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Librarían Vanee Jias answered 1,700 business letters during the past uta montáis. TJk omtiside stairways at UniverSáty Hall -are being painted stome color to nuatoli the building. Arrangements have been made on occ-oumt of the eummer school to keep NieJwbersry Hall open every day from 2 'tjo 5 p. m. University liboraary open six hours a day ajid on. account of summcr school presente quite an animated appearance. Prof. Perry has completed his L5 years as superintendent of the Ann Arbor public schools. He stands at the naad of his class in. the stal e.- Howell Eepublicam. Bbe ia re for the Y. M. C. A. excursión to Detroit, has been fixed at S5 cents foir the round trip, and 50 cents for chdlclrcn. It wlll occu.r on Thursday July 25. Emanuel .Sehneider has bought of Samuel Krause the old homestead on W. Liberty sfc., for 7,000. Mr. Krause will nwve to Graind Rapids ia the coiirso of a couplo of months. Th ere are not cnough -vorkmen Lipplying to iSewer Contractor Collins for wotr-amd as a consequence he is obligad to import laborers. He has started iin on thO Hui-on st. lateral. An installment of new letter boxes lias reached the post office'. ïhey are langer than the old ones, and will be uised to replace boxes on State st. and elsewhere, wlidch have pro ved to o sima.ll. "Just mitioii in tlie Couiier oceasioinally, tliat the Stato Teacher's Institute for this coumty, will be held iu Ann Arboir, oommencing July 29th, "vvill you ?" Yes, there is the mention. Of the 187 persons arrested in Washtenaw in six months, Prosecutor Randall reports that he has "cracked it" to 155. Froui this it is seen that any man arrested in tliat county is almost certain to be guilty. - Adrián Press. Ex-Eegister of Deeds, Andrew T. HuglLes, will reniaiu in Aun Arbor perniiajiently, having rented the Carey property, cor. Detroit a,nd Carey ets., wliich he will fit Tip a,nd. eupply -vith a complete stock. A tramp saeaked into, the woodshed of xVlaaisoii lloore on N. Tliayer st., "'ednesday, and stole some cold ineat and otlher eatables out of a refrigeï'ator standing therein. The family -n-ere thankful noït to lose anything more yaluable. Tibe cdtizems of Ann Arbor oughfc to ItsaJae holi oí the piroposfition to erect a moaminent to the memory of the late Prof. C. L. Ford, a.nd P'ush. it. He had a national reputation and did muoh to build up Amn Arbor. ■Thie sto're next thie opera lioase block, foiinerly occupied bjT Shetterly's toilet aind bath. rooms, is being fitted up for a boot and shoe store, Mr. King-, uow doing business D(n Detroit st., having rented it . Mrs. Eobert JIcKeinzie, a, daughter of M. D. Ij. Erauch, who as a former rpsident liere ia Ann Arbor some of our older citizens will remember, died ai her home in Stockbridgo July 7. Her father and hv daughters suryive hei". '■ïhe fellow that looks like me," hias been foundi. He li-s in Ann Arbor. üofh 'partdes, ia fact, live in Ann Arbor. Ono is a minister, the other a newspaper man, and the u-o -vvitli which peoplo deceive themsolves on the two is quite ludicrous at time?. Thie friends of Mtrs. Catharine Van Aisilnle, a resident of Ann Arbor for many ears and who left thig city aioiit one year ago for Nebraska, wil; be pained loara that sho has been adjudged insane, and is now an inniate of tho asylum at Traverse City. - Democrat. And tjiie taext day it didn't rain. Later- It did rain. The Key&tloine Club Heuse at Zukey Lake is alniost deserted this Bummer. The members are, almost without exceptioin, preparing for the Boston K. T. excursión, and sa saving their extra aickles - ior yoni kaow it r.osts moaey erven o fiiisli. Superintendent Eeeves has a forcé oí mieii busy paintiiug the oíd engine house on the campus. He is also arranging to use the big chimney for a hoise dryer. As soon as means are availab'e, a lookout platform for the watchman will be placed at the top of ttte chimney. A campmeeting will be conducted un der the auspices of the A. M. E. eburch of tbis city, in Mr. E. A. Míitteson's Grove, 4 miles East of Pieks Barr, on townsbip line, commencing July 20tli and will run np to August 5tli, '95. For furtber information see Eev. Wm. Collins, pastor and manager. BerUm, wife of Fred Lmbke of TTiight Brt., Narthside, died Monday, July 8, oí co.nsumptlon, aged' about 33 yearsi. The day prevlous Mrs. Lubke's infant child, aged three mo'Uflis, had died, and on 'Wedneeday tooth mollier and child were interred in tlie (ame grave in the city cernefoery. Xíev. iíapc Heim condacted ihe servidos, whicli ware held a,t Ziom's church. "Whíüt a lucky City Amn Arboi' is -vHli resaml to ftres," is a counmon esression heaird almoist daily. The Comler is iaclined t-ol believe tiuat tliere is noit eo inuch luck about it as tïuere Is in liaving a first class íire departmenft, members of whlch are om time -vhen an alarm is given. If the boys have anythiag like a íair show at a flre they will put it out befcwe amy great damage is done. Th common counctí at Battle Creek ordered the eum of $68,520 issessed loc city parposes a,t a recent meetjmgi. Thiat is nearly, tho-ugh not quite, doublé the aimount Ann Avbor has ordered assessed. Battle Creek has a population of 15,522 and Ann Arbor 11,063 without counting the 3,500 students liere nine months ol the ycar, whinh would really bring tihe two cities almost equal. Our citizens whO' oomplain about their taxes, are not called upon to contribute as much as are the citizens of otther cities, by a lomg ways. The bto'ck ia which the Courier iiiiildiiiig stands was formerly includetl in the fire limibs. Xow, we underdtamid, It ha been left out, uuder recent legislatiooi, and as a consequence the alley TUinniag down the center of t,he blocik is being lined with old buüdiinigs, barns, and Tarious kinds tol teips tlidt are. a menace to the peace a.nd safety of all other propeity ia tlve block. A right good start would sweep the eatire Dlock ia these dry times, desp'.te all efforts is tibe juidgmoat of everyone who has lootoed tdie g-rouind over. It is a .mlstake for the aathorities to allow the accTimulatio.n öf tinder boxes ;o near thO business part of the city. News caime last tuiigtot oí the dealh of Charlotte Blades, at Hamtouig. Miss Blades, umtil about three weeks ago, residcd at 10 (Lawreaice st., this city1. Thein tólio was taken to the lioine of her mofther at Hamburg and there she slawly fallecí umtil her deatíi yeisterday. She had many warm frtanidls in this city who will be paincd to leaiin O'f her death. Sho was a member of St. Andirew's parish oí the Protestant Episcopal church and al-o of the local Ij. O. T. U. The funeral services will occur Monday at 5:30 p. m. froon her late home at Hamburg. Hor age was about 25 a.nd deatlL canio throaigh the Invidious adyances of consumption. For those dfeBWing t oi atte.nd the faneral the special rate oí sixty cents for the round trip froni Ann Arbor, lias been Becmped the T. & A. A. K'y, going by the 4:15 p. m. train. Mr. O. M. Martin, oí this city is the uudertaker in charge.


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Ann Arbor Courier