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The Pioneer Press Company

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I I IT'S INJUR TO US TO STOP S VDDf IX. T 9 nr DENLY and don't be imposed upon (I IB Vl 2 buying a remedy that requives you Js A ío s0' as !Í !S notn9 more than a Níb=í' A J ÍS. subslitute. In the sudden stoppage Sí.rA yf. Tf=sV f tobáceo you must have fome stim1 1íyV lljj ulant, and in most all cases, the efl i2 -fect f le SÍ!'"l'íaraíi be it opium, il 11 morphine, or other opiates, leaves a """"- 1 far worse habit conrVrÍX ty% f" f T. ti'ucted. Ask your I (I I r=C f (i (i 1 1 I druggist áboutTikCO )) L j)MvVC 'CURO. Itispurety vegetable. You do "1""1""'" noí are ío síop usn g tobáceo with BACO-CURO. It wül notify you when to stop and your de.sire for tobáceo will cease. Your systeni will be as freefrom nicotine as the day befare you took yowfirstchew or smoke. An iron ciad written guarantee to absolutely cure 'the tobáceo habit in all its forms, or money refunded. Pnce $1.00 per box or 3 boxes (30 days treatment and guaranteed cure), $2.50. For sale by all druggist or will be sent by mail upon receiptof price. SEND SIX TWO CENT STAMPS FOR SAMPLE BOX. Booklets and proofs f ree. Eureka Chemical M'f'g Co., La Crosse, Wis, Office of C. W. HORXTCK, Slipt., _ ,_ _■ , _ _ bt. Paul. Minnesota, Sent. 7, 189J. Eureka Chemical and M'f'g Co., La Crosse, Wis. Dear Sirs- I have been a tobáceo tiend for many years, and durlng the past two years have smoked flfteen tü twenly ciftars regnlarly every day. My whole nervons system became affeoted, untll my physlclan told me I must give up the uso of tobáceo for the time belne at least. I trled the so-calk'd "Keely Cure." No-Tu-Bac." and varlous other remedies Bnt without success, untll I accidenally learned of your "lïaco-Uuro." Three weeks agoto-dav I commenced uslng your preparation. and to-day I considur myself complctclv ouredT I am iii perfect health, ana the horrible omring for lobacco, wblch every Invetérate amoker fully anpreclates. has completcly left me. I consider your "Baoo Curo1' simpiy wonderful. and: can fully recommend lt. Vours truly. c. W Hoesiok


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