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The Printers Fight It Out

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For some time have been heard in printing circles the mutterings of a rising storm. The printers at the Register office began to play ball a little and emboldened by a fair degree of success began to teil around town that they were not afraid to meet any team the other printers of the city could muiter together. In fact they went so far as to publish a challenge to this effect. The advocates of the art preservativo in the other city offices literally and ly sprang to arms. Cook, of the Argus, was qonstituted captain and preparations for a battle royal began. Yesterday the two teams met at the Athk'tic Field and fought it out beiore au ai miring crowd. Sid Bangs twirled the sphere for the Register people during one inning, Meyers caught ; bat five runs were made off him. Rice Davis suceeeded him. For the opposing team Stoll, of the Hausfreund, pitched for six innings, and was followed by Sage, of the Courier. Bitske caught. Of course the game was remarkable. People must look for remarkable tliings from printers. The errors were not - infrequent - no proofreader could follow theui all. Ko one lost bis teiirper- that is, not very mnch. The score by innings is as follows : Innings-1 234567S9 City - 5 4 12 10 4 0 0-17 Register 21032615 -20 The nines lined up in tbis way : Myers c BHske. Bangsand Davis p Stoll and Sage Cooper 1b Waesch. Davis and Bangs 2b Bishop and Stowell. Parr 3b Sage and Bishop. Healy ss Cook. Wells If Helntz. King cf. Sohaliz. Holland rf Cole. P. J. Lehman, nrapire. A niew dellvery wagon tliat travers a bout tlie streets aimounces that it is in the interest oí a grocery on Blizabetli at. City Treasurer Mamly deposited ia taie bainik. as liis firsfc day's coUectioa of taxes $578.78. la 1893, $641.07 was deposited on tlie íirst day for city tases, and in 1894, $701.52. The Allegan Gazette tells of tlie majrriage of James Perrine Hamilton, o! Battle Creek, witli Miss Carrie Youág, oí that place, recently. The igroom is blind, bat ia perfecting liimselï in Italiaa, Greek and Hebrew, and alter stadying a year at Atliens, Greece, and other places in. Europe the couple will return to Ann Arbor, wliere Mr. Haïailtoa wül continue liis tralies A walg, -whio always sees the funny siidm oí everythkig, liands in the lollowing, witli a request to please paiblfeh : "When, the breezy blooming bloomers are umivei'sally the go, how wfll the tailore press the creases in tliem. I shooikl like to know ? "SYhen tli e baby's head is aodding and it wants to take. a nap, how can mamma lull lier clarllng in a biíurcated lap ? How caa Bridget slioo the cliickens -n-ith no ekirt to Hop and' fling, wbeai thO creatures go' a grubbius- ia tlie sp'ring? But thO questiom most annoying that spcculatio'ns catch, can sha vio with men actiom -ivhcn slie goes to scratch a match?", i ,


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Ann Arbor Courier