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Walter Vooïtieiï, supervisor o.' ;u■ ;-, was in the city to-díi.v. Ezra B. Norri i 1 v wil) nper.d iniiiL? week in Manclw Mis. Claaromoe Oaee o:' Manchester, i.s guest oï Mre. A. V. Roblson. Mr. aad Mis. X. T. Sly, of P'ynvoutli, a-ic the guesis oT A. D. M:ukhain. Í Mi-:s 'li.lie Mutscliol, of Hudson is isiting her Twtohsr Eigae Mu sjhcl and -wne. Misa Xi-Hie Gaffney oí this city, ík visltiag E. L. Lewis and famüy at Reed City. Mrs. Clara Slausoa, of Moliae, 1 L, 13 visites Jier motker ilrs. CoaQyer, o.f S. Fiftli aTO. Miss Lou!se Caawell, who has iKen Ai.-iting a lii.ter In Ionia, arrlved lioaiie l'iiday. Mra d. Croiich, oí Detroit is .-! iiáiiig week with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. QvLincy, oí EoreSt aienue. Prof. Hemmain Zei'bz, of tho ydiool of Muiie, Avill leaw tihis weekto ad I l.c tiwnmer in Munieli and Vienna. Gearge Bchlemmer went to Lan-iig l,is moraiög, to wark ïot the Bta o , ..ule: y oí D. D. I'norpe & UO. Mr. and Mis. E. C. l'-ariK-y will cnbertain for a few weeks as tlieir gneste, Mirs. S. R. èaJge andtxwi oí Blmi a,. N. Y. Mtb, X. Jíioobs, who has Ijcen vlBLtüng lier Mrri. Eatoa, of B. Aun st, left Sutua-day toi her ho-me in Chicago. M--. HugüS D. Mfurs left Mcndúy for Ctuseopoüs, wifeh br children, wheie she wiU sp&nd the sümini iwitb her motten. Mrs. ('lias. E. Greane and Mrs. "E. A. Spmice witüi a compa-ny oí t.n youuig people weat to "Wliitmore Lake saTunií.v ma picnic. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Goodrich wlU occupy tlie new dwelling being erecta ed by N. J. Kyor, osi E. Wülia,m st., whoi. it is complet ed'. Dr. A. K. Hale bas gome to hie home in N. Y., to atlend tJie wedding of JiLs dajug'iitor wliieh takes place "Wiidacsda-y next, June l'J. Dr. Vietoir C'. Vaugibaia, accampaby hls wtfe, left to-day lor Donmm'. (o!o., where the deaa will delievia.n udda-ess Tefore the state Medical' AssociaJtloai;. itr. aoid Mie, D. A. 'linker :xnd fainily left Taesd'iiy Iot Bay View, vo icjiiiiia fOT bhe Klimmer muintli.-. Mr. TlBtoer goes 'there íor hls in wliicii is Bot good C. II. Moree, '95 Ut., aecompaaied ly bis motlier, Bister and brothur, will eave at omee after oómineaeement tor a summer of travel t;irouLhout SwitzerLamd, and Germauy. l'iuï. Webster of the Cheisea high )1, twomghlt hls class In. g-coloy l"riil;iy few the p-Urpose ol doing eojae laveetigatlng in the museum. l'rom hiere tliey went to Ypsilaati. Mr.-.. Chas. S. Millen accomp.inud iy Mrs liev. iag;oiiin, who is Ur guieïjt, speat Friday in Dester. Ti.o r"8 husbaoad was ooioe reetor of the Episcopal parisli In ihat village. Prof. J.J. M_1. .1 .! .d Wedaesday for bis luouie in 1'ay.son, Ltali. He wil retaran in October 10 assume the ohu.ii' of Larinony and Piano JIus.c in the Umiverslty Scbiool oï Music. Hooi. A. J, Sawyer and family, Tred A. lltüwlett and family, and II. M. Woods and family will leave a bont July ist tor tiieir cottages at Cavanaiugii Laks. Mr. aíiJ Mr. prual, oí Oakiaad, Cal., are giatófai oi tlieir daugllter Air. and Mirs. E. M. Wals.i, uï iiuroa gt. Xtuey will remaia until ai.L'i' commoncement, wlien they "will tura, accompaoied by Mr., and Mrs., who will reside permajienüy ut Oaklaji-dt. Dr. W. W. Xk-hoU and. E. B. Hall will go ïi.sJiing Monday. Xhey go lo ii lalce near lexter. 'Ilie jnode tliey have of floiatbig is xmique to say the least. Tte Dr. is the inveator. llu takes fcwo lai-ge tobáceo j)ai!s aad usee tüieini tor loiate, putting a ïool ia c-atíli pail aiLd walking iu the water wharevet he pleases. Prof. Bliis David Walker, ,vlio ha been teaching at ICankakee, III., but wlici gx)es(to Dabuque, Ia., ïiext year, ha.-i been sliaking hands vvith old i'i leude iu town fo,r a day or so. Trol. Walker "s a fair couinternart of Bea. D'Ooge, of the NomneJ School, oí YpsiUunti, aad many have stopped Him aod inquired about things at the Normal. Lawramce T. Oole, lit .'92, -vlio has been in the general Enisconal logica! Söinkiary ia Xow York City tor the past three yeais, amd who has juist received his degi-ee thereirom, is home for the smnmer. Utei' spenttiag a few weeks here with his grandfather, Hoo. Alpbeus Feicli, Mr. Cole will go north. In the fall lie cxpects bo go alM-oad for study, having ïfiiivcd a Bcliolar.ship from the regonti of !his tiicologieal alma mater. Liesemer, oí Chicago, is in t.he city f oír a few d;iy-. Fraak SmiUi. hl. '91 law '93, oí Obliago, is visíting oíd frieiids Heíe. H;irvey Iïoot, of Noi-thville, is the guesrt of Mr. and Mi-.s. ico. 1!. Alexa.nlei'. Mi-s Mamd Forhan, of Bay City, is spcuding commencement weok witli .Mi-. Li-esemer, of 12Ui .st. T. W. Miingay leturnc:! Mcmday f rom Toironto wbere he was oallecJ ly th e denth oï liis mother. Jolin CampiO'ii añil liridc, of Sfeattle, "iVib!:.. is ia the city ïor i few days, plug at tlie Cook House. abarlas and Rudolpö Hulin, who hao been at the Fltat School for ilie deaf aoid durnb, have arrived liwue lor the summier. Pi of, F. M. Hamiltoa, oí Bacyrus, Ohio, has resiijaed hls position as superiafenident oí schools at tiiat city, and "vill move back to Aun Arbor to reside. W. J. BoOtlli, Bvtaxt H. Seott rund J. E. l'.eal. have gome to Cleveland, Oliio, to attc:i:l tlio meeting öt Ihe National League of Hepubli an Clubs. M.1S8 Griswold, of 31 E. Liberty ,-t;eut. left Tucday fwr, X. C, aud wiÜ le accomipanied l.y Miss Van Iluek who has been lier gaiest for several weeks. Mr.-.. J. I. Stimso'ii left this morning for Ba y View, to reiuain tlui'ing 'ilie siunmcr. .Slie will be accompaoaied from by lier daushters, ilr.s.. Matthews aiud Mía. Hawks. Tred H. Beteer luis reim-ned frcwn a ten days s.tay at llager.slovn, Md. Mr. visited the Gettysburg fckwiaí park, and also traveled over the bat tlO íield oí Amietam, whUe absint'. The college on Semiaary Kidge alt Gettysburg, which buildings Meaxle uul lioth u.sed for observatiou puriiuses during the great battlií i ths properly oí the Eoigllsh I.utlei-an Kj'uüd, aud is íiow Ijeiug oomdaiictéd vrlüti a g-oodly atiéndame oí BtudietntS. Mr. Beteer tiduks ihat it .ought to be so th-at Over}' Americaji citizen. cmüd visit these greutbutile '.i-ld-. He wafi at Oettysburg two daysafter the oouincil comnftttee were t.lvere. Prof. A. A. fítanley will loare next week for J1Í3 suiumer vaeation in Kupope. Opon 'benig a&ked why lie waibed so long, the Professor replied: "My loyalty to the Umivereity keepe me liere inútil after eomniencenient Tho oíd boys carne back here, look about tliem amd fiad flie professors wihemi 'they ued to recite to gone away, aud no one liere that they knoiv, and tliey turn around and go lióme di-sippoLnted and saddened, aad the clia,n&es are they never will come ilo icommeincement again. And theu It does me as niucli üood to meet aiml .-liake hancls witli the boys wbo luave gome out into tlie world, and come back liere again to visit their ald alma, mater, as it does tliem. I woul-d no leave here before commencement for the world." And theve's many a man who Sl reppcj.nd wiüh: "God bless you for those sontimeuts, Prof. Btanley." Farmers object to paylng ir om ?12 to $15 tor a, set of AvidO tires, lut tbey are satisfied to dri over the íielí.í twice for eacOi load ot cora and keep on iloing it.


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Ann Arbor Courier