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H. J. Brown toad quite a -■.vore i bta k. oí cholera anorlwis Saturday. Mts. Jeanie Gra :e, aiter o four wek's ï it with Detroit frlends has ted home. Reporte from J. ,T. Goodyear are tO' the Orfect that ha i graduiiTy improviog in health Trof. l'.linsr E. J'.rown. of the Uni(.:-ity oí California, Ifi visiting relativos in the city. Johm E. Nelson, of Battle Creek, i visiting Arm Arbwr íriendfl for a few ctays. Mre. Julia I)e:i Clark, oí Detroit, i.-s visitiiig Miss Margaret Burke o! X. Main street. Bmainuel (Spring Qias gone to IJay City to a.ttead the geaeral meeting of the Arbeiter A'ereia. Mi. H. C. Markluuii i.s eatertainIng lier sister Mr. George E. Williajua of Milán, for the week'. Miss Cora Newell, oí Findlay, O., i i jiei1 cooiBin. Miss Anna Bennfll, oí -7 Thompison st. T1ks. j. Cap&oaugii, oí Paw I'aw, Is visitiuig lns broüier M. J., íor a few d.iys.. Misa Margaref Higliy oí Jackson, has boen the y;uest oí Aun .Vrbor fiioaife íor tihe jpaet i'ew days. Mr. and Mr, ftalpdi C. Whltlng have ;i el in the no'rtlH'rn pa.rt oí the utale tLU week, visitiiig írieudtó. Wam-. W'.-iK-U has smugmúgged lüs face, wlik-h develop Xhe fact that he ha s a ííliií set oí teeth. Mi.-. M. DeVamey left Saturday moiming to visdt Jier Mrs. . .J. Duiiíjau, at Ottawa, 111. Mr. and Mrs. HB1, oí Detroit, ai e g-ueáls oí Mrs. HiK'.s pareáis, jJr. and Mns. i'. 11. liosa oí . .State .st. Joel W. llamiliua oí Indiana, lias 1 esn Ín town, tlie g-uet oí Ann Arbor n lathes aoid íriends for a few days. Uis. W. W. Wèitlark, of Montreal, Can., is speiiding the summer wiih lier brotjher, N". U. uates oí tlie Míorthside. Mar. and Mrs. F. A. Howlett, of i:. Aun sEreet, visited Mr. H's Trother In Lymdon over aiuiduy and Sunday. Mr. and .Mi. Geonge W. Milieu, f liiroit, wore guests over Sunluy of Dr. and iir. J. W. Marton., ol E. Amn street. A party imcludlng Alvln Wilaey and dauulitev.s May and Anna, and Mr. Crew, left L'iiday a. m. lor, AVhitmoae I,nke. Mise Mary Tlieurer, oí New York City. In ia the city, called lieie by the death of lier brother Tred l'heurer. Rev. Jolm Xeumann went to Jackm:i this morning, to le absent [or tlie fck, attending the state conference of tbe Gei-uian iEiaii4ielical chorch. On Friüiay afternioon iat 3:30 o'clock the Woman's Toi-eigii iMissionaa-y Society of the (M. E. chureh -vill meet witlL Mts O. M. Maxtin, Xo. 18 B. Flfbh are. Miss Clara Doty, who has been at Mtoneapolis, Minn. ior the past tlweft yeai-s, or more, is at the home öf .lier párente, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Doftjy, lof R. Ami Kb. Mr. atad Mrs. E. AV. Storrs and two thildren, oí Chicago, who have leen vlsitlng Mr. nu . .1 -. J. Ïj. IUtbcock, of íí. División sb., for sorno time, O'eretunued lioane l"i-id;iy. Eairly in July Prof. uní Mrs. Perry witdi pei'lnaps sonna of the teachers in our schiOolB, will leavo for Denver, Coló., to attend tho National Teacher'ü Assocla-tion. Prof. A. A. Stanle.v will take a trip 1o Enrope this summer. Because of hi.- cxeellont service in furthering the interosts of tlic .May Festival, the BoeurO rery properly voted liiin ;,U00 to lieli) pay for tliis trip. Mail Carrier Earl Ware is improvIng, bat not as napidly as he wishes. He had hoped ito cominience woii: aigain this moming, lut it will be sonM! few days yet befo re hls face will le seen again on hia route. Mw. Seyimo-uir, of St. Louis, Ho., wifo of Prof. Seyunour, who occupies the clvair of Hlsttiiry ia th St. Louis liisil! School, is at J. Q. A. Sessions' tor tJlio eum-mer. Sli will ye joined ly lier lvutsbaind in. a couple of weeks. The program for the Methodist conference to meet in this city September lOth has been made out as follows : Tuesday eve., Dr. Berry, the editor of the Epworth Herald, will give a lecture on a tramp abroad, and there will be a reception to the preachers by the Epworth league ; Wednesday eve., is the anniversary of the superannuated aid society ; Thursday, of the educational interests at which Bisliop Hurst and Dr. L. R. Fiske will speak; Friday, the freedmens aid and a reception by the Wesleyan Guild ; Saturday, church extensión, and Sunday, missionary. Dr. Keene, of Oberlin, who bas had charge of the religious exercises at sixty-five conferences, will conduct tliciii at this session. Many slimmer isitors arê arrlvlng alreadj at WMtniore Lake, tor the aammer. L-ui'llu-.-l stevens receivel a p i ■: y i i ■ ■ i . more from oimiim-. Oliio, ai Mouday, to stay with him, through the hol season. Win. Keasler, oí Manoliester, wto has beea ia jail for Borne time because tI thie:ii, will 1j procesciecl against as insana, ra, - ■■H.y cono&á&ó he i-. Hifi case was adjouraed this moimlng with a. view o! cating suoli proceodiugs. "The demand for lio uses is greater (tiran ever,'' said Mr. Sessions Ihie morning. "I nevcr knew so few iliousee to rent aaid bo msuiy wanting 'to rent them at tuis time ï tlie ye&r. I tliiak tlii.s iadicates that next will le a successful year at tliu U.uiver.ity." wli o bave leeu fiiends oí the teewiiig ectoool ia the past, will piense remember that the ohildireu oí that uohiooil are to hare a picii.c ou kSaturiay aiext, and that ïonatio.n for de.serrin-i little ones sliould le uoufc to tlia Oourier blo-;.k ooi Öa-turday io-reiioonThe series of lectures and correspoading inusic illustr.atiug the greut oratorios which liave been íouud so novel and interesting will be eoncluded uext Sunday evening in the Metliodist church. They lnive sliuwn great research md bruught out ïnany hitlierto unknovvn facis showiug the rehttiuii between religión and niusii;. ïhere is a vhie on an AnnVtreet porch that has showo a Avonderíul g-roAVth for the past few diiys. lt Is the species kuiown as the cinnamon virue, aad it grew from Muuday night to Thursda.y nig-ht tbree feet and six indues, or a distanee of one loot, tivo inches each day on an average. How is that f rapid growtli í ïlie ksewing school wIU close for the suinmer, Saturday Jjne 15. The teachers are to give the childreu a picnic aiul ask their friends to contribute meat, cake or money, the same to be left with Misa Rrown, 17 Churcli si., with Miss Marshall, cor. 'Williain and División sts., or sent to the rooms in the Courier block, Saturday ;norniag June 15. The J'emovalof (tlie Homeopathie departineiit needs tlie iattention of Ann Arl)or people. A public meeting -liould be held, a committee appointed, autliorized to take such ictiO'n as miglit .be oecessary to ]ireveait tlie removal. Aiui Arbor has paiil eevenal tlno'usaads of dollars for lliis school and luili that money le throAvn awny without an eflort bcing miadc lo1 retain it here ? tina'tion is the thiof of time, and if Ann is not careful it will steal .-DiiK'tlunig more than time. Ex-Gliiet ol Poüce Banfield says thut when ;i.-suiiwm1 tlnat office last year it -was agreod witli the mayor that all studente who were oaught indulglag too fi-t'cly eliould be i-eported to him, and tliat tliey would at once I.e warned o desist, tout if they did not do'.so, a eecond report would le carried to tliO jünirersity faculty. Mr. I'.nnfield seiys tluat it is quite rcmarkalLe llnat it did n-ot become necessary to report a singlo student during liis term of office. The first warning was uffieierit in e"ery instance, and liavinig liad a year's experience as chicf pólice official of the city, he tajaes no utock in. tllie exaggerated Btoiiee so frnely reported about students neglecting their studies and indulglng in rowdyisiin.


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Ann Arbor Courier