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Real Estate Transfers

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The followine; is a list of the transfers of real estáte in the conuty for the week ending Jr.neSth, as reponed by the Washtenaw Atstract Company, office in Lawrence building, cor.of Fourth and Ann St., Ann Arbor,Mich: Clark Cornwell and wlfe to Kdward I. Thompson, Ypsüanti, i,ooo Ypsilanti Paper Co., to Kdward I. Thompson, Ypsilanti i H. W. Geer to W. K. Geer, Ypsilanti, ' 1 John J. Hinchey to Ben). Miller, Ypsi. 5.0O0 N. D. Corbin et al, to Mich. Chapter of Delta Upsilon Frat., Ann Arbor, 1 G. V. Staebler et al, to Regina Staebler, Ann Arbor. _ i MosesSeabolt to Francés Stoillet.Añ n Arbor, __ 5 EmelíaGwinner to Wm A. Gwíññer and wlfe, Ann Arbor, 1 R. G. Barnes to Nettie E. Barnes, Ann Arbor, X. (í. JSutt.s to G. M. A. Jones, Ann Arbor 325 K V. Hobbs to Alfred Davenport, York 3,65u Ermlna a. Hoag to H. S. Holmes, Chelsea, _ 2,500 Aekley G. Bush to Frank Staffan, Chelsea, 2,140 Frank Staffan to Christopher Klein, Chelsea, 2,140 Wm. Lehr and wlfe to Chas. H. Knorpp, Manchester, 2,500 C. W. Ridgway to Cain Fogelbacher, Manchester, __ 600 Wal ter Parker to Chas. Parker .Saline, 1,000 Allee Barnes to R. G. Barnes, Ann Arbor and Superior, 1