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Carlisle Is The Only Member Of The

Carlisle Is The Only Member Of The image
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Cabinet wbo is strong enough in bis own State to secure an indorsement of the administration by a democratie conven;.ií,r. There sbouldbe-a law in every State wquiring the governor to pay the expenses of a special seision of the legisature when called for the promotion of bis personal purposes. Gov. Morton seems to be perfonning the duties of lus present office without the least reference to aiiy other ; and perhaps that is the best way, after all, to get another and a higlier one. Irish home rule will take a back seat Jor a few years. For tbis state of things tlie Home Ruler themselves are chiefly responsible. A faction divided against itself can not accomplish anything. The five civilized Indian tribes are reBSting the changes proposed by the Dawes Commission, but they vrill have to surrencler in the end, and there is nothing for them to gatn by fighting igainst the inevitable. The tide in immigration is responding to tlie improved condition of biïsiaess, the increase in the arrivals from Ittrope since April amounting to 11 per aent over last year. The British imanigration is about doublé that of the same months in 1894. The campaign which is about to open in England will be short, but exciting. The party pendulum swings witli considerable regularity from one party to the other in that country as in this. It is the Tories' turn to win this year, and andoubtedly they will win. Grover ('k'vt'lniml is being cureed ïy a lange element oí hls party at this time, lut if he ahwild get a fourth jiominaiion and tshonild accept it, most ■lement would sneak luto line nHd ïil v Vdr hisn'. C3evelaji3 i-i th jgeet demoerai Blince Jackson, and the (profane end of hls party tnows 't hls aml is taipinessed (y it. LtncoJa'6 GtfbtyBibutrg spopfli has ■ ast im bronze. lts delivery ocenplfes tmly two or thrOe minutes, im! pefl M I4ncoln Jiad made no other -i 'i ! 1 1 ■; t ome wnalil liave placed inri; ai ilií' licail oí the orators oí his uní. As tille vok-i' if Muses to the JSérwisj Hi.ii brief addrees will stand as a lessini and Inspirafcion lo Ainericain citizens'. ■ Duriugr tfoe eleven momths omlcd witb May. our expoi-ts decreased aTx)ut $74,000,000, and by a significant coineidence. our imports increased ta tlhat time abo'ut the same anvount. The average citizon can ilily see tJiat the effect of che mev 1 arïif law is favorable to more tra j ing tlia:ii selling, or, in other wordb, ti) il'.c ailatage of ioreign oountrios at ihr expense of ihe Unitel States. A miember oí piarliamemt has called attent ion to the fact that 'tlimi-;uiils of omincrcial bravelers from Unitcd States, as well as agente tvom Anirrii-Mii iirins, iré naw iu lile Dindted Klmgdom sollcitlng orders." ít this is truie tlie Britisli Iwgmim liae a formiilalílc coiup-t itor. We may mot le iable to sell Ajuerican coal in Hewcnstlc. bu we wlll soou be -eady ■tOi TR-airm' up öhe town with Yankee oleo '-ríe lioateps. Tlio Kiciumoad, CVa.) ''Times" saya tlial if tluo natiomal democratie eonvention. nfxt year adopts a free silTer platfoii'm tliat paper wlll in-ge a uiid cO'Hiventioo "to nomínate a tanoaraft oí thie sferaügniteet seot upom a sonad monoy platform." Prol rilyly fomr-Iilths of fhie papers ia the íbn "vould support tlio novcnitMit. The fact that the Treasury deficit was $20,000,000 less in the fiscal year jnst ended than it was in the one imiuediately preceeiling jjives some ground for hope that it will disappear before the present year ends. The railroada were a little slow in respouding to the trade revival, but they feel it dow. Gains ia earnings are being made by nearly all the roads. On some of thein the revenue is up near the highest figures of the past. The Japa have learned the art of niaking lucifer matches, and have taken away the vast trade of India in tliis article from Europe. Our ingenious and industrious neighbors across the Pacific are decidedly in thewim, in peace or war. It muy be true that Russia lias assembleil 80,000 soldiere and sailors at Vladivostok, but Japan is a nation of 40,000,000 people. and the Czar sliould think over the matter carefully before taking the aggressive in Eastern Asia. Our Minister to Guatemala reports that corn occasionally sells in that country at from $0 to $8 a bnshel. We shall have to cali in the maize missionaries to concéntrate their efforts on our own farmers anl planters. The world has discovered the value of the great American plant. Xo man who lias ever been Secretary of the Treasury has reached the Presideney, but this consideration should not discourage Secretary Carlisle. Next to the President hiinself he is nearly 'or quite tlie greatest man in his party, and he ought to get the noinination if he wants it. John Sherman is said to he writing a book of recolleetions covering the period of his public service. He bas seen and been a part of more history ïnaking than any other living American, and his account of it can not fail to be au interestiug and valuable contribution to our political literature. The Ainm ArtKr Courier lias Ueclared war agalnst Turkey in Europe and says it is Umie slie was wiped off the face of thö earth. Major tïeaeral l'eiU shjould Tjepvovlded with a sponge amd a passport, forthwith. - Adrián Press. AU riglht. Oomje over- the passpoort wIU be forthcoinmíí. Within thirty years the increase in the world's gold supply has been .f3,330,400,400, andastheyield is increasing rapidly there is no telling liow much gold will be turned into the eurrents of commeree during the next thirty years. But there will be enough of it to keep a 100c dollar in fashion. A prominent lectureï in New England states that the editora of the "Atlantic Monthly" held the "Autocrat of the Breakfast ïahle" under advisement for several months, fearing that Dr. Holmes was displaying too much egotisin. Tlie fate of the series was soon settled when the public got a chance at it. Tlw Senior Year Boofc of Yale College, comtains the' statement Lhat "one-half of the class intend never to ma-rry,'." Biifc it is safe to predict, nevertlhelesis, that as time passes, the most of tihem will be io'umd quoting Bemedick's declaration : "Wlien I said I would dfo a lyac.lnelor, I did not tliluk I shonild live till I were married." Accocöimg to the official statistics, tliere -vere 926 strikes in England duilixg 1894. Of this number, 17 per cent. -vere ended euccessfully for the strikeirs, 14 per cent. wero partly sucecssful, 51 per cent', vere failiiri-f-, :nul 1G per centi had no defmite rc-iiHi. Gonerally speaking, tlierefore tin; "vvorkmen got the worst of it, and tire cause of 1 tibor lost more than Lt gained'. The Social Economist, a Journal of statesmaiiship, economics and finauce, for July lias araong its interesting articles a ïiew lightoii Lincolu's broadness of view. It is f rom a speech made in the Douglass debates in December, 1839, in favor of ft government bank. His fundamental proposition that "no duty is more imperativa on the government than the duty it owes the people, of furnishing tliem a sound and uniform currency," is one not to be lost sight of todav, in these times of flnancial rest wken people in debt are seeking some dasier way to pay those obligations tlïan by work. In an article on "Protection aud Bimettalism" is this idea: - "To ask that the government shall buy the entire product of the silver mines, whether it needs it or not, is not protection but pure and simple paternalista, of the most ancient unadulterated and socialist type. The function of the government is not to buy products but to secure to American producers tbc opportunity of supplying the American niarket. Other able editorials are "the historical aspects of the monetary question," "the new protection party in England," the :'first trade uuion" and "Englisli and Americau mannors." We believe tjiat irrigatioin Is ilesttaed to play a more important part iIimr it li;is lwetoiore la the agriculture af Michigan. For some time we have been trying to get ideas frowi Miitihiiran men on ilie subject, "but so far they liar been meagre. In tbte issue wé pubüsli an article Btuywtag fB woi-k in tlüs line being carriied on at the Colleue. Of coniiise tlie queetion of cost is going to be tlie (Uumbling block in the. way oí exteasive in-igation, but it is not impoBSible tliat a system of "inteiisive" iiTigation may l.o practicad which will proive profitalile Cei-baia it is tliat tlnese repeated and loog ocmltiuued drouths a.rO fast renidjering futile a large proportion of the ha.rd-woirkiing fanmer's labor.- Gnamgie Visitor. But itsn will tlie water come fram to irrígate witibL ? We liave no moumtains herO in Michigan, and to torce thO water frorn the laken would be extremely expensive. Woold it not be more practical to restore the foreste in part ?


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Ann Arbor Courier