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Thai look Ir s already cnöd lts appearaace nn the campus. Proí. Paul C. Freer now . : Tictar vele bough! iy f 31. Stwöb The law library will 1 Oipeffl during the sumiller at the usual liooirs t'Xept at 11 ' Eveiyliody i getting ready the ppeatest Uoliday in the year nex1 Thuo-sday- July 4. Several local wbeelmen "vül ride t. BaJttte Creek obi tibie Fauirth 10 eee tie Mcycle race. Dr. HJanioeage Gitobee will open in office in Detroit, in connection liis Ann Arboir pracfclceElierbacli & Co1, boxed ip a stove tíiis morning for a ciisstomer wlio tabee ttoe same to China. The ïnenibiTs of the Zukcy Lake Keystone Club wi 1 celébrate ihc Nar.ion'.s biithday at the lake. THiis makes the 20th seasoa that Eoswell Waterman of t-his city ]ias epent art Bay View. Tlio senior reception cama out wlth ■betvreen fifty and one liundred dollar 'ahead. Quite an unusual pvoceeding. On July 4tli, the Ann Arbor n&war lojr's mine -vill play tli eDexter boys at Dexter. Tliere will be aoise enougli (or any oue celebratlon right thore and tnea. Thp, Bbreot rai'way coimpany have K-ponsed "witji twocoiiductors. Hereifter condut'toTS g-o no furtlier than State i-t., then transferring to tar .going down town. Dr. Henneage Gibbea has announced :iis ntention of remainiiig in the city, and vill practice liis profession liere. The Dr. is a gentleman who understands the science of medicine and is an experienced practitioner. The Studente' Lecture Association has amoug others secnred the attendance next year of T. DeWitt Talmage and Heury Watterson. The Ann Arbor Press club might gettogether euough by the time the great southern editor visits ns to exteiul hfm greetings. The} might - but. At the Auniversary Kally held in the -'coiid Baptist church Sunday, the siim of $223 was sccured by nietnbeis aul friends of the church to be applied on their church debt of $436, and for ■.vliicli sum the members desire to reurn tbanks to tlieir inany friends who 30 kindly assisted theni. Although the degreeof B.L. has been abolislied at Ann Arbor, about tlie sanie Humber of Black Legs as before flourisb there. However they can only be got rid of by degrees.- Adrain Press. AVill the editor of the Press please explaio how he happens to kuow their color so wel! ? The following Ann Arborites pass: ed 'tiiO exfuminiatloQ of the State Boord of Htuarmacy, as Regfctered Pharmacists, .at its recemt session at Star Island : Geoirg Doebne, Jr., Delia O'Conao-r, E. Bert Williams, Gilbert A. Boty. As assistant, E. G. Iraeas. Ie is reported that tliere will Le two or threo lese fratermlties liere Diext year. This is the largely of poor financial management, 'l'lie leputy (ílieriíf visited at least two ttc-nsee last week wlth bi'.ls of'ent. and one fratemity owes sevi;u lnilndred dollars to a certaln y butclier who i somewhat anxis tlout lus pa.v. Xö. I, Vol. XI. oí bhe Daily Re";■ (iii'n ïrom the cool ind talmy sbadee of Petowkey, laden ■wlth l)t-autiFul pk-tures ajid palntinge of words, on a pink background like unto 110 other publication in the world. Tlie licortor ík original. It Í6 3io oopyist ar plagiarist. Just tlie same, Bro. Ilamptoíi makes a dally that -vill attraot evem the listless suanmer boasder - unless he is too ■-íO'tte. The Ann Arbor Courier notes that a local insurance paper, known as "Hard Times," has had its name chauged to "Better ïitnes," and approves the change. What? And this under a áemocratic adininistration ! Mother of Aloses -Adrain Press. Yes, dear, but aftera republican congress had been elected, and the people were assured that the adininistration above referred to coukl not, by any possibility, do any iurtlier banu. Do yon twig? Jos. A. Bucknall, one of the dental á.ass graduating this year recently had oom searched for $150 worth of dental instruments that had been stolen ii another dental student named H. B. Repsinger. o tools were found there, and now Bucknall retaliates by bringing suit against Officer Petterson who served the warrant, and Repsinger for !f 10,000 damages. In the meantime the defendant Eepsinger bas gone liome to Switzerland, and our chief of pólice will have to pay the entire $10,000- perhaps. the 4th of July picn'C al Wbi Bioo e Lake. y..cry w ■ -.vho - i tere v.i I Ii n e a go id Lime. Cifcj ' ■ aoi úw.' anl can HO' ,,,i I umtil Jiry .15. The citj t:f,;-i , is noiv in the cltj il;. Miss Kiniiiii Fiseher has iei en ft-agi-d to play the pipe orgau ai the M. E. Ghurch during the absence 61 Prof. Sbanley. David Partlow, of Manchester, ha been sued by Barbara Jenkina for $5 000 daiiiages lor slander. ■ Jndge Kiini lias (ixed lail at $500. Water pipes aire betog put in at the :'ou ■ - n.;rs of llie court liouss square h.v tbe city, so that the lawn can l.e ■ i; :ik!eil witliout inte-rfiu-ing wilh the tivo Iiy 3r;iiiit s. Caroline H., wi:e of Thomas M. Tibbals, of 29 E. Uaivereity ave., died t'liis jnornimg, aged 56 years. MtBí Tibbals -n-as formerly iiom Bay City, haviug come to this vity last September. Coimpa.ny A wijl lrave for Monroe on Ilic 7:47 train on the M. C. R. R., on the moraing of July 4th, and wUl airi-there at 10:30, and returnLng leave Monroe at 9:30. Fare for round irip, $1.35. In Justice Pond's court this morning Jacob Dingman, cbargeil witli rape waived examination and was rem and ed for trial. The bond was placed a $700. This could not be given and de fendant was coimnitted to Dr. AT C. Nlohole lias pui-cliased the oine-fo-urtli nterest in the Island Jake property cwned bjr Mr. Henry Hochï-ein, aad wlU take imiucdiate i)ossesston. Fish of enormous size only, wlll be taken fronn Island Lake hereafter. Monday the four local banks paii their semi-annual dividends as follows State Savings Bank, 3 per cent, amoum $1,500; First National, 4 per cent, $4,000 ; Ann Arbor Savings, 5 per cent $2,500 ; Farmers and Mechanics, 4 per cent, $2,000. liandall has a picture taken of the class oí '75 at lts recent reunión. There Avere oineteen oí the class present, incltiiling tliree ladies. Miss Chapfiï. Miss Co-ok and Miss Tilomas. President Angelí is -ivith. the claes lecause he aissuraed the presidency if the Umiveireity ivith that year, jnakUvj: it very appropriatei. Slipt. ReeTOS at tlie Uiniversity is preparing to give tlie amphitheatre at tJxe hospital a thoroogh ocrliiutling. All th seat.s are to be torn out aaid replaced in a way to give sno'vo rooin and better accommodat ioias to everybody. On the campáis Ifew extensive repairs will be inale, Bdmce no money for them is foi-thcoiming-. doeete ivill be part in tibe law building: and a few other sügtit additiOiiis arnd changes made,


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Ann Arbor Courier