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Tlie larns of Randolpli Cook of Sharo.n tovnliip, -wero bunied to the g-Lonmd on Sunday morning, turee üoraes being bu.rn.od with tliem. It is thouight to bo tho work of a tramp.. "WJiat yoai aay to going over to Salein Station tli e4th of July ? George Whee'er is mister oí r.eremoaiies over thre, and he ;i-omises a good time to aill vvlio come. And what '-CJcoiga pi-oimies lie fuli'üls. 'Jlie of fooce l3O'a.rd advertising i,s illustratcd in tho iollowing mix-Tip, craisod "by repairs in the "Bathe rj-our baby witih - sparkling lager beer." And "buy your boots and slu?3 of - tbe rcliable ol ddrug liouse," etc. At Howell all the fraternal organizaticns of tlie city contémplate joinÏQg togetlier and erecting a building foir their uses, to be known ns Fraternal Hall. It is pi-oposed to miaJte it CGx5 feet in size, tlirce .stoiií'S liis-li, a.nd to cost L15,000. A jHumber oí young people irom liere attended the nhuli annual .linie íisUval oí ISt. Thomas' Gonservatory of Jlusic, at Aan Arbor, last X-"riday evening, and are entMisiastic over the excellence of the program. - Dexter Leader. ('liiiide TanTyno experts to start soxxa aiter the commciic-emeiu at Ann Arbor, om a bi-ycle tour of Burope. He Avill Tisit Fraiv-e. Switzeirland, Crniiany and He -vill take bes on the ivny" and the readers of tlie Heralil wlll have tlic pleasraie of i:i')niiig au occasional letter irom hia pen. - Tecumseh HeraUl. The people of Xorthvi le rre to liare a regutas1 oíd fasbioaied patriotic -ith of July celebratioai, and advertid ome of the ppecial attractions, the ladies' baiid, oí Feaïton. X'he Eeeord has -oii.-i;Írrable to say about th's band, but ís vei-y'" quiet about th qua'ity oí lemonade to be served, and whether it -vill be Berred with pticks - straw,-; ivo mean, or not. MilforiVs business men went to Xortlnxle ïuesday, nuil tackled the business men luiere in a game of base ball. The stores were closed, school "let out," houset; were locked up, the printing office was shut, prayer meetings abandoned, iactories shut down and hired giris toot au afternoon öff, tso that the wholo place eould have leea found at the game. Wlien the eantcst was finished, the TisitpiB wero licked, by a, score of 20 to 21.. Then hcy went to the hotel and had a bamquet, and helped pay tlie Uceóse. - Adrin.11 Press. The emtdre editorial fi-aternity of this con'gressioual district is invited to Le ju cseiit nt the great game to be playet !;ooii befcweea the city anrd county officials iiere. Druggists say that tlieir sales of Hood's Sars;ii)arills exceed those of all othere. Tliere is no substitiite for Hood's. Prof. Calvin Thomas is to deliver the graduating addreee before the Detroit High. School class on Priday aftemoon. His sabject will be : "Citizenslup -and tho School." There is more trouble aliead ! (ireat tro'uble, too! The postoffice forcé lias an organized club and these officials of Dncle Sam propose to cJiallengo the winners of the citycounty game. Judtre üabbitt says tlwit he has been given a po-sition behind the back stop in the great ball Eame. He will "be prosvlded with a leather aproia to catch. the ball with and be givcu tho privilege oí yelling f.t the base. runners as knul as ]io lias a mind to. At tho animal meeting of the E. T. P. U. of tlhe lst Baptist ohnrch Haturday evoning, tíie following officers were elected : ' Presidctnt- H. 'E. Brown. Yico President - E. Flynn. I5ec. Sec'y- Cora Alexander. Cor. Bec'y- Laura P. Te-mple. Treas.- "Y. 8. Simons. , Pianist- liona Tucker. t lio: i toi- Harry Montgomery.


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