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Secretary Olney Has Made A Bad

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gmnins ttf aíllxlng Ufe name to a proilamaiiau whicfo says the United Kuiív-s "are.'' tnistead oí "is." It te a Pln.!íula.r factjtliat Stevenson has not lirted a fiiiï-cr-ta prevent the aemoccatlc party of Illinois f rom "gotag agln" tl'i' ailininistration. It is proUaVy tome that Ohio'a ehoiee for president is McKtnley ; but sonif of lite anganB aro lnslsfclug apon Jt Aviili s-u-.-h liysterical eraphasis that the comntry iihit Tïegto to Iliiuk Ihore is grave ckwibt about it. The 200 ropulvHcivn clubs of Marylamil have been holding an pnUiu-iasi i state convent ion. It is reassuriug to licar that Maryland repolbUcan n not built on the Delaware plan of Umiuiuií away a itory whön tsocured. It is avcII to tmuevstaiid tliat the net loss of gold tlius Jajr tliis year, $12,000,000, Is omly atoout a íouitli oí winait it was last yoar at this time, 00,000. Hiis is am imiirovemnt in opmdltions whieh speaks Ier Tli o British nrmy has a total ordingto Hit! l.itest ■ lílue i,. „[ 222,151. Ii Kmglíuid car(nit all ite K:-!hcmes of eelzlng tlie ,.),,, oíearth it vrlU Tje atte lo, witli a corporal amíl "ten Iraen. President Cleveland Has deelined lo accept the .honoraa-y degree oí IX.. D., co-iifen-e.1 upou tOm l.v WUberforce rnivcr.-ity. 'J'hi.s insthuvion is ■llie oMeet In the coiiatry for me eduoati of nögroea. Tlie president ,,.,,, toritoíow deelined similar product of line topper in the States lnl894 was 350 000 pOTUuds, and Us awrage price eyearwa91-2c. THe copper ,!,lV.iy B mkroscope anü seareh íor a "legislative crime" .,,,-ain-t theW ' r(lrtl' iül Ln fte MM at -louWe the iu;u-ki piri ..., . Hint oï the next house on y quéstiom shows that ,)f liic 244 íepiibU ■ '■ '! öf" the 105 d liaSt tree sllver, making a ma}trVty oí 151. That is to say. the proportion oí free s emular kui has been knowu íor .maiiy , i populista also vote witüi them. The country w UI regret to liear tbat g Georgia, lias clecided to retire from politics at the „ii,iien,i. HtehebeBtrepreBentatiyO of iln; conlederate element i li qilit Üglitiag -wten the war was wver, and renewed ite loyaliy o the U-nion in good iaith and with . nractical effect. Harper's Wedáy íor Jiine 22.1 wi'J contain au LUustrated article on ( lii !-k;im;ui.n-. Park, by Gen. H. Y. Boyinton. In the same numter ihe eete oí 'New York, as they wére ln 1804. and em n-y are elnce Col. Wtwtng lias clciined tlim and turned ihe tmcl out, wlU ha rcpresented in a nvmber oí illustrations, iilling two pages. The animal meeting of the Michigan Press Association will be held in Benton Harbor July 10-11. Arrangemeuts have been completad by Secretary Sherman for a trip across the lake to Chicago, thence to LaCrosse, up the river to St. Paul, thence by rail to Duluth, by steamer to Port Arthur, where the party will stay over Sunday, going down to Port Huron on the return home. The trip will be a delightful one, occupying some nine orten days. The imlo.'atiiínWe silenco oí Pfefer is about the onlj redeemlng feature oí tlie fiee BilTer cruseude. 'Hu' advijir in waee are to. Ke regarde as lorcnmners oí an inevitable ïcpuhïi .-:in Tieto.ry in 1896. The deimocmts liave rarely been knownfbo say ae many man ihings aboiit vin-. ipepubUoainig a ttoey iU'e. niow saytóg iiixmt oiie anotin-v. ■Jlir silver figtkt üi the Kontu;'l;y demoemcy will iWp the repoMicans, ,,f rourso, Tut tliey coulil earry tlie state bhis year without it. Tli;ii grefc.1 canal that (u-rmauy has }uSt op neá, wa.Ha maling suah a íuss ove:-, was buflt by EVaouce. Xhat Is, ricnrii bax-payena I1.1J to pay ior 'The Gonnian gtruggle ior Mjerty" . ,;, i of a series of papers to be iniblNlHMl in Harper's Magazine. fiwrt article will appear in tlie .Tul y mimber. ïlic hulenmity which China, has to paj to Japan, U countedl out in Mexi,,,ni doHai-s, wcmlü amount to 288,800.000 of Kin. 'Jiiat is quite a liiUiíUomi; üttlo Slim. ■ The appearaaee ot Ooogreseman Jota Alien, oí MisaiSBlppi, as i frce silver orator Imdicates tliat at i ast the comic aspect o{ tlie Uiing is Uko'y Co ree-eive nttention. The. ludían problem, as understood ty Secasetary Hotoe Sniith. relates maiüly to the leasiing oï grazing lande to relatives amid favorites at lower prloeu thaai are oifered by other partles. That advance trom $22 to $24 in tlie pricO of steel rails is a sig-a oí t-rade improremeit vuii-h jueans mucb. Steel, equally with iron, whk-li te aüteo goiing up, is a business indicator -svhich en Prospariby kills Raaincial quackery. GreenlKirki.-ui got iis dathblow -.vhen the fattorios fitarted up ia 1879, and silyierism is göttiaig knocked out ly tbe demand ior workers and the advaaoee in wagos. One ttidng to rcmember abcrat ilie 6,324,702 lllitwates report ed in ihe Cui'.i.;! Sta-tes censáis is tbat tlie most of tlicm aio Iwreigoeiw wliosu childion aio attending American free Bchoöls. This is the best that can 10 retnedy tlie etfect ol ro-peam negïect. Hj Ucr gto'We reaclied the jemtly, and Is reportefl to le in excellent jihysical healrh. lier royaitiee on "Uncle ïom's Cabin" expired, aml It is to the honor of her puViHiers that they still nllow Mrs. Stowe a ö'.iare in the sales oí her historie book. IÍ the democratie silverites can not dominóte t3leil' Prty i!1 Kentucky Unir cause N o-t to the eatire south. From present tadioations Kentucky la aftifl#fc tliein. A sound money in the Kentucly demoeracy ■w-iH l)c a grfutid icton-y for Cleveland, Curli-le an:l Waiterson. It: took the American people Beveral yeawa tlo rtis-over that the battle of r.mikcr HUI was i vlctory for this Bide, l)Ut the hoarüuess with ■tt-lii-h .ir oí tlie event !,.1:-;, 1 ,.i[ i:. Miss.irhusetts shows tliat In tliat quartwr at Jeast all doubte cxn this poiat aisappeared long ago Sev(;iiy menitoere oí Yale's graduattag cla8 wlW study law, iiineten m,edJctae. fifbeen tbeology and ty-fomr will go into business. The fijares imlk-at? ttoat the people are likely to beco'me more liealtht i-atlier Uinn more wealtliy and wise. I'ifteeii doctot to sovcuty lawyers is at least physically reassui-ing. Peoiilo of imi.Mle age can reineinber wlicn the only use íor Iadla rubber wens il o ei-ase poiieil marka. 'Tlie impoitanee ot ilie article eéOW is lni ed by the fact that ia the firet thvee months of 1893 Ihis couatry paid SO, 0G0, 230 for its importation. Th" India rubber tree lias bocome indostrially ome of the most remarleatole in tlio -wliole list. A gentleman in Washington wlio lias tor years made a practice of gathering personal aneedotes of veterans of the war, both of the northern and southern services, once asked a friend who liad fought all through the war, if he bad ever killed a man that he positivcly knewof, "Yes," said he remorsefully, "one. At Buil Run I ran at the first fire. A rebel chased me for 10 miles, and was then so exhausted that he dropped dead." A shoomnlvcr nanied Gordon, -vlio wam a dlssolute sort of a lellow, got mail lecauso liis Wiíe leít him and secured a ■divorce, tlirew away tis ktt of tools, -went pirospecting for gold t Cripplo Creóle, and a few weeks - hipped eleven car loads of quartz lliat yieliled lúm ovr $1,000,000 in gold. If the mino keeps en. at this lio wiH Boo-a betlie ricliest inan la tlie world. Buch are the í-oinanI lite.


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Ann Arbor Courier