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Calvin Rmrd and Miss Uary Moore iiuiii of Whittaker, were inarried Tuesd&y by Justic-o Glbso'a, who vevy p.rope-rly kisscd the bride. The rain did not come quite soou enough to save soine of the new trees on the court house lawn that got such a nice start tliis spring. Mis. Eliza B. Ilarper, whose remains were brought liere from Milan yesterday and interred in Forest Hill Cemetery, had been organist in the Baptist church for twenty years. Bemember the Y. M. C. A. excursión to Detroit on ThursdViy, .Tuly 25th. Fare i'oir rouad trip only 85 cents. Make arrangoments to 'go. Paul Oheever is ilie leader of the new cxrcfaasbra for tli ePresbyterian Sunday Scliool, the mornbers of which beloing to the Sanday School classes of that chai'cliAll oí Ulio rachig stars of the -,vorld wLtl be at t!ie liiu; state meet at Battle Creek next Mo'iiday aud Tuesday. It is expected tliat a number oi people fro tihte placo will attendu The fricnds oí Br. Gibbes desire th ;t it be kuiown. that the Doctor's iee.s w'M in the fuiturobe according to the regular A,uin Arbor schedule. Tliey .say 0.11 oppasi'te ímpretisioii is beinggiiven. The MichJgïCn State Fair is to lie hek', at Grand Rapdids ept. 9-13, inclusive. The premium list is already out, amd the management propose lo make it a succoss froni start to finisli. It is encouraging to note the enthusiasm of the students who are taking the courses in law at the summer school. Especially noticable is the popularity of the course given by Instructor Hughes. He has sixteen students registered in his class and there are still others coming. We need never fear for a meagre attendance at the school in view of its present great popularity and success. People visiting Whitmore Lake will find things very pleasant and exceedingly convenient at Weideniann's grove. Tliey can be accoiniiaodated with rooms, or board, or with beautiful grounds,and everythiug necessary to make an outing pleasurable is sup])lied by Mrs. Weidemann. People who do not care tq pitch tents and prepare their own food, or those who do, will find it to their advantage when they go to the lake tocall on tliis lady. "If Anu Arbor would have her principal streets sprinkled, it would be an inducemeiit to summer vacatiou roamers that would inoro than pay for the outlay, to s:iy nothing of the benefit of the health and property of residents. Put that in your paper for an item," said a prominent citizen thïs morning, upon being asked: "What do vou know?" By the wav, what has beconie of the committee appointed by the council to investígate and report upon sorae plan to make street sprinkling possible next year? Frank Bannister, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bannister, of this city, died at his home in Owosso Sunday night, of typhoid pneumonía, after a ten day's illness. It is not known whether his remains will be brought here for interrment or not, as liis father, who has been ill a long time, is in a very critical condition. The deceased was a native of Ann Arbor, and was known to many of our citizens, by all of whom he was held in tbc highest esteem. Ile had been engaged in mercantile pursuits in Owosso for a number of years, and as business man there took high rank. He leaves a wife butno children.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier