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The Council Play Ball

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The council met Monday eve. with all tlie chaira lilled. Mayor Walker sent in. a communicatioi) appointing Artliur Crawford as special policeman at the A. M. E. chnrch without expense to tlie city, and the same was confimied. The Board of Public Works reported that the esthnated expense for paving (he glitter on the sontli side of Catherine stroet, between 13th and Clark sts., wöuld amont to $77. Report referred to Street Cominittee. A petition was received, signed by John C. Fisdier and 1G others asking thatbrick crosswalks be laid on tlie east side of N. llain st. erossing Kingsley st. on the south side of Kingsley crossing Nv. Main st. Eelerred to sidewalk cominittee. Á petítion signeá by J. .1. Fergttsotl and nine otliers, asking for inore fire hydrants, one in front of the residence of Myron II. Mills on Brooks st., and one at head of Hiscoek and Brown sts. KolVrred to waffer and flre committees. Aid. Coon trom the committee on sidewalks reported another long list of new walks and grades, which wefe adopted. Aid. Taylor from Street Committee reported in favor of purchasing the stone crusher and road roller whicli were spoken of in yesterday's daily. ïlie adoptiou of this report caused considerable discusaion, being opp by Aids. Kocb, Laubengayer, Coon and Cady and favored by Aid. Prettyman and others, The report was fliially adopted !:i to 2. Aid. Prettyman offered a resolution authorizing the Board of Public Works to enter into a contract to purchase the Pitts Road Roller and the Austin Stone Crusher. There was more discussions, and Aid. Prettyman told of what the committe.e bad seen, and how this city was behind the times with its streets, and how other cities even smaller than oür own, were saving inoney for themselves by the use of these machines for road making. The vote finally resulted 12 ave ;ï nay, as follows: Aye - Aids. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, Snyder, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Butterfield, Cády and President Hiscock. Xays - Aids. Koch, Lanbengayer and Coon. Aid. Moore from flre commitee reported against allowing Anton Scliiappacassee to repair weoden building within the fire limits. Agreed to. Aid. Allrnendinger from street Iighting comiíiittee, reported a resolution requiring the city clerk to advertise for bids for ligbling the city by electricity for a period of live years, with not less than 90 are liííhtsof 1,000 candle power, and three incandescent lights, on four different plans viz : 205 niglits all niglit. 305 nights all night. 205 nights from iwilight to 12:30. 365 nights from twilight to 12:30. Which report was adopted. Aid. Butterfield, from Bond Com. repprted favorably upon the druggist bond of the Eberbach Cliemical Co., and the plumber bonds of T. F. Hutzel & Co., J. F. .Schub, Victor F. Mogk, E. Sclmeider, and William R. Schneider, and against the bond of the State Savings Bank because the sureties were principally directora of the bank. Which report was adopted. Aid. Shadford from committee on parka ofl'ered a resolution authorizing the Board of Public Worka to have Hanover square sprinkled. Several amendments were ofiered, and it was fiually referred back to the committee to report some plan for procuring water to sprinkle witb. Aid. Prettyman got through a resolution after mach difficulty and explanation, to have the grass and weeds cut, and kept cut, on Felcli park. The number of aldermed wlio asked where Felch park was, was aurprising. Be also suggested tliat the Board of Public Works or somebody else cause the paaturing of cows and horses on that park to cease at once. City Attorney Kline presented two receipts from Florence V. Smith and lier father, for móney paid the daughter for damagea sustained from defective sidewalk. Chief Bpiley reported the fire pressure as heing below the standard 15 times during tbe past two weeks. Aid. IJutterfield ofl'ered i resolution autliorizing (he Board of Public Works to have surface boxee put u at each córner of the court house square, nul necessary hand hose purchased to use in tlie sprinkliug of the court house lawn, to the end that the flre hydránts may ribt hereafter he used. Carried. Aid. Brown moved that the incandeseent üght on Cathariue st. be placed in center of street or that an are light be put in its place. Eeferred to lighting committee. " % Aid. Koel) moved that the sidewalk in front of Pr. Ilerdman's and Mr. S. Burkhard's places on W. Hurón st., be properly raded, whicb was referred to sidewalk committee. City Treasurer Manly asked the pouncil to purcUase a suiteble dek for his ollice at a cast not to exceed $24, and the saine was agreed to. City Attoruey Kline stated that the onlv wiiv to again open up N. State st. across the traeks of the M. C. R. 11., was to Lnstitute coudenmation proeeedings, as the title to the land rested with the M. C. 11. R. Co. The Board of Public Works was instructed to have the overhead bridge on Beakes st., repaired at once, and the cost tliereof eharged to the M. C. K. Ii. Co. The amount of $35 was appropriated to pay the expenses of the committee whó went to ' to work against the Homeopathie College removal bill. On motion the council adjourned to meet on the -ith Monday if June. The íollowing proceedings, which were really the most important of any, werè expunged froni the record : Aid. Maynard offered the following preamble and resolutioit: ' Whereas, 'l'iiat inasniucli as soine of thé County offioers have assumed or even intinialed t hut they eau or even i-i juli I play ball, Tlierefore, be it Resolved, ïhat this council do now challenge satl county offleers to a game of bal! for blood and the supper, to be played on Monday the flrst day of July, A. D. 1895, at 2 :30 o'clock p. iu., and further that the honorable mayor be invited to act aa umpire at said game. There was a great deal of enthusiastic discussion over this. AM. Prettyinan wanted time to limber up his joints once more and desired to have the game postponed until the 1-ith of July. Aid. Ferguson was roady for the fray right off, and would meet them tomorrow. AM. Taylor was patriotie, and thought the humiliation of the county officials should come on the glorious 4tli of July. AM. Maynard'a resolution was finally adopted by a vote of 12 to 3. Now we shall see how much sand the county offleers really do possess.


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Ann Arbor Courier