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H. Randall spent Sunday In Detroit. Tilomas 'Hamnou has moved io -Í9 S. FourUi Miss Myiti;' ,Tïiiiï--t!=:!. day operatcr at Bmery, was in towa Toeeday. Mk. E. M. WdgJitnwun, formerly of 10 Miaynard it„ is moving to Lndington. l'ie-. and Mrs. Angelí lett Monday moi"nins for Traverse City to be absettt a few weeks. Iveroy W. öhilds lias goae to Milfowl to sptind a week or more wi h Ma coaiBto, Ford Cate. Frank "Wtugn&r and famlly are Itakiáig thoir i-iimmfr's OTitlng at Oslxirnes, ou the raging Huron. Mry. Dr. Ynndeveiiter of Islipemüig, is visitinir lier pai'e.nt.s. Mr. and Mrs. 3IcGrgw, oí B. Hurcm sfc. MtS. Chas. E. Greeme and dnughter FloreocO left Wedneeday foir Boston and the east tor the (jummer. lúibrariao. Davis and family liare go-ne to their old home at Castine, Ma.ine, to apenid the summer. MKs Míate A. CJark lias f? to Pittsburij. Kansas, to spend the nummer wit!i her sinter Mrs. Hillis TöSeph Clark, wiperfoiindent of ihe Hospitals, accompn,nied by JIiy. Clark left for Bosbom Friday. ' WU1 Wledmana. who has been woikíng at the Home Hospital, is taking liiü viacatioin :it hls home in Seio. Mire. M. W. BDacUey left Friday for 'a two ivcrt's vlslt with her (lana-htcr, Mrs. Ohap-in, in Cantón, O. President and Mts. Angel! eft on Friday for the resorte of the Grand Trávi'T-.-e región to le absent a few n-eeks. -" Mr. ajnd Mm. .T. A. Krith, oí Mt. Clemens, are in the city to-day. Thty eame fo attend the Beal-Boylaa wedding +hi erening. Mre. A. P. Seyler and dan gh ter .Miss Baña., wi.ll be accompíinied by Prof. J-ullus A'. Seyler, of Detroit, to Topüiabee this Erummer. E. Bert Williams, fornïéfly" with Good-year's Drug Store, left last week, tor Petoskey -where lie has ■nork as a phannacist. P. W. Dykema. lít '!),T, Tiáá leea íliosen hy tlio ühi-ary committee lo i e charge oí the west seminary TTOOin a the Univereity library. M-iis. Nettie B. Bdimonds, of West Superioir, Wis., is hotone wlth her littte sou a cou.plO of week's visit witli her parent.s. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ames. B. A. Firaipy a.nd L. I'. Jordán, oí the University Library force, are enjoymig- a vacatiom., aad take it in Ann Aibor. the haodsonnest summer resort ini the woi-ld. M. P. Porter, last year's graduato studemt, is worklng In Pennsylvajila in interest! of Glole CollectInp; Oo.. H expècts return next year far a doctor's degree. Prolf. F. M. Taylor is rpnrily laid ■np wifch the iheumniim. He i-xpects remaia Ju Ann Arbor all ifummer, wifh Ihe ezceptlon of nhort 3shin,g and hunting oxcuraions. W II. l:u-li, for years with "hc Ut class of Tt, is liere lo do -0'rLiI wark in biology at ihe summer eclhool. Ho lias been at IlarvtafC (Turinig ,the past two year.s. Pi-oi. DeBari-, professor of physics in the Oklahoma Tenitorial University, tg in tlie city, inteiuling to do special ovk as a student iiï the summer school. Prof. Sitias R. Milla, íormerly with r.iiiversity School of. Music, has gano to Hat Spaúnigs, X. Dek. He expects sluörtly to lócate in Kansas City, lío. 'Prof. B. A. Hinsdale and ilaimiit ciare in Don. ver, Colo. Trof. Ilinsdale ts tibe MWhigian member oí the counoil ni' Xatianal Ti a.-liers' Asociat:on., and went early to attend an advance nu'üting. Mr. a,nd Mis. Fred. 0. Martty, acompanied by Adolph Fausel and sister Miss Anna Fausel, of Manchester, leít Tliuirsday Jar a two or three weefe cnramiunfut :n Crooked lake ín Livimgíít'O.n coimty. Mr.":. .T. fit. Clair reburaed home to St. Jotseph Wedmesday after a vLsit f ee-iTeral weeks witii her paréale, Mr. and Mre. W. G. Burchfleld, of ■Miller aTW. SliO was accoimpanied by her Miss Wlimie, who1 "vvill retnain during the vacatioan PA)f. "W. K. Clement, professor of languagu.s in IdaïiVj State University, wMo is to le mairried next veek Wednesday to Miss Alice Cramer, Ilbs received as a wedding present a vlieck tor $2,600 írom a millionaire lady filend in Boston, Mass. Mrs. Ecklovf, oí Detroit, Is vis Mi-, Dr. vSinitli. Mre. Ivucy r. Lee has gooe to Bay Vi 'v lor the suiimner. Mis in.z Stocklng boa lx?en visitón , V.s week. Win. Tu nor anrl family, of Spring -!.. h;ivp moved to South Lyon. E. ;. Hildner, oí Betli-oit is expected in Ann Ai-iior soon for tíbe SMimw. Mayor WaJkr and wlfe are occupyinr-v tlneir euimaner cottage at Zakey Labe. Frank BaL'ey, oí Howell, is the guest of G. G. StUasan, (ju AV. Huron sfcreet. Mi-. W. C. Huil lcít (s.-uurday p. m. New York, to römaln during ihe nummer. Mr. and Mis. Janues !. Babcock ,'iiiul mother teft Monday Uxt Waukasha , Wfe. ((niiity Claik Dansingburg anl wife luave goae to Mackiuae for a tvvo weeks' stay. if r. Rroi. H. C. Adama lift Fi-Ulay for Uit' Oast -vhere ehe will join her i-ad. Mire. Fraoices Taylor and Airs. P. Tayloi1 have B'one to Bay A'iew Tor the suïmmer. Miss Cecelia Burke and sistr Miss I)ni-y, spetod the vacatlon season in Bay A'iew. Os M. Puller, of Cleveland Ohio, is a guest of CMef of Pólice Peterson fo'r a few days. Miss Matie E. Goodale, pirincipal of the 5th "vvaird fschool, has (jone to Reeil City íor tlie suminer. Mr. Ohester Bomd, oí CatharLiie st., anti daiiighters, have goae to Leunox Mass., for the siunmer. Mis. T. W. Mimgay aad daughter Mi-s Xelie, have returaed íro-m a tivo weeks' etay at Fliiit. Mi-s. Iínri-is oí Catberine st., i or. of Thayer st.. has gane to Bellevue to -visit relativos far a time. Judge a,ud Mire. Ilufus Waples are ontertninlng tlieir dauglUer Miss M. Bvelyo ATapTes, of OLnclnnati, 0. Miss ESlaa Ladd has gome to Charlemoíx to Join her sister Miss Anna, and amnt ,Mrs. Gulley, for tlie sumnier. Mis. E. J. Kilbowirn, of Lapeer, has rentod the Janes property on E. Uuiversity ave. and will remove thereto at oaoe. Mib. Virginia H. Matchefct and family, oí Forest ave., left oa Friday for a siiramer among the Jiorthern iesorte. Frank Sessïpins wbo has leen visitiuii lus parante hore íot a week r so, retupned home to Columbus, O., Siatwrd.'iy. MlB. J. R. Xel.son and son Raleigli wlll be the gaests oí Mrs. J. D. Buncan, ot Miller aie-., during the i?ummer. Mrs. W. G. Doty aaid Mra. AV. D. Adams have gooie to Manchester and Teciiimeelli. for a weeks' visit with mutual friemds. Mrs. John W-agai-er and daughter, ■n-lio have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. F red W. Schultz in Detroit, returned bomO Piiday alghit. Ma's. J. D. Duinoa.n, of MiUer ave., is enterta.unug Mrs. Jt. AVormold, of Conneaut, Pa., and her sister, Mrs. Patton, of Grand Haiein. Mr--. A. D. Seyler, som Julius V., mil daug-hter Bon a, left Saturday for Toptaabee, Midi., ria the Lakes, o remaia during the suramer. Miss Bunice "Wiamer, who has 1een vdsifkig Dr. J. W. Keating and iamily for several days past, lelt 'Huírsela. v Tor her homO in Washington, I. C. Mts. Ghs. Dietas has returned from Detroit -svhere ehe liae been visiting her (luu,L;hifr. Mmg. Fred Schultz, bringiu Iici1 tivo grandchildren, 3J11ldain and Cari, to epend tho summer here. Dr. .Tolin Kapp and Dr. Martin "L. Beleer ha-'e gone to Denver, Colo., to isit Pix)f. Cari Belscr for a few week. Dr. ILee Kapp wUl take care of tlie practico of these physicians during tlieir absence. Soim'O one hundred invited guests enjoyed a deligüitfnl spread and evening's entertainment at the home of F. A. Walson on Hill ut., July 4th. Ure tables were set oa the lawn and with giamies and dancing the cvening paissöd rapidly. Mr.. Ilobert Ball wlll go to Big Raplils in couple of weeks to keep ho-use for he-r sou Dr. F. W. Ball, dent. '03, who is doinig a prosperous bustaess the-re. M:rs. Ball is an officer ia the Ka stern -tar Oi-tler of this city, a lady very miieli respected, and ohm; whoso remoTal froni this place will be rogretted by many warm fiii'iid.s. Mr. Ball will romain in Ana Arbor íot the present.. tin, .]. i'. Johnson, oí Packard st., U i[uiic eeriously UI. , Mrs. Wal'ace W. BIíbs lias goae 1o i Iowa tu i-it fi ■it-mlM. Mrs Ruina E.. Phinmey Is :-p.'u:iing iho sammer in Moniroe. Mise Allie Curtís, of E. Wash'ngfa n st.. is at Clinton, Iowa. Hon. I!. W. Waïte, of Menoaiiiuee, is la tmni for a few days. Bert Iwithirop has retimned íroui a three days' visit in Detroit. Mi-ses Julia and Mo'lie Kirchho.fir of Maii.lK'.stef, are in the city. Oren Tan Burea has nioved from W. Hurón et., to 31 Detroit st. C. Wfll Wrjgihit anti Phil ilall are a business trip through Ohio. Mrs. James Gallck and Miss Anna RUey liave returmed froun Pittsburg, Ta. Miss Bmnia Schmid and Miss Clara Manu liavft returned biome trom Detiroit. Mre. Francos St. Jodia, of Geddes ave., is lier sister at Highlandis. Bd. Scbalrer, with Schairer & M.llen, is takimg a seven day's lay o:i this week. Pi of. Arthur Tag-ge, of the Monroe schools, i.s spending the vacation in Ann Arbor. Hoger "V. Cady retunned Saturday evening from a few days' visit in Chiioago. Miss Mattte Bo!wdish has returned fixKn a few day's visit at lier home in Ypsilanti. Mrs. C. H. Kline will leave on W"i-J'nesiday for a two week's outtag af Zukey Lake. Bdward Bua-khardt, of Ietroit, is visiting his miO'ther in this city for a coup le of weeks. James S. Handy, of S. División sf. , is visitiing in Lansing. Thence he goe.s to Kalamiizoö. Mr. and Mits. Amdrew Gruner, of B. Washington et. reet leave to-day for Gramd Islamd, Neb. Miss May Bowen of N. State st., leavei tor Bay Yiew to-morrow, to spend tliO euimmer. MJse Susie Palmer, with Goodyear Sc St'. .laanes, has g-one to Detroit and Flat Pooek on a two week's vacation. Mdss Eanma Sondlieim of Detroit, has retmmed holme aftera visit wlth Miss Bei-tJia Feinei-, oí S. Fourth ave. Mins. Ixi'ren HJenion, accompanied by lier dausjliters, MLsses IjOra aad Myra, lnae gone to Flora, BI., for the summer. i Bev. Chas. A. Young, of Olucago, formexly pastor of the local Cluirch oí Clirist, is in the city visiting friraid-. Mrs. Edward Bycraft, oí Summit St'.. left last nigrlit for Bngland. She will be absent foT an indefinite length. of time. Christopher Frank and daughter, of W. Liberty et., have gone to Grand Raplds, ito npeoid the summer with relati-o3. Co!ngrssmian H. F. Thomas of Allegiain, was the guest over Sunday of Mr. amd Mrs. Gruner, of E. "Washington gtreet. Mre. Catliarine Iteyer and daughter, Ajnaada and Julia, of S. Main st., leave to-day for a week's stay at Mt. Clemens. Geoiige Manna is uip from Detroit igpeadinig a week's vacation with his parent, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Mum of E. Huroa st. G. "W. Hannahs, of Adams, N. Y., spont Suaiday with Ms friend Dr. A. K. H-ale. He is o'n his way io Graad 3:a]iiiKs on business. J. Hwnry YanTassell, general sectetary oí tliO JCpworth Ijeague, returned .Saturday from a weeks' Btay in Detroit with his parentsw Piof. and Mrs. TV". H. Pette and diaughter Bybil, leave "Wednesday for Block Island, near Newpoi-t, E. I., wliere the two latter wUl remain foa1 tinc summer. I. II. C. Royse, oí Torre Haute, Ind., is visiting iiis motber-in-law, Mrs. Burd, oí 6. State et. He will return home 'odnesday and be accompanied by Mrs. Burd. Mrs. Momohaji and Miss Emma Hierey, oí Deaver, Colo., arrived at the home of their paren ts, Mr. and Mire. Michael Herey, of Spring st., Siaturday evening. Prof. Hompl leaves for Cleveland "Wedinesday, to attetnd the meeting of the Amierioan ,Philological Society. He Is on the program for a paper on Americain Speech Maps. Cü&iincey X. Waterman, pharmic '88, who went from here to Brooklyn N. Y., "vitli one of the largest iirms of cltomists in the country, iias located (Tor hkuself permanenüy in Boston, as an analytical elxemist, and is pi-o-perisng exceedingly well. Mars, E. J. Kno'wltoiii, of N. State st., went tills nro'rning to Boston, to vlsit lner daiughber, Mm. Will AVhedioin., Mrs. Win. H. MacLa;ren and familjr leave jto-mioiTOw moming to spend the summer at their cottage at Zukey Lake. Mats. Julia S. and daughter Miss May Taylor of Chureh st., left Monday íoír .a Bix weeks stay at Bay View. Klee A. Beal, of the Btate Savings Bank, is taking a two weék's vacation. wfaich he will spend .it CavatnaúgJi Lake. Mr. amd Mre. W. B. Phillips have raiited a co'ttage at "Whitmcre Lake and will g-o thema Saturday for a two wee'ks' stayMrs. Framicis M. Depuy, of Maynard st., went Cliicago this moa-ning viit her SliO wlU spend the íiiimraer iin Iakiotia. Alder.maii Maynard and famüy are back trom Whitmore Lake. The a.ldenmam romaiis that it was awid hard wöik too reeb. Mre. J. G. KnO'wltO'ii and iami y Lelt yesterday nnomning fcvr Adrián. They ai'6 rto drive aeróse the country and get thO bonofit of the dnst. Mat. Stoll and fa.raily who have been visiting Wm. Stoll, oí .Teíferson st., for the past ten days, left fcr heil' hoime at Buchanan this moi-ning. Mícís Zada Rliod-es has returned f rom hei' school dufciee at Manistique, and is witih h-er párente Mr. and Mrs. (leo. H. Kliodes, of tune Northside for the summier. Miss Anina Küey, witli & MITlen, sta-rted in on a three weeks v-acatiO'n Monday morning. A portio.11 oif tune time wil be spent at Portage Lakie. Geoi'ge E. Bafffeer, -ho has beon in the city a few days visiting relative;; and friends, leaves to-morrow for Detroit, trom wbere he will rereturn to his home in Flint, probably. Geoige Isbell, niglit watchman on State st., took his family yesterday, for a weeks' outtog at Zukey Lake. Ex-Marshal Jim Murray will act as watebman on Stato sf., duiing his absence. i Dr. and Mïs. Morris P. HDunt, accompaeied by Miss Kitelieo., Mrs. H's sisler left (yesteirdiay for 'Oetroit. Trom there they will go to Cleveland and froim thencO to Delaware, Ohio, thuir old home. Mre. .Joiiiii Moore left yesterdiay for Detroit and Port Huron. Next week Mr. Moore wilf joiai her aad the two will (zo to Westenn JJew York for a Ktay of a momth, or so among relat iies and iriends. Mr. and Mrs. 6. W. Bealaes left Toeeday far ttoe State Press meeting at Benton Harbor, and from there will go on tli e oelightíul excursión planncd for the members thereof, ió" St. Paul, Mianeapolls, Dulutii and Sault Ste Marie. Miss Lucy E. Textor, Ph. B., '04, was in 'the city ovor fiunday. Miss Textor lias been teaching and studyinig at Palo Alto, Cal., the past year anxl has just received amaster's degreo at Leiand Staiiford University. Sli'O wül speooid the coming year in Europo witli .Eer. J. T. Siinderland amd falmily.


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