not üave been acceptable tO' the railroads - fchoug-li it was not unjust to them - tmt it wtus very acceptable to the ■people amd sliows tliat he is 011 the rig-hi tracB. Wheu Julm Sherman üpeaks on any finamial topic, lio im room ior doubt as to where tlie republican party standvs. The only safe prediction with regard to the appolntmeat of a succeseor to Greshain is that the uaexpected is likely to happen. Carüsle is a, miceeea as a talker in favor of sound anoncy, but lie doesn't tomow liow t-o p?et enougli of it into the treasury. Tlie trouble with Hill's definitioa of hU position on the silver cjuestion is that it is too cottLP'ücated ior the average citizen to understand. Secretary Grosliam tíied a comparatlvely poot man, thus presenting .111other i'lustratioin of the melancholy fact that ofiice-hölding does not pay. A new problem for the arithmet'.c main is to find tlic pahie of a promissoi-j' note made payable when the democratie party fiiids itself in ))Osessioin again of all branches of the goveraument. yiv. Depcw says ïie gave his latest diuner in New York ''to smooth. out the politica! acerbities of the hour." AViiat demoorats wotiM like to xnow is i f m-ajorities of 100,000 or so tan prnprrly be called acerbities. Liet uo member of the democratie ooinmittee be afraid to face nis constiturats after haring a-cfused to cali a silver conventiou. The tov-line is finmly wrapped nrouiaid sueli gentUnii'ü. and wlll ppotect the in from all harm. A Connecticut lecturer aays tliore are 96,000 feeble-minded persons Ín 1M country, oí whom not more thai! 6,500 are in proper custody. It is hardly poaeible tliac tliis statistician lias given -recent attention to Illinois politics. Gov. E vaas, oí South Carolina, has foliad people inclined to laugli nt hls heroics about fjtato right.s. It would be taír amoire sensible if he would tur.n hts íitteaition to establish a ijeleliflione connection with the governor of Xorth Carollma. Tlie democrots oí Ohio aire likely i o renominate cx-Gov. Campbell for governioir, aiiid Coxey is a candidate to head the populist ticket. Both aie for free ilver, amid Coxey sees no reason wíiy the dennocrats should cmbarrass hinnas a third party. Xewfo'Uindland has borrowed over $2,000.000 in Ixwidoin at 4 per cent. wiiieh i.s but little more tha.n was i-equired fo'r the latest issue of United, States bo'nds. Two yea-rs of demo ra lie statesima'Uiship lias placed Únele Beun oa a par -vvith a bankrupt colon y. The bout of the Colima that was saned conteined eeveateen passengere and oaily ifour of the crew. This evidence of lieroisim among American sailors lias been, tlue rale in disasteis at sea. Tlie resoilt on the Elbe, it wül le romembered, was quite different. Spain in the Alliaooa affair pronnises nat to lo it agaiiV. Pledges of this gort were made mauiy times ia tlie past forty ot fifty years, amtf as of ten broken!. Spain lias leen keeping Panie faitli with. tlie United States ever eince the earliest Cuban disturbainice. An iacrease of just 100,000,000 lbs. is the suiin tatal oí our larger imports of foreii?n wools duiring nine montlie ■MarclL 81, 3 890, as compared with imports up to Marcii 31, 1S94. Xo waöder American wool is üheap. Tlii.s is ïree wool. How do the farmers like it? L. D. Watkins, oí Manchester, read a paper at a fannei-'.s clab lately, in wMch lic .-i.ittil. that oine o'unce of coai would carry a toin of freigivt ín a,n o;t;ui steamajip cae aad one-half miLes. Mar. Wartkims is the man the gveait fiteamsiliip linea have been looking for. He cam, make money enougli to buy Jack.son and AVashten.nv counties in ooe eeasom, if lie will furnish that kind of coal.- Adrián Prees. "A tmivensity tJiat lias wants has already begon tr decline aoad die," saya President Angelí, of the state Uiiiiversity of .Michigan. J)id President Angelí or anybody else ever hear of a colloge or universityt hat did niot want BOmetlüag? One of tlie pihiln.ntluropists, who has glven m;llioiiLs for college endowments, says tliat tlie cliief iualificatiorn for'a college president is that of being a jicrsistent, professional, and sueeessful beggair. - Chicago Inter-Ocean. "Wc have nat liard a.nj-thing of the benefit of the Gowna-n tariff to tho American íarmer who grO'WS hay, lint would draw hls atteaition to the fact ihat lat Mareli we impp.rted 20,718. toas oí íorelgn hay as againet 8,r77 toias impioTt-od in March, 1894. Dnring the nine tnontlis ending April 1 last, we bought almost 90,000 tons of foreigu hay tlian a year earller, over lialf a onillion dollaa-s inore money being seat out of the country. IIow úoca this lenefit tlie American farmer? It is safe to sar tliat the successor to the late Becretary G-resham will not be a man noted for his robust Americanism. ' Ex-Senator EduMUids calle attontion to the fact tliat silver really demonetizeil itself. Wien the act oí 1873 ■va.s passed, there were n silver dollars in circulatioe, and in u practical sense tliey lid not exist. It is greatly tliO credit óf the republiciiiii party tliat it has man5r men wlio aire acknoAvledgad to tie thorouig'hly fitted for the presidency. A party so well supplied with ïirstclaiss leaders is suxe to succeed. Now tliat the wedge has beeaentered tto dlarmember the University, there wili Te Jio end to échenles to tear it to pieces'. Another wedge was incubated at Bay City this week, and wiU be started ia the nexfc year or tbe year followiag, to remove the entiro medical dêpartment. Tüeii if that is successful, next coimes the law departmemt. The airganients ïor ibs removal are jmst as good as acy that luaie been advancod for the rémo-vial of tJie Hoineopathic departmeiit'i. The studeuts should be wlieie tihey oan attend the sessiO'iis of the United States oourts, courts oï admii-alty, etc., of ooarse. Tiie UniTOnsity was uea.rly destroyed in au early day by tJiis pioce-meal pollcy, and lias only been built iuto greatness by a firan omd determlned oppositioo on the part of iormer oxetatives ajid legisla mrcs In refusing to listen tO' anything looiking like disïneinberment. ïhe regente can and probably wlll to remove a.ny part f the iaatitiition und&r iheir care, aiad thus save the reat school f rom disiotegi-ation awd ïinal collapïe but the legislature's bad act -vvill alw.ay remain as au incentive fo futuro mischief maker. That very inniotent little ineasure of removal is liable tO' make worlds of trouble. Tlie venerable bishop oí Michigan, Dr. D avies, stood before the assembled prieste and layinieii in the Episcopal convent ion at Aun Arboír, and, ayíUl upliffced haod and earnest voice, vigoioiusly deoiounced tlie practice of ü,iviug balls, minstrel ehows and otlnr frivolO'US enterta-ininients to raise :nonoy íor clmrch expenses. He declared that tliey wre injarious to the cause of religión and that much letter amd equally ffective ways of


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