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jl touch of slimmer in Ilie And -iinliühi flashes everyw l' '■■ A butterfly goes Butterlug by; The plumber loks. and lieiivt-a i Muli; Fue .lime bugbumps ainsl lhi'i''; The frig ren ns his íad mr.unVml t!iU. al Lm i ih n ' when That tiredfeellng o mesaïdin. ir-ihv eiilcken thiel Is on the TOumdB ome more. Have au oye ent lor Wan. Memibere oí Uw Bastera Starsho-uld remem'bor iii.-it there will be no meet- ioag on "Weiluc-day eienlng. lile Aun Ai-lior Agricultura] Oo. has a custüiiier in fierm uiy a tonsigument of i'ifteen liuy tedJers!;;i'i II. ScOtt i conteiniilniiiig rlie erection oí two aew houses toon, ene on Washtenaw ave., and ons in Forest ave. At a sessiom of t!he circuit iourt Beid Satunlay. ilivo.rces were graated in tlhe oasses oí Bmma Parfeer vb. Walter J'arkcr. aml Herman Di-yer ó Neva Dryear. Bcrtlis are beding taken in a live'y niniuni'i for the Bostou irlp of "lie Ktntgtvt'e Templar, an;l it is oow crtain thai the party -11 coiatain over one hundred members. Saturday áftern i í to 8 o'elock. the Unítarian chuxch -ml eo? ciety '. h .1 a htwn eocial tuxd .-upper, ou tille gröiin Is oí Alderman Emmen Ooan, oí Was'Jteoiaw avé. On July 22 amd 23 Bbe8tat bicycle to unía ment "vill 1h held ín Batlle freek. It Ís expeeted tli;i t a lasrge oí bieyellstfi from ali jioints Ln the state wil', be pri B6nt wi;h iheir abas. W. Vogel"e iKWses got Hcar; oii at iiie etreet oars m Wasfetenaw ave. Snnila.v. -- 1 1 1 1 brote lo ise trom tjbe cairlage a:;l ran away. It was a iiau-ou' escape íor blmeeH and famflr- Tlio.-c who cleelre to find out what tlicif aee smemt is eau do so Ty inriñtwin-i ihi' Board Review at the coiKK-il poom in ihe court, wlieietlicy a,i-enov lueeasionfor ihr.t parpóse. Bev. .1. XcuiiiKum oí Aun Arbor, nnd Bev. G. Eyfesem, of dbfilaea, bave been sen dekgaifees to represent the Sliclilgan cUBtrict in tka general conïeroce oí ttoe Germen E-panigelical Sy-401I of Xm-tii America. Frederfcfe BdhmW hiae s mIö Hia lot 011 the ■■nnier Of Monroe and 12;h „ to fliii-i Ztamedkan of Tliree Oato, wlio will cre-t a 11 thereoa. Tranicr thrwugli tUe B Lch & ;, lililí. ;,l. Clark wishes to ilie tadiee who cfoeered tüe ümiverslty lios(flfel patieats SnnrJay wiili lautiru" ilowem. 'Mi-. Clark says tihat tlie hospital will close on tlic 801h Insl. 'J'hcre are now tliirty patiënte ia lúe i egutóJ hospitalMr. and Mi. Sumiderland Have in■ ■; the Sunday SHukiI soholaTO uid teacliers of the Unita-riau chur-li. on Friday aïteimooa. to home ior a lawn eoelal aatd ptanlc party. Alter ï-cii-e.-liincms tliry will allle liivcn a ride obomit the bffulevaixl, and othr places of mtercsi'. The foUowing oííicers will have control of ih' destiates of ünlty Club qcxi year: President, Wl I). Harrl,; ir president, Miss Oarlotta Bullis; eeoretairy, II. T. Huber; asifötant ssecretaa-y, II. E. Saöord ; tn a.Mircr. I'red. KuKlelianlt ; iirst asdsta-nt, (' Stinner; second ossistant, K. S. Daniorth. Tlu' minor tliat somO orne iu Yp6lfilaaiti wlio i.s very 111 and likely lo i i', has Blgmiiled an Intention of ecnfe6elng lo tiic o! Jay Pulver lor -wliich Jeso HaiBid was cönvicted mnd sent to Ertatea prison ior lile, a year or two ago, U pronou.nce-d tiatrue. Tho dytng man lias toW (lie ofíieors that what lio desired lo llevo bis miad of before lie (lies, ñas notliing at all to do with the Hand tuse, bui is about some parties arrested for airean. It was am excellent audience tbat aissembled in Booia 24 oí the Univer-iiy l'riilay eve. to lisebn to areading by Prof. 8. H. Clark, of Chicago Umversity. He chose wliat haa 1)een prOíiioonceil by somO critics the íinesit poem in the Bngllöhi language, ilie epic of Ma.tthew AraoUl, e-ntitled "Sohrab amd liustum." In the remaiks preoedlng the reading Trof. Clark claimed tliat could trace almost the entire poem to the Odyssey and Blad o E Homor. He did ïiot cliavfrc any plaglarlam 011 Amold's pari hoavever. Tlie readiag was fine. Tery fine. Prof. Claa-k Is certainly the poer of amy elocutiouist hat lias ever appcarcd iji Ann Arlwr. Me ha-, in excdlettt voice, perfect e.omniam! of all i uerves and rhords anuí menibra.nes that play [ho least part in Vorming speech.. He gave UU amdlence a olear concepüon of 1I10 charactors represented ia 1he poem, and fox tJio moment it xeemed ae U yen wrO really a epec-tator of tlie evente i-o Tjeautifully and so strikïngly poi'il by the autlior's pen. Illa i l.cult courl i iura d ;o Moiítóy, Sep. 2(1. 1895 an.l .o miui ■;.a secn;e a sdlon any aoora r ■ Uiat. ïijhebs foi1 the graat ball l . j (-. Co.uiiy oiíi-ials, wil 9ell t a p;emiuiM. 'i '.e May i-'cst i al rush , Ui njt b ia it. ■jjit ftmiag Commeoeemsiit Animal w j.. toe 'Lie mo-i val.iable oí auy cver i:i),uu out. It wiÚ be a 'danily," ,.., ...e cxii.'i-.s-iüU RéY. Bradaixaw, Sí Aun Arbor, wlio ji,.j tüi puJpJt ai the Congrega tio nal ehui-oh Sunday, ivruachoil Uvo ji..e sennooiisi. - Pontiac Gazette. Mi.-s Mutildu Mutmfoel, late p-reeeitk; s of the west side schiods at Hnüso,u, boa :u:vriLe.l a like poeltion bt i'iai tor n x ye:.r.- Teciuitóiih Herald. G. A. R. boys aoiv fisiring oa -how to get to or ue next nxutioaral ene&mpment in Septeanb&:. -Tlie raüiuadi are doinij the biddLug'. In llie circuit court iloudiiy :.i ileoi fcreelospu-re was grajited in the u-aise of John C elimidt vs. Sarsh mi i Miibl Fleteher. Tot-al amuuiii, $2,797.45. The;e lnas beem more graas and ■ cl:-:i)i-il from thé streets and g"Uttc: - up io time il s yi'.ii lli;n a:iy previous year at .1 i-orreepomddng (air. All mieinbers of tJie Choi'al Unica wbo wiU be in the c-i;y l'aecalaureate Suuilay. are requesfced to meet at thip Scltool of M'ui;sic, TuesJay cvi uiug at T o'clcK-k, tor reliearsaJ. Alfid 0. Weiamarun, aged 21 yeais i.i.d Momday ioLeiwion, ifter a year's iltoess. IIo was a watcbmaker ly trade, and had been in tUe crap'.oy of Jacob Haller íor some lime. llie city officials havo got their IIood up, and p-ropoee to mop the cutli -vvith tlie couaty officials if enoug-h of -t hem oam le got logethcr to make gO'od thcir bluff on base ball. JoUin E. Travis has lO'Ug'lit of Mrs. E. A. RaUibCKis, tho lot at the ner oí E. Huroa and División nts., 04 feet front ly 124 feet decp, and wlll at oiace Oreet i resiliente tliereon '1 i ■ tranisfer was made tln-O'ug-h -Jie & Butler aeoey. Pred "Wliitiaore, the iei'.ow wlio btroke into the Coturier office on 'Sov. 20, 18!j3, iund stofe some moaey and othe:' tlLlngs, nul who was glven i vt, Kheyefor ly .Iiulge Kiuii:1. on i e ■. 4. foílowlng, lias had a i .i ia Ex-Prosecu.ting Atloiiu'.v Xlid-. I). Kearuey, for liim tu figin ir, iisking ïo;' a pardon. W én Mr. K&arney was askefl ii ki (lay, be sald h.O tiucuglii the iellow was (werving of all lie yot. and ie declined to interiore. Mr. Keartulls ias tliat almost wittout exceptiom lie bas been asked to siga -i pelitian ior pardon by evci-y prisontr semt np during hSe incunibemcy oí' íhe p-roiSWett'toir'8 oifice, but tliat he lias invariablj' declined, bellevinig tliat 110 ent man was convicted. At Si. Andi-fw's clKorch Sunday a. n;... 'Uif corogreg'a.-tkwi hiad tie p'easurc lui Usteniaig to llev. Lawrence T. Ooile, of tánlsclty, whoibas just graduatert fpom the EiptecopaJ Theologieal College in New York City. it Keeme tliaa lie should make lils maiden dffoft a a mlnfeteir la siie tivo city where lie ivas always Jived. The cfïoii't gaie indication of the yoniig nia.n'.s diameter, the text beiag "God is Lüve." He told o! the goodntess of God, nob oï hls wrath ; of 1 is wimnlng Xy kindness, :iot y Since a veary yoaing lad, the minietry haa been tlie desire oí Mr. ('i':e'.s liciwt, airud it must have been a proiuid day i'ot li.iin as it certain'.y wae liis friend.s, -vhea lie could Sbamid in tlio pulpit óf St. Andrews tlrarch, froïn where he first drew veligioais inspiration. and pieai-U the g-oi-pel to t.hc people. There is cerbainJy a brllliamt future in store for liim. Jacob Yolland called the reporter in shop and said that the item in tiie Coutier alout Calvin W. Kellogg was wrong in some respects. He was a Bom of PwLglit Kellogg, aot a brotlu.r. The Kellogg boys wlio eame liere in au e:irly day were Dorr, DwUht. bArlea and Dan. They had no middle names, and theli' t;lven ñames liad only one syll ible Dw ight Ii.k'. Ifcwo .-ons, Oalvin and ('liarles, the íomier being the one over whose property tlicy are havlmg the trouble in California. His secüawl -vife was a Misa Enereet, oí this place, a cooisin &t Wm B. Bvoro.t who lives Jiere yct. The lrick houise that Dwight Kelllogg built was oin Fule-r st., just cast of lts intersection. with. Observatory öt., where it etaods to-day, a pretty good liousO yet. Dwight aOso Imilt a mili a litte ways up the livor trom the Corawell pulp milis, which wero known later 011 as the McMahoii milte. But they never proved to be an extremely lucrative -tment.. Calvin s'ot toto conipany beíare he lett Michigain and was cooisidered tlie only black slieep in tlie flo'cl;'. All of the others were first class people in every respect.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier