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The Owen Electric Belt And Appliance Co.

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AGUAR ANTEE THE Owen Electric Belts AND APPLIANCES INSURE to the SICK these great pointe of advantage over all imitators. THE ELECTRIC CÜRRENT can bc immedialely feit, although soothing to the most sensitive. The strength of the current is under the complete control of the wearer, so much so that a child may be treated and cured by the same power of Belt necessary for the strongest man. It can be changed from positive to negative current in a moment. Ttaey have and are cnring thouand of -ases of RHEUMATISM, CHRONIC DISEASES AND NERVOUS AILMENTS in man and woman (from any canse) where long continued medical treatment f ailed to cure. NO MEDICINES ARE NECESSARY. Avoid all cheap (so-called) Electric Belts and fraudulent iniitations of our Electric Belts and Appliances, as these are an imposition upon the suffering. THE OWEN ELECTRIC TRÜSS is the most retentive and curative Truss made for the radical cure of Bupture. Inclose six cents and send for our LARGE 1LLUSTRATED CATALOGUE ia English, Germán, Swedish and Norwegian languages; containing medical facts, sworn statements of cures made and descriptions of Belts and Appliances. Address 205 TO 211 8TATE STREET. CHICAGO. w. j. brodïl 1057 W. Polk St, CnicAao, Oct. 37, 189E The Owen Elbctkic Belt a:;d Appliance Cc: Gentlemen- Solely in the interest of others who are, uc may beeome similarly affecled with myself, I venture to offer my experience wiïh the use of the Owen Electric Bolt, and that I am actuated entirely by that motive, must be apparent from the fact that untü you Eee rny name and addresa recorded on this letter you had no knowledge of either. 1 had long been a Bufferer from chronic dyspepsia and nervous prostration, contracted or aggravated by many years reBidence in the East Indies. A bout tl' ree years ago I purchased one of your Belts in the hope that lts use might afford me some relief, and wore lt continuously as directed for about four hours every afternoon for a month or bo, and the result wac perfectly marvelous. My indigestión with all lts attendant miseries, nervousness, depression, irritability and insomnia, from which latter I was a great suíferer, havo disappeared. I then discontinued the use of the Belt (the existence of which I had indeed f orgotten), until about six weeks ago, when a recurrence of my old trouble very foreibly reminded me of it. I again put it into wear (af ter ceasing its use for over one and one-half years), and with the same extraordinary results, being again re3tored to health, Etrength and vigor, af ter wearing it for only ten dayB. 'ünder these circurastances I can most emphaticaily reeommend to others suffering from the ailmenis which I have endeavored to describe, the adoption of the use of the Owen Electric Eeit. I had long been aware of the cumtive power3 of eleetricity from what I had read on the subject, and on my return to England I purchased from Pulverroa'cher of Regent street, London, the eombined chain bands, of Tvhich he is tho patentee, for which I paid three guineas, and although I must admit that I derived scrue benefit from their use, I am bound to say the general result did not approach the benefit derived from the use of the Owen Eclt, besides which its utility is so great an improícment in comfort and convenience; Pulvermachers' being cumbersome and complicated in adjusting to the body, besides causlng from being uncoTered, blisters and sores, and aboTe all not being able to regúlate the current as is the caBe in the Owen Electric Belt. Tou are at perfect liberty to make what use you thlnk fit of this letter, and I shall be glad to answer either verbally or by letter any inquiry made irom me on thia subject. I am, gentlemen, Yours reBpectfully, W. J. BKODIE.


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