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The farmers interested in that line living in Livingston county, porpose to organizo a, couaty d.iiiyman's ü.ssoeiation. ïlio decrense oí t In; iiuinber oí sheep in Michigan ior tie past yc,:r is 16 per ee.nt. The beauties oí íi-ee vrool In th-e Witeon taiifi. The Amn Arlior &ewlag Circle has cío-seo down oponatdOJLS ior the suintaer. - Dexter Leader. Cuess again, Bro. Thomp'san. Ann Arbor has ïio sering circlo. Col. Oria "Wliito toolc up the iirst lamd froin the K-overiiment in this towji.Hliip, on June 23, 1823. TheA Ruimsey o;iid Allcns came aext in FebniaTj', ]S24. 'l'liat'i tne timo Ann ArbO'i' fitarted. Miss Mabel Coltoin, oi the class of '90, in tibie unión school here, graduated at the U. of M., Ann Arbor, class oí '95, ia literature, scieace and arts, lielng the proplietess of her class. - - AVnyne Keview. C. M. Blackmar of Milan, after three fallares has struck a well of water thal gushes like a populist orator. In constructiug this similitude we have done so with profound respect for the Hou Gus Peters. - Adrain Press. Bev. T. G. Potter, of Ann Arbor, was lm town Mondar smaking liands wibli his many oM frieads. Few mintet-ers ever leave a place wifck more friemdls tlian did Mr. Potter when lie Löft thiis field a year ago.- Saline Ol servei'. The house of Theodore Stewart occupied by Héctor Dralce, near tlie Town House in Lodi, was burned tojthe ground Friday afternoon. Loss estimated at $300 on house, and $50 on contenta, the greater part of the furniture being saved. Insured in the Wushtenaw Mutual. Mire. Eraniii Cliilds. wife oí Eugeme drilde, oí AVhittiücer, died Stunday a. m.. siuldeaiiy, of a complieatioa oi i-ooiTls. Funeral services are to ■be held at 3 o'clock ai. the home in "WMttaker. Mjrs. Cliilds was n slsiui-liiw of üolKM-t Caanpbell and W. IC Cliilds, oí tliis city, both of whom willi their families will atternd the fumieral to-moïrow.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier