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Staudiiif; wltb reluctant feet, Where tlie broolc and rivermeet, Now tlie sweet giil gradual e, Expectant, eager and elate, JJevotes herevery thought and care, To what Is Just tlie .hinsr to wear. AnoUier Slictlaiul pony baby at Ir. Dell's banu. Tliis is a tweaty pounder. Every train out of tlio city now bcars loiada of truiiiks and many ttud'eint-. The ovtning service at St. An .Irew's eliurch is dow beid tut 6:30 o'clock -pr m. The state erop rsport gives a disnial outlook, aiwl tliere 19 aothing n the Ir to make it look better so far. Qiarlie Fox is in jail on. a charge of adultory, preferred ly one Marshall and has a bad looking black eyeu The fracais oocurred yesferday p. m. Jolm Maiming, wlio lias run a dray in tbts city for a iiuniber of years, amil -4io is weü toown to many of our eitizajid, has removed to Detroit Tliere Is quite a little complaint ajnong wouM-be patrons of the street cars of flbie inabiUty of conductora tiiiid motormen to &ee people who desire to at trac t tlieir attention. Thio special meeting of the Eaetern Star Oroer, Hhioh wais called íot next Wcdinosday evening, has been postponod. Tliere vrtil be no meeting oif tbe ordier tunlbil the iirst AVednesday eTcining oif July. Hairry Eiobar-d'S iias sold his office buiklinig oa Detroit et. to Frederk-k Stlileieher, the grocer, -svho wlU reïno'iie it to tlie lots on Detroit et., ïormierly oocupied by the street car bara and fit it up for reniting purposes. Traasfer was made througli tlie Bach & Butler ageiaey County School Conimi.-isiouer Elect Wodemeyer is to deüver aa oiration at the co'mmcncemeiut exercises of hte HiglL School, on Thursday, Jume 20 ; at the Chelsea commencemnt Thiuralay June 27tli. ; and is o deliver a -itli oí July oration at Salem etation, at the Iadependence Day celeibratloln to be lield in ttuat place on the colmmg naiion's birthday. Uid we rot flnd variety Ourlivts would ill be wrecks: ,So flrst man writes her poelry. And then he writes her checks. - Washington Star. T:e end, whicli is cO'inmencement, is alniost here. Prof. Richard Hudson bas contracted for the building of a fine residence in the HUI addition. The Howell Kepaiblican bas a Unl■versity coresporwfemt wlio kecps its readers fposted on Ann Arbor af fairst Teachers thiroïigjbout the eounly süitwild reniember tliie institute l;e held liere aiext month, and make prepairatioins to attead'. Prof. E. Ij. Briggs "vill ."be tJie iosínictoir. Is it mot Vather iiaikiudj to eay of a fnsun vffo&a. bO dies tlxat he has gone to join the grea-t nuajority ? Especial■rlieln "ve aire often. leaAs to believe that: liad, wlcfced men are in the nmjoiity. It is eertainly gotting dangerous ttow (o-r íisliernie-n .to viólate tlie iish nad (game laws. If any are ignorant of -tJiem they should posfe up, as ignorance is uob roceirctl as an excuse in court, Circulars, witli temptiag pictures of cool and sliady noolcs, of babbling brookB, of quiet retrèats, of deliglitíul sea and landscapes, are bchig ideluged npon our people now a days aa.d maay are preparing to xake advantage of sotno of t'.ie summer luxuries oifered. Thr stroots aro la sueli a eondition now tliat any whcclm.un can use theni and taiere is no excuse fop either loy uii-1, igeutlema.n or lady USing the sidcwalks to aido om. The. wheels ,a,re 9O muinorous and the riders i-o recfcleBS tha.t tliis law oug-lit to lie obeyed and if hot abeyed, then raforced. Tlie Aun Ai-lor Courier complains lecause tlie legislature did not make ■amy apppopriation to the Univemiy for builMiog p-uipöses so as "to employ lal0'rers and to buy materials here."- Coldwater Bepublican. Tlie Ann Arbor Coitrier nelel made any ucli complalnt. It is strange how a pcrsoai, even. a newspaper man, oan torture wliat ia saidl into somcibliing directly-tlue re's-Hírse when. lie fcais a.n inclinatioiii to do so. The coming commencement wlU he oí especial interest f rom the fact that it Is the fiftielli anniversary of the 'graijiuatioia of tlue first clase Hint 'ever went out of these Halls. Becau: e of thi3 the alumni of the literary departmeat will liavO an especial d':ntoer served at the gymnasium 'miüd!ng at 1 opdoek Thursday, commence(ment day, to wliicli alumnus is mios-t earmestly requestetl to niake an lefi'ort to 16 presant, not only 10 ■balk O'ver days laung syue, but to Kiscuss onattei-s of tlie present and fkr tJie future. It is luoped to malee HMs alumni meeting the greatest in tlue htetcwy of the TJniversity. "Wby don't you Ann people take some action In the matter of i'emo'ving the Homeopathie school ?" eaid a northei-n Michigan editor -who was in town recently. "Oí course if yon mate no protest aad n.Ho'w the diange to be raaüe without ony resistaiice there la no oae to blairae but yourselves bor a precedent tliat may come up to bother you ia the future. Tlie people of tJie Btate are quite geaerally wlth Ann in tliis matter. Th Ub1vtfelty sliould not be hashed up and isoattered'all owr the state. If there Is to be a. Homeopathie college at all, the placo for it is at Ajin Arbor, with Mie reat oí the U,niversity. We are bil ready to help you if you desire to be ïielped, but if you do not care ■anytliin.u: about it, tibian no one eUe All ifc needa to secure proÊBSte fro-m elsewhere is lor you peo])U- 't o eert ihe ball rollinff." What do you yhiuk of that, good people of Aan Arbor ? When the tlntinnnbulatlon ( ir the belU o.' all creat on With the harmonieö of nature are in tune - And the aweet girl's graduating- These are sigus I'tn relating f the sunuy, rose-bell-weddlng munlh of June. -New York Herald. AnsO'n 'Wiight has received $1,300 or tlie losö of aa arm in a railway accideat eome two mcyaths since, ]a;d "by the Odd Fellow Aid amd Accident Associatioia. Thie Villiam street eewer petitlooi was in before tlie Hill otr Huroa street petitians, aad yet it is not puslied. What's tlie matter wifch William si? is what tiro residentts af tïiat avenue want to kuow. Bert Campbell and Misa Cassie Oír ■veie married Thrursdiay at the future lno'niO of the couple at Cu. -17 Gutt st., afc i o'cloelc p. m., Eev. J. M. -Gelston officiating. A few invitetl friends ouly were present. It lias 1eea quite amusing íor the past -few days to see a reporter dlua&e au itom ilj -vhen lie J!oes liappeoi to get track oí oee. The rapidity oí Jiis movemejits are afoout ('.(jiuil t)O tJie flighit of the voice over aji elec■brlc wire : tliiO'U.san.d eig'lit liuudied m dsixty-seYöii miles per second. If this BOrt of -weatlier keeps on the people of this eartli will have to imitate the inliabitants of Jlais, and dig camals to let the --aters o!f the oceac circuíate ttwoughout the land. If the liieavens cease to give lls rain then some plau of irrigation will liave t 'Obe p'rovided, ar ive will dry up. If the mewspapers Bliould treat Ihe atliletic niaoagers 'with the sanie "genero-ity" that tlie atli'elis inaa'agers treat t'h . .■ 3.) pers, a howl would go up ia a liurry. Th ere is such a thiaig as belmg too generous; tliere i- ríuuli a. thing ateo as going to tJ otlier extreane. Tliere is a medium gi-ound between the two extremes liovrever, on which 1)tli can meel and be of mutual beaefit to yacli other. The Jactoom Citizen in speaking of the K.. O. T. M. oelebiatioci in that city, refera fco a "Wasluenawian orator in these wards : "Tlie oration was áelivered by Hoiru H. W. Xi-.vkii-k, of Dexter. TIib gentlema.n ga vu a .-terliog addi-ess, In wlucli he :-eEerrefl'S to the rapid growth oí the order -uiücli dorived lts name frcm the famo'us Judas Maccabaeus. Mr. XuwkirU expiressed the opinioa that iu i;il and bwievolent eocieties -iveie great iaietons in obliterating the lines which 'divide societyí. He ateo paid the Lt. O. T. M. a. couiplimeiit i'or thie efílcienoy oL their won-k." In neaily &very live in Michigan, 'there is one úny oí the year iset apart for SmadJay School Day. On that day all the Suiuday School' chlld;on of thecouinty, o ALTj denominations, gather together, have a paradle, smg 6Oiis's pu-take oí a banliieL or luotóh, amd itave a good time all aloiag; the Uno. In otlier iountie tliis day is loofced forward ;o ly tlic öuiaday School children wi h graat antkipations. Prizes are sonietimcs oïlered for tdie school turning out the inlost members, amd tlie occasion is ina,dc Buoh that the chlldren bear it in their memories as loas aa íue last. TVaslitonaw is behind the Itdmies in this. Why shoaüd she be? Sfee Tas more Suaiday Schools and more Siinday School sehqlars tlian most oí the commies oí tlie state. "With tliree or four exceptions Blie stands at the lioad'. Why no-t liave ome day of the yoar given to ahowing to the people the great btrengili o tliis yo'uthíul army ? AU it aeed is so-me oae to leatt. AVho i.liall it be ? llhe laöt faculty concert of the L'niYerslty School of ilusic, given at Fiieze Hall last ewnüig, was very fia. Indeed. Mr. Zeitz la certainly perfecting himiself in a wouderíul way and the music he mates ranks very mear AViUielm] and Ilemenyi. The Serenata oí JIoJío%vski, as reiidered by liim last evcnimg was certainly as beaatiful and Bweet as either of those ai-tists could liave given it, wlúle tho other selectious were most excellent. Mr. Lamson, .sang, n his inimitable way, iseveral short selectious, tlhe moet notable being tle Freach Mai-seiUes hymn eet to Germán wm-d's, under ttie title of "Ele beiden Grenadiere." There were nö Frenchmn present protest against tuis, ajud few üermans present to applaad. In yiew oï whicli fact liow would it do for Mr. Lamson to givc tlio Englialli. ■worde o the liynm somO fature time, lust to soe wh.t effect it would have om tlie audience ? Of oourse il tlic oxperiment i.s unsucccssful it would toot be necessary to repeat it. Mr. Jomas and Miss Jafie we-re fit loost, and the audieuee dispersad ia a very liappy frame oí miad. Thcre are limes when men would be nloue Far from the mndüening crowd, Wliere lie his privacy can own And Ihink his thouglu out louil. One of these Mines, without a doubt, Is when he first bestrldes A bike. and neinhbors ii'l come out To see how well he rides, A little luig, somewhat resembling tlie patato bug, tliough somewhat smaller amd moire lily, is destroying fche conn la and abooit Xiles. Miss Brama E. Dower al tlie Ann Arbor Demacra!, wals electekl pi-c-ideat oí the llichiga.n AVomian's Press As.oriatkm at ita session in Lansing yesterday. TJifi outlock for the summer si-licol tlii. seaeon is said to 1e excellent. Tlie attondance will be ínlly don Me if no't moro tlian douWe, that oi lat year. Gov. Itidh lias ïeem petitioned to comí pel tlio tstate militia to observe tl: e iSa1lath at lts coming animal cnrampineint;,, "Wïiy mot? The compajiy from Anm Artwr always iloesProf. Sïmmons, of tlie Ivitchfield school, wae in town Tucsday. He will no-t teaoh in. Litchfield next year. having made arrangements to continue his studies at Ann Avbor.- Jonesvillo Independent. Mr.s. OarrfS "Wriglib has sold the most southem oí three houses oji Forfe'st ave., to Dr. AV. 8. Moore, tbe dentist'. Tlie transfer was made tliro'Ugh the Bach & Butler agenoy. Dr. Moore wiU move iato hi uew resideuee alXMït t3ie middle of July. 11. Fraoik Bower ha sold out Jiis his entire interest in the Cleveland World, has purchased aa interest ia the Cincinnati Morning Tribune, and ha& been made managing editor u the saan. This piomotiou wlll le glad neWB to Frank'.s ni-uiy o'd Aun Arbui1 f rienda; Tlnusdn'y ovening, fit the homo oí Uw biiiie's párente, Mr. aad Mrs. A. D. MaikUam, oí No. 45 Tliird kt., Misa öusie .Markliam amd Mr. Wm. Siniiïi:, (of Dixboro, were united in marrlage, Ker. J. M. GeUtooi performiag- the ceremony. A iew tiiemde of tlio iaaiily only, wero present. Frateamlty lodge F. & A. M., is very ace o mmada Uug. A. sliort time ago lt eoiiierred the -d a.nd 3d degrees upan a oamidddate for San Pak iode, ui" Caiitonala, and last niglu the -d degiee upoa Eiuered Apprentiee H. II. Waibe, erf ABÜiville lodge, of Korth Caio'iina. Froan tlie Paciiie to the AtUmüc, all meet o.a the level liere. Xight lKfore last a man gWmS li's name as JoJin Smïbh, was picked tip dead drtmk. ly Ofiicer Huhn. The ncxi da.y upaa beiag queationed, the fact was deve!o.ped that ho had been a pesidiöttt of the poor house of Oalhioiuin cuuntv for the past two yeara, amd tlMt the au.thorities there luid loii'j,ht hlm a ticket to this lace, with' fchie evident inteiition of gettiny; lid ai Mm. It is needless to say Uiat Jofom wïU go back to Marsliall again. A tclegiaiu received here tlin {lust of tino week. eomitaMed the sad news tfoat Ho'waid S. "Wait liad died quKe .-u:l(ieiii1'y ia New York City. Mr. Wait was a successíul yomag lawyea: ajid was a som OÏ the late W. Hoiva i d, oTifferw York City, wlio grailuaited lieve ia 1848. His moitliw is a stoter of lli-s. H. J. Beakes, Mrs. Hubbard and Mr. Swatltoel, of this city, and Mns. Sinclair of Detroit. Hls isaicldn deatli was a great shock to li is frieinds hert?. He leaves a mo'blvor amd ome brotlier. His liie was an unselfMi ome, and nis early diea!Öli is a sad blow to Olie inotlier to -ilioim he was ever a onost devoted and tliO'Ughtful ean. His motlier and brotüMT liavO the heartfelt sympathy of tloeir frieaidis bere.- Axgus. A diee.d has jusfc been recorded in the register of deeds office, tlia.t 'lias traveled at least 10,000 miles in teing executed. AVliea the Delta CpeiLoin fraternity purcili'ased the Gov. Ashley ptroperty on Moüiiroe st., it ivas incoa porated. there 1;e:ng 23 names sLu-ued to 'tlhe artit-les of tacarporafclon. Stoioe then tawj statate under Yhh■h tliey acted has been declared uinconistiUitional, and it was found neoessary to rcincorp'Oa'ate. and in order fo quleb the title to their residienlee it becanne necessary ior these twonty-three incorporators to make a niew deed to the re-incoiiiorated 60oiety. In ordor to do tliis the deed went lato six diiferont states, Mieliigaa, Oliio, Illinois, Minnesota; Colorado amd New York, and tnto several ooujitiee in noarly all of these states It weat to Illinois t.livee times. Colorado twice, Ohio twioe and into all the otlior etates once. It makcs quite a 'history few the document.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier