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Mts. ok. Buttom, ol ( isttlng moLli r. Uve, TI fcnor. Mrs. i'. Heyaioiir li:is juo e(l iiito lier bouae an S. State si. Dr. W. 1'.. V-'i -1ii:;iii. is liere Wit his muiher at 7 VoKn.ail s,. Mis,. W. W. Serví e lias moved from 11 s. State at. to -' N. Ingalls. Mis. Hadie Sotanid, of Chicago, is ivsitiHg i.-ith.r. Fred. Hatzel. Mrs. A.. W. Uaeseff Is epeadlne tlie suminer al Iberty Cexuter, Ohio. Mrs. 6. S. Dniue au.l ï.-unily have goae to CSiarteroix for the winmer. Mrs. L. J. Tk-kno'i-, of S. Iagalls et., jmoveil Tue-day lo lier farm lm Pitteïield. Dr. T. L. ('liiKÜioiirni' is in Geimany. He aud Dr. WatMmg are togctlier. Emainuiel S'tadcl, of E. F. MLlls & Oo., loaves Moaday íor a two week's vacatioii. AVarreji W. "Wadhanx and ianiiy go to AVJiitmore Luke Moaulay, íor a Bliort OrutUiü,-. Mre. Horton, of LiWising is the guest OÍ her i-ister .Mrs. AIh'1, matrOiil 0Í the A. E. house. Mrs. J. F. Nicihoto, of N. Inalls st.. is visiting her daiughter Mrs. Anna Vood, at Pltteburg, Pa. Mrs. Maiy Paine, oí E. lnicrsity aT. iis eotertalnittg )ior brotlier and bli damgïiter, from Ohio'. Mr. ani! -Mis. Ludwig Walz aro visit iog friends in Chicago, where tbey will remain for a montli or so. Mige Abble A. Pond, of the gramiiiai- K'liool, ni.l BJMerad a jiortion of her vacation with írieodB In Mt. clcineas, Mrs. Ilolicrt Thompson nnd daugliter, oí Tol&rlo. are visdtlng Mrs. Ts fathor, ChauoiL'ey Orcutt, 011 ihe Dexter road. W. F. Ëdwarde is en rcrate do tíeattle, Wasli. to take up his dutios as p-roíese&r of physics in ttae Washlnerton S'tatc l'nivei'.-ity. orge Ij. Ya nila wai-ker leaves Monday fw a two week's vacatioa, visitimg Giwud Rapide and o'tiher eities lofoio returniiiig home. Win. .Jenkinsmi, wlio ha.s been YlSittog' at the Kappa Sigma house durtJuriiiis- ii.f ]'m-i niüintli, l?ft tor Uis honiu in Chicago, Saturday. Mtb. Aduline Iatliiop, oí E. Anu -t.. beaves Monday Por BayÜeld, Wis-., to visit a brollier, and ezpecte to l)e ubsenit about four weeks. WUllam A. Morae and family, of E. Univer-sity ave, started tliis morniug tng tor noi-thern California, where Ue lias seciured a pusition. Ex-Go'V. Alpliius Foleh, aceompaaled by hto dan.htcr Jlrs. ('ole and children, havo jjone to the Lake Superior región for a few veelis. Dr. Olías. T. McCliiatock, aseistani to Dr. Vamghaa, left thiis niorning Tor a twii nmnilis' flHbing and hnntiajr excursión ia nortliem Colorado. Mts. C. A. l'cli and daugbter Ihuttie, of Detroit' are Ruests for a few weeks, oí Mrs. P'g daugliter Mis. 1!. r-U.. ranncs, of E. Klngsley st. C E. Goddard, tune niewly clecteö ruetoir in niaUicmaiirs at the Onivevslty. lias reuted the house at No. ).- Gedldes ;r.. and will shortly move jto üt. Jiov. J, T. Snaiilerlanil and fnmily begai' 1'liïs morniuii. thelr tri]) lo Europe. Tliey will lic abeemt about a yBaj anl will yisit in all parte of the continent. Miss Mnmclio Sprague, of New Y'oi-k is vteltlag i-In; ia.mily of F. M. Stofflet. expeete ti enter the Mcycle races for woanen ai Jacksou and Tecumseh Ju!,. I 25. Herbert F, De Cou, in Greek nimd Sanscrit, in attending llio meetÉag Of tbe American Phllologlcal So-i"ty ai ('levi'la.iul. He is on the program fr a paper en '-S'ubiunctiie aiwl Optativo in tlie Eleal Dialect. E. T. Austin, principal of the Owoseo high school. ík , the summer school, and will complete Ji:s course aind scciu-e liis degi-ee this seafioai. Miv. Auslia and "that Uaby" aie remainlng witli Mts. Austin's paxcnt.r in Ypedlamtl. Mts. Davis, aml rliiHlren, of Batíalo, "S. Y. , arrivcJ here a ïe'w days ago, to ipend tüO Kuimncv. 'i'hey expected tO' le .almost iu tJio country, and are greailj" s'iipiiseil at the many city u Arlor puts on. Xhcy are living on Liberty st. Ho we A. AVilliams, llt. '04, is now ngnged oai ttoe American University Magazine, oí New York. He is i ravcIíbeí lliro-ugli tlio country preparing special illnstratcd artlclee lor iluit magazim'. Many oí tlio young pcopte hn will bo glad tw liear of Mr. Williams' success. P E K. Frueauíl in rundir 1 .■ : 1 W& c.-isi Mv.i.lny. Moses 6 " as the guest of Zuk-y Lake frian Is over Suaday. Mre. wM M ■:'' aai 1 óhildrea have vetui-nrd lionic irrini .Tat-kson. Mb b. Fred. GrOT, oí Masón, i-; víbon W. Litrty st. Mis l"a unie Wloea Is spendlng Keráayts wil li trladfi In the oounty. riiiüi P-lnimaolior. who has 1Oen ill Cor BevepaJ fia ys. is slowly recovertag. sa rii-i 1 Taykw is vteftlmg bie grand i'ople at kis old lioine in Albio'n. Hnh R. Jenkims has le 'n in tlie city dor a Ji-.v days. He uow Uves in Detroit. Mali öarrter Win, F. Armstrang and famlly wOre at Base Lafce over Stmlay. James 0. Jlaurty of S. Ddvtelon st., i quSbe UI at Danelng, Avhore ie is MisitLng1. B V, Mille auil family liuvc moved n X. l'iihci-süy ave., to i" DiVÏ-iO!' St. M4sb Sraoe McNanvee wlio has Teeai visitijiK friLMi:ls in Marshall, lias returnetl home. E. E. an:l family lcit Mouila.v1 i. m. a spwuI daye' out:aig at "Whiiniore Lak.e. Evai-t 11. Sun aoul family U-ft on Tiifxlay for Old Miwsion, to 1) absent lor the summer. Mi-. M. O. Pwfceawom lof t Monday niiïlit Marine City. to 19 absent tvm or Miree weeks.. Bi', and Mms. J. W. Morton, of E. Aam st;.. ietuirned f rom tlieir Btay in Goinciomd thfe moT-ning. Mige M.u-.v I.oJir, of Packard ut,, lefi .M(ncl:y far Sebewalng, Huron coimty, for a inoriths' Btay. M -. Etebtieh, at 58 E. Huron st. is slowly recoverlng from an opevaatior. pcfformod by Dr. Jenlcs, of I)etiöit. Kev. .T. W. üindshaw left Moaxday n:;lit ta join lus fnmily at Irouton, oear ('liarleoix, to be absent Sep lst. Mtas May Ix'Uer, of E. Huron St., i-eturiicl l'i-iday from an extended with 'íelativeí m Chicago . Dr. ,T;uives X. Martin nul wife have bo the lM'()i-l;i:n Ray región ïor a t-wo or threo weeks outlng-. Mire. F. K Parker, accjouipanied by hier Bcm Frank, ha goue to the nort-ht-ni resorte for a few weeks. Mr. uul Mre. Hanste Ball, of E. Liberty i;t., Have gwniie to Base Lake io lie absemt u Ayeek. TWey will join D. F. Schiairer and party. The family of Prof. I. X. Bemmon li.ivr gOtte '1o CharlevoLx. The Trott wUl follow thern in a few weeks. Mim. ü. S. Alberbsom and chüdren ! tü-day ftW Mnrh-tte. Mich. to reside. Mi-. Alberteon gi-alnated in the law i .'pai tinciH thte year and located at that pJaoe. Georgo B Dyscrt, lit '93 and law law '95, starts íor Saa Francisco ïvxt week to lócate there iai the practie of his i)rofessionw The lest wiiihee of his maiiy friends accompany liim. PneeidieHÍt Jarnos B. Ans;en, oí the I'iiuversity oí Micliigan, arrived in ■ City om Moiaday, ace o nip airóa Ty hU -vvife'. Tliey will spend tin' f-ummcr ut EJdgewood". - Dadly lle1 er. Gep-rge E. O'Heann has returned Ur Detroit after actiag as operator alt the ir. C. depot liere darla? tho i:usy weeks a't 1I10 close of college. lias leoa elevea years in "the ie and is liighly valued ly the officers of the rond. Br. X. S. Hoifl leaves ïYid&y to attemd tune nieet.Jug of the national dental aaaociation and t;ho New Jersey diental aissociation at Asbary Park. goes io New York to meet hls wiüa. Tliey m 11 t-pe.iwl the rest dI thcir Macaittoa alotng tho coast of MiafiB&dhniBefós. Mis. M.n-tlia Oulver, of Maynard st., is cinte.rtaiialng her únele Iliet Hollister, of Gnuiilville, X. Y. Mr. Holli-ter is past 89 yeai-s of age, is ason of a revokLttanary soldier, aad as far as he buows, is tlie oly surviving of revolut ionar.r soldier. He (Ic;h hiinsrlf the best preserved man p'hysdcally of any man of liis age ia tlie state of Xew York. He left liis hoime ia Xew Yoi-k about May lst. Btoce --li ii-lt timo he has been -visituiiï vmong liis relativos, goingj íixm placo to place alone and unattendert. He is Hieuw on his Avay to t.he Dakotas whore he expeets to spend ;tlic balance of tho season wltll lela'tives livLug ia tliose states. F. B. r.;i.vnin:](l. OÍ Xcw ÏOïk City, -] :,t Sunda.v vi;!i hls (riend II. Giiinn. Mi-s Maud MiebaeJ le I yesterday iov fovr lier home o.t Niles, to speüd ammer. Jollín Schleh, ol SaHne. was in town o,;i 1. I ns morningi. c.;i ■:-. Duin -an ciarle;! yesterday Iot a tour awbeel to Niágara Falla and Tetuini. Mlr. wad Mrs. Pliilip Krause of N"o. 11 Seeomid s-t-, aro eatertainlng Ml B KUzabetli Ilirth, of Toledo, O. J. J. Quarry, of Goodyear & Co., rettuarad yesterday Erom a two weeke Tdsi't wlth his pareats ftt Park H1U, O at. Harvey Btofflet has eoitered tor the apiwoachlng i'.")-milp roarï rae at l)etvoiti. Several local riders wlll atU'a.l. Kx-Jusiirc N. Butts is back ia _Vim Arbor after spendms seveial mucit-hs Avitli hls brothers in Weetenn New York. Mms. TV. G. Doty and Mre. W. T. Adama have reuime3 home from a weeks' vi-it witii friands ia Tecumseh nmd M;i 11 rtriiiison's ilttle son Hoy, onicii:ii.:nvl albomt thirty of hls youiig frieuiils Ti-iilay aftemoon, in lionor of his teivtli birthday. Bon. Bypon W. Wait and "ami'y left Jlondfiy fwr Menonilnre, and from tlieie they wlU remove to Detroit fo-r jiri-iii-ancnt resjileuee. Sliiss Amelia McLaren, oí Treasurer Soule's oiftee, weait to Zukey Lake Saturday t spemd a few days wiih frieindis. Mrs. A. J. KitsO'U left yesterday for Milfoi-d and Bay City to vislt relatives and irtettda Sha wlll be abeeat atoooit two -sveeks. Miss Alberga Darby, a teacher in the public schools at Randolph, X. Y., is panding: tdie nummer vacation with Dr. ajid llrs. Eg'gleston. Miss Xima II. Davisom leaves today a two weeks' vacation. will speind tito greater portion of it witli fi-iemds ia Toledo, Ohio. Miss I.iin Tnylor, oí ítOsIk'üi, lutl., mi: Miss Parmele Taj'lor, of Manchester, weire the g-uests oí E. 1!. Norria and fainily owv Sunday. Mi-.ssi-s. Martiu and Jacob Seabolt, wbo hiave been at Oak Grove club house, Zukey Lake, émjoying thetr e 11 1 ing, have retuumed home. Mis Miury Purfield returned Monday a. m. to her place at Moore & Aclmoi-e's book store, aft er a two week's iruution spent at Whitmoie Lake. Al(fcrm.ii H. G. Frettyman returnd Satuvday evaning trom bis trip 10 ojro, wlicrc he av.i s called on business oonnected wtfch. his father's estáte. James Föley, for isome momths past bookkeeper few CL A. Maytnard ai his gpooory otn State &t., has returned to his lKtoe in Lansing, -n-liere he expecfc to (?o into business. The last ktformattom received from Eev. Henry Tatlock and Judg-e Kinne was 1o tJie offect that they were cpiietly enjoyfag the eea breezes and ocean batühs at Nantucbet, Mass. Miases Iwl and Jessie Gregg, Mr?. "Vm. "Whooler amd daughter, little Miss PoUy, amd Kli AV. Moone were gue&ta of Mayor aml Mis. W. E. Walker at Zubey Lake or Sunday. Mise JloeepSidne Gaifney, of Ishp-eanlug Mich.. haB rearted the iKnisc alt No. 51 AVashtcina-w a-e. ajitfl w4U occupy ifc iintil about S,'p(. 1 st. Miss ('raffiwy -will Kinc; soprann in S"t. Thomas' choir aext yenr. Col. Tfliompsan and .Tmlije Harriman rerturned Saturiïay jiiiit b-om their ïi-hin.i; rpedition at Crystal Cake. Thift writ'er of fhl thought Jie had li-.iid lome fish stoi-ies in the past. Ia tact lie has narrated Mme that were c-omsideirecl in-ctty fair tales, but iic ís iiuiiv silent. Tho ntories told l)v 'Micso 'two gan.itlein.iiii of tlieir suewitlh tlio fiaiiy tribe, makes ns etiamd speechless. The Judgo lias faithíully proomlsed to write his cxLeimecBiOT the Oourier and we liope to Kiw mr redaens r'). bameflt In a (!.iy or Wo. k We luavie ■reoelved froni .Tudge f;. I. KiiMie, a copy oí the Xantucket, Miaee., Jounna.1, o'f July 11, contain!ij; a dietailed account oï the big oelëbratiom which tliat little island town has been indailging in, which it termed its "CemtennLal and Bi-Centenxnial." AVo looked over the paper, coluimiu after column, in vain for vhe Judige'e speetíh, and have come to the cojielusioii tliat either his modesty ■wöuXd (mot allow lts publication, or tliat it was of euch an extended naturft as to tako the catire edition of tlie next woök's paper, all to itöeli. Of ccrarsa ho made a speech! map of tlie Island acconipanying the had oï the paper denotes 1ho island is not larga enougli for ome to igot lost npon.


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Ann Arbor Courier