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Mr. Reed Still Remains In The Woods

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and it i ly no1 meeuw eèrtaln that toe Ls makte a mtebake in, thns letting hls rival dio all the ruamiB for president tliis year. It te e&id that the Ejig-lIsK peop'e do nut tatoe kimll.r to the American habH o! hjwiirr gum. Well, by ;uui, tlH'.v oán lose all tJiat pleasure lf ihey -R-a.nt to be niulH'a oiioimii to üo so. Altgeld, of Illinois, nul Evans, of South ('aro 'i:ia, are the only freak governors iiroiiiinent. at present. A iurtlior reductiooi of the ratio of 2 to 42 -would be abeneiif to the coun.It is peported that Cle-x;land intends i.'commetnd & stamp tax on bank !ks and oilier business paper ; but íx republioan coingress wlll nob adopt : a. method Ol raising rcvriiuo, Iwcause it is odious, üke the income ax. lator Rrice is rlgtot in saying tüat tlie de-mand for free silver is iuaialy duo to tho liard times. Uood ups and business improvement will mit m end to sncli folly, and sao coiuintry irom tlie disaster of au nnsettled mo-ney eystemi ïlie faict tliat twenty-iour oi xlie Weaty-íive contestes elections in the aiext lioai&o are trota the soutliern statea i nut as Bectloaal .-.s it lookg vluir the. fact U remembered that oiily ihirucii democra claim un elocUiou In the nortlicrn state.-;. ■'Honest money, comslatlng ol gold, a.ud paper, every dollar as goed es aay olher dollar, and all backed by the natioiial íaith and honor," is wbat the Ohlo repiaWicaiiB demaud ; ujid the rpubUcians oí all the other tes wamt no more, no Ir Du Maurier has declimed the liberal aíter oí a Bostoii letture bureau t;n groimd tluit tho physieal ettort ■ ji ;-, long tour would1 Ixs too great for !:im. lie dreads interviews, but 1 [enry Irving and Bernhardt coulcl 'teach him liow to tuna them to acI handsonicly. A. cori-e-pontloiU oí :lu' iíaltimore ■Sun," who lias made a journey 'lliiouuh tlie South, froim MaryUuid to iTexa, reports aeeided sisa oí pvo- all (ilong tlie Une. New tnIfcerprises ai-e sprktglng ap, and twiUdiag is active. The correspondent 'tliiak.s that tlie cotton acreage lias beeii deereased 15 per centk and corn Increased In propor'tion. The [leída giv projnlse of au atrandant yield. emougli, inobably, to meet the ■home (Iemand. It i evident that !tlic soutli is odvamcing industrial iu evefy direction, and that ic is i learning how to make more profitaWe uso o! lts v;vst agricultural rosourcesi. Govenor McKinley in bis speech to the studente atEyanston on Tharsday made the following reinark: "The value of university education cannot be over estimated. lts support cannot be too generous nor too earnest upou the part of our peopU1, and after all the hope oL the Republic, its safety and security, and the strength and prosperity of public government, must rest apon the great public school systemnow happily and finnly established throughout the United States. Notbing can take its place and fortunately the public school i everywhere becoming the vestibule to the university. As tiie curriculum of the free school is advancing the tide between the fundamental and advanced education is closer and strouger and ia more clearly recognized and appreciated eveiywhere." ïliese wise thouglits ahould be considered by the mernbers of tbe last]legislature and];the Detroit l'riljune. It teíeoomlng tarder every il a y to eet avIio is now Tice président. THe tfrtocipal duty of the repuWioans ao-wrflayG h to mato room in tholr pai-ty lor BOUnd moncy democrats. The wonst eeny the democratie pa.vtv te tbe mam who iavented ilie Splilt:ní lcvi-e known as the sUvcr issuo. Mr iteea is the kind of a camlidaie lor presitet ho does not propose lojoánthcprosionunülitisready io start. The aew aibtomey general wae once a miullli,an, a,v,l trtU be again the n-ee silveritcs get coiürol of tlie dieniocraUi-. ,vil,. StUl tte pa,rty wil hfcw ■ticket, ' !, v Erom tta göwr_meat. Hxat ;::iy, _a wa dl. - Black, lar tnsfag-oe. s gotog to be defeated woiild I "o - n.ühclu.a.nüUaKouaown L oiteox aad so Uar.l in bta lorecasts om the deficit quostion It i, frtated by a statistlcian that the esg erop OWo U wortH more tha-n Ootómdo'8 eilver, although ihat state podnc more .ilw any other eta-te in the XmiomSpecula'tioai in stocks and grain is a little dull at preseat, but the business itaproTOme comtimie?. Ttxere is no reaction in t!ie incareaaed industrial output and in the advances in w ages. It is inot to bo doubted that Sccretary Carltel'e BI cues lielpefl the eouiid money cause in Kentucky. OomcltifiiTO prooi o tha.t cfect was funiWied by tlie enthusiasm of tlie ut ï-cpublican state convention. Hiram AValker, oí Detroit anl Canada, divilcd uis ten f fteén miUione oí money made out of a "still" busine.-s. timón.; hls tliree somd and one dauí;-lter a fe wdaya since. So far eard fronn no oducational or -liaiitable institution lias been ed. His idea probably was that i y begin - aml eoda- at home. Thie Ancieat Order of United "Workmon. the cUlcst of all fraternal inmraue org-nnizatLons, lias paid 10 widows and oi-pliaas the Imnte&ee sum 'of $7,678,000. Just thiak of the rtlstreae relieved ly this oine society :;Conie ! Tïxese insurancc orders are am'Odig the mast humane of all eocletlea in exlsteaMie, and no man liavini; a family to support sliou'd 1,e ïviilu.ut u. poiicy oï iasurance in somc orne olí ttieití. It is a dut y, "1 mm-i', almo-t, as fcO próvido foor for the tallc. Almost amy man can carry at least i sraall pollcy. The ii e:; coioage oí sil ver agitation i lioiuwl to travel tho same road ■iik-h the greemback cry, the 2-per . loaa bond, nul all other i-.beap moncy sclicmes have traveled, and end la air. ïlie poople oí bhis great nntion will Imítate the mistak miade by the Ai-.ontine Kcpublic, for iusta.nce, buit will always Insisi u]Kr.i a sound currency, and a practical amd legltlmiate handling oí the flaance ol the When all tlve groat ooimmercial nations oí t lie worM join in tho plan of free eoinagc Öf Bil ver, tlien and not rt. ill tlu'i; wil! free Ooinaige bc safe and practical tor t-liis natiou-. TJntil tlien givie ue botli motáis as a nirculatimg medium, with every dollar, wh th erigold, sUv&r paper, worth a dol lar. Tliat i- the only sale way, tl ouly honest way. The Michigan monument at Cliickaniiiuja park iii Honor of the í-'th Michigan Inïantiy will be a statue of Gea. John G. Parklmrst, ol ('oldwafcer. Tlie Grand Rapid correspondent of the Detroit Tribune sayfi : "At SliffreestooiPO (on. Parkhurst in forauumi] of fooir companies, was nedged in 1y a largely forcé of t'ho eiH-iny, uiil aftcr holding his owu ïi-oiu 4 in tflro moniinsr unUl :;ftieraioon, and lo.-iu;' more tli;n i third of hls coimniibiid ia killed and wooinded, hc was comipeUed to euvreoider. Bul the gallÈuitiry oif tli-e deíense lie made led (to his promotion to the öotmmamd ol hi.s i-egimeiit aïter lie had obtained his release froiutlie rebel p'risooi. Gen. Pai-kluu-sb is still 'ivtag, a gramd oíd man, Avitli a flowIng wliitO beanxl tuvd a-n erect carrlajge, desplte Khe weigh of raany years aiad is a familiar figuro at Gratad Anny and political gat heringa. Tlie sta.tuo wlU le of gramlte six In heiglit, on a pedestal ix ïcri high, aml will le located uear wliere the regiment performed sutii gallamt p.rovost eervice in arresting stiaglers an:l reorganlzing the troops as to win special mention in (5-en. Tliomas' report." Tlie Farwell Register, paiUi.-hed by % formor Anu !rtxr boy, H. M. Koys, conies lbo ns wiili a aaw head and otherwlae improved. Four pages ave priivW-d BUt home. where two only iae Teee printed ftynnerly. l'o.stmaster Gemcral AVi'.sou said in i speecli -a,t tlie connmencement oí the UinirersUy of Wississippi, "I long o Beo the sotith agaia in the nalional oadeiisliip." Professor Wilson -e -ms io haie "boem dTeaaning agaln. Wlth O'iir outhern democrabs ia the cabiLnct and wlth all tlio best p-lacea in the departments filled by somhtern lomoerats the eouth seeins to have eon Try largely in natioaal leadership dniTlng the past two years. Vbout all there Is Whteh the Bouth has iot got is the presidency.- Cleveland Iyeader. There are evidences all along the line f better times. The tari ff tinker lias een sent to the rear, and while there s little liope of undoing Uie mischief one for two years tó corne, vet people re asSnred that work of "tariff reform" s effectually stoDped. It is uot mróound ïoney that has biougbt distress to the ountry ; it is not a platform of silver hat has depleted and impoufrished tlie Tnited States treasury, and cíosed manfaetones and sent laboráis adrift, but lie mischievous tariff tinkering of exerimenters. ïhe Cleveland democracy vould be glad to divert attëntion from he ruin they have made by laying the dame upon the silver dollar. But they vill fail. The land was prosperous uner republicau rule as never before, vhen silver and gold were alike honred, and it wquld be prosperous today Í wise protection measures were in orce. If demócrata and the gold bugs f every class can Blícceed in making lie people believe thut gold or silver tandard is the leading issue, they will lave thrown dust in the eyes of the )eople, and ín the years to come they vill wake ttp to their mistake. As far is the republican party is concerned, it kus only to stand up for the policy and mncïples of all the years of the past. ts great and leading principal is proection to American industry, and a aper dollar as good as that of either inetal.


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Ann Arbor Courier