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Claremce Noble is selllng boi ks n I Ui Spri; Prof. CSmis S i íias gone '.o Vermunt for the vacatjoa. Miss Nettie i i lias goae lo Otlea, Mie!)., for the siunmer. Ml Ij. Gwinner has nrnv e. 1 home froin Iowa, for the summer. M:. H. C. Penny luis g-one to Jack Kom to visiL frieiul.s for a coaple o: weeks. Miss Ui'ssn Black oí Aun Arbor, is rtBlttog Mtb. E. C. Wilder, in Battle Creek. Ilev. a.nd Mts. Ohling'er have gone to Milwamkee, Wie., to be absent for two mout lis. Jíis Allie Curtís is. Tlsitlnig lier aunts Mi. ('o'urt. aad M'K. Hitchcock, in BaJttle Creek. Sanwiel 1!. and D'vigiit Ciibtemden, oif l'ittsfield, were in the city Moatlay Oin busiiiesíi. 'ilie fiiimi-ly of Cashjer Belser lo.t TU3sdi"iy fora Kuramer's stay at Cava uaugk Lafce. Hom. A. J. Sawyer and faniily liave g-ome to Cavana u gli Lake to ïemain dmrinlg the Kuinnii&r. Miss POioébe A. 3. Howcll, wlio had leem teaching in ïecunnseh, has íeturnod to Aun Arbor. Prof. Julius 0. Selil0ttei-leck . !eit I'iiilay a. jn. for the east, and will sa il on tlie 6tli far Hurope. Miss Anna MeOnaber accompanicd Mrs. F. A. Howlett and Xamily to Caanaugli I.ake Saturdaiy. MdHB B. Hayes, lit 93, of Erte, Pa.. Jias rcturiied to Aim Vrlwr to epenid thO summer. Miss Bumioe Warner, oí Washington, Di C, i visiting .Misa Mary A. Iveating-, of E. Kiiiigsley st. Miss Joeeptidiae Gaffney, wlio had Tjeon visiting Ann Arbor friends luas returmod honie to Marquette. Miss llattie Iie.ulïam went to 'jrand l'.;i]ii(Is Moinday to speiul some weeks wil li 'lier sister, Mt6. Powers. Mis. M. K. Craaidall, oí &. 12th ist., reLuriied on Katuiday evening' trom a visit witk lier sister at Clüitou. Pro'f. and Job. H. Drake, of tliis city, a,re Mits. D's ïnoitLer, Mire. Cha. Merritt, in Battle Creek. General Secretary Johnson, of the Y. M. C. A., has í-etumod from a woek's visit at his home in Owosso. Prof. and Mms. George S. Knight. of Coïmnbois, Oliio, are guests of Mr. and Ma-s. Jolimsou W. Knight, of E. A-illiam st. Ör. C. JI. Col6iiJi, of t.he First M. E. oliurch, epent Sunday in Detroit, whero li e preathed in tlie Tabcniia-cle ckureh1. Mis. Schlottwbeck and daug-hter, Mi.s.s Til lie, JiavO gome 1ack to Brushton, Ba., af ter a few week's visit liere with old frlemda Joewph A. Dibble, wlw lias resided on Detroit pt., for several years, lias gone to Salem to resido wifch liis daughter. Mrs. Harry A. Conant ana MLss Marguierite Coinant, who have been visitimg frtepcfe foere, have retm'-ned home to Momroe. . Mr Viola Klntner, oí Xew Yoik f'fty, is expeeted at the home of lier motlier, Mrs. C. L. Pack, of X. inSalís st., to remain duriiig the summer. Tlue family of F. A. Howlett, of Ihe I'. O. fort-e left Baturday ior Cavanaugh Lake eeveral weeks stay. Fred will not be -vfth theni, except on Smadaye. "Prof T. C. TrueWood was, on June S8, elecfeed treamirer of the Xationil ABSoclation of Klocutionists at Bostom. Xexi year the AsBOciatlom is 10 ineet aft Bebroit. i'rof. Harry Iiandall, who has boen teaching in -,ho Bay City nchoole for the pat year, lias accepted a' befcter Ion ia the Saginaw, e. s. schools for the coming yéajr. The followiag Ann Arbor boys havo ïave retumed fi-om tlie schools at SamdwiclvOnt.: Fi'ed Mclntyre, Henry Kortom, Joiseph McCal, Harry lirown and Ed. Tayloir. Prol. Joihn Dewey, of the UmhiJÜ- of Chicago, has recently returnd wlUi hU family f rom Enrope, and licy are the Kuests of Mrs. D's grandparent, Mr. and lire. F. F. Eiggs, on Oalc st.- Feaiton Independent. Br. and Mr. C. G. Dariing arrivod at Amltwerp all .n Fe. aften? a pleasmt pa.i.sasr. They arrievd Sunday matead of Frlday, bein;? delayed by the ïide in mafeimg the landing. Mrs. öarliing experienced tli e"]oys" of seasickoess ta quite an estent. Tbey lood on tlie bridge at twili;rht. While the moon looked down from above Tlip breozes blow soft and balmv - 'Twas a time for sighs and love They sllentlv 2azed on the water. And thoiiiïht of the thinffs lield dear, Shelonpred forsome ieecream soda, Ho yearned for a glass of beer. Mark "Wallace Bias moved nis family iuto hifi niew house at 13 Fountain .( reet. Miss }fl. Kii'üii liris retnrned from a trip down the St. Dawpence anS t-o easterai resortsi. Miss Anmia Leland, of Emery. is . p i in!; several days with iriends on Twelftli st. Mlns. .T. A. Ames i.nd daughter, Mi?s Ella, left lEUSt niííht for a summeir's outirug at TopinabeO. TIip sisters of the I. II. M., of St. ïliomas' parocliial school, weet home to Monaroe thi mornint;. Proí. H. M. Sla'üi-o,!i' who is teac'hinK in. Illinois, has jodied liis wifO in this city, aml is tfoegmeet oí Mrs. Conovier, of S. 5tfli ave. D. F. Schairer and family vi'l p;o Base Iake Frlday to remaln a Cíouple oí weeks, to partake of mosquifoes, Ir.fce water aad- flsb; Mr. aml Mrs. ("ha.s. W. VTagnr aiud cliüdicn. iiavV; gwne to Wequeto'n-ing-, whierfi r,r. W. and .-hildren Uren will remaiu fop the nummer. Cari Jones starts for Kalamazoo M(i,ii(!a.y p. ín. H'e will remain tliere all siunmer. ThO Kalamazoo band bias seouineá díte services aiid caa conS'ra '- ttlalte i henio'.'l-.v i ai refor. Dr. Clad-eoice Miner is visiting his parents, MSr. and Mrs. John E. MineiT TuiO Dr. is to be m&rried soon to a lady in Ottawa, 111., and will i-eside in Fresno, Cal., afterward. Mhs i.vIí.-l Brooüllette, lit '94, who been teaching during the past i at Port Hurooi, Is visitiug her Bisten' on .State st. .Hhe exjects to visit the Pacific coast next inouth. Jli-s Francés Onem, wliO has had employniewt the pnnt year at tifo Utopia Milliuery Parlors, left Baturday Ovening her houxe at Doivag-iac, wlhere i;ho will spead the simimor. J. Y. iSliieeha.n has reaited De. Break■y's cottage at OM Missiom oji Tiai!ay amd expects fco spoud iart of tho Mimmer tlnere. Iiis ianiily liavo ahcady gome to tliat place and Mr. Shoelwui -vill follow ia a few day.s. Prof. 'Geo. W. Iíeuiwkk, oí Muskegom. ïormOi-ly tfceacOier ui music iu Ann iiioi' .-cliool.s, was a ftucst of E. E. Calkimg Satiuday. He has been atjemiding the state oonvention of music teachers in Ypilanti, and was on liis way homo by wlieel. A. party of tem or twelve, cliaperonecl ly Mra Barsobe of Ing-alls st., left Satui-day for a few days ít Whítanome Lake. Tlie party iachidted J. B. OTCi-ton and Miss Clare OMertoia, of Detroit ; Mr. Popklns, of Detroit ; Misses Popkias amd Purield aaid A. W. Wier. The Ypsilamti Bentinel of June 26, ims tlii.s atnong lts items : "Charles Woodruif, tho vetera.ii editor of this apear, wiho has been au invalid alt liis ïöiine for a lang time, was taken coniik'rably worse last Thursday, and eince tliat time has been confined to ïi-s bed. He is now considerably beter, 'and tliO attendius physician anlcipatee liis ftOl recorery in time." Trof. C. A. Koïoil. oí S. University ave., accompanied 1y lus wife, lias gane to Noffmai, 111. Soott Firanio, oí Fladiay, Ohio, spem,t Sundiay wlth H. E. Bennett and famiiy, No. 27 TJiompsoa st. Proí. Cari Xeutweini is to' conduct a coairse in Germán at the nummer school at Bay View. Miss ElLa Drake, of Momroe st., wiio bas beea dangerously il for seveial, is r;i])idly reüovering lier iicaltli. E. E. Newton loft tlii-; ïnoi-ning for Featoa ";ui:1 in races" awheel. He rode from Jiis home in Bay City a few days sin ■'.''. Mdse Sairali "Wrigtofc, of Cathai-inc st., hos booiglit ome oí the Thompson homises om Thoimpson st., -nul will movo inlto it dmrtng the present lHjOIIltll!. Miss Oofna lic-niiieson, of Boston, Mass., is stili wKh. friends in this city, tmt leales the last of this -week in oompany wltih Mis Octavia Bates, to spnid tlie Kummer in the Adirondack moii,ntain.


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Ann Arbor Courier