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She loves the scicucea, they say ; Her style is pfim and colleey; And, when it comes to bargain day, She most affects buy-ology. The state encainpment occurs Aug. ■GiA at Islaiid Lake. A nciv and much needed platform lias been put in at tlie M. C. depot. Workmen have commenced on the improvementa at the First National Bank. II amy man is idle in Aim Arbor lilis summier, it is thro-ugh choice, not of necessit.v. Teamsters are now gathering stone to be used in the experimental test of ■ the city's new rock ernshor. The contract for the road roller and stone crusher bas been signed by the Board of Public Works, aud everythins is lovely. Tlie Couriecr office is printing a neat '■aialoM'uc of the First II. E. Sunday . ScJiool library . There are in it about 400 boete. T1m "best place in the -world in wlilch to spenid a racatian is ï'iffht liexe in, Ann ArTjar. We know whereof ■wc speak. H'e're tried it many siammeTs, , i i The Wasiitenaw Mutual Fire Ins. will liaAie it aainual assessment raised alcm.t $1.50 on a $1,000 by tüie Co'O'ell iife, aolted in yesterda-y'a laily.. Housekeepcrs -vlioi aire eniployed in ■diiities away fnom tlie. fromt part. of tlie liouise oP in tlie "back part either, will do -well 'to keep the doors locked these daya. Miss Joanna Kempf has commenced the repairing and rebuilding of her house at the corner of Cathairno and X. Ingalls sts., occupied by Prof. li. Montgomery. Tlio wing will be taken down entirely, and the whole modernized and made to conform to residences in the locality. The bicycliennes! They toilaud spin And dressjust as they piense, And Solomon in sonie respects. Was not arrayed like one of these. The latter part oí next mooth the AJin Arbor people wiU all be making home runs. L. D. Ca.iT, üt '04, üias gpne iuto tlw; real estáte business with ï'red T. McOmber, om Fourth ave. The Chelsea Standard Is booming right on to success. It is now a six colnrnn quarto, aind a hummer, loo, if there is one in the county. Work of layinjg new gas vnains on N, Ma-ia sï., was ended Satuxday evening'. Tlie gas company feel mncli reiiewd at the speedy completion of SO' la:i-ge a task. The fratemnity of Alpha Thi Jias renwed Dr. D. A. Mclachlan.'s new liousf; on Jlonroe st., and wlil occupy it next wiateir, the Doctor and liis family moviog to Itetroit. Ainni Arboir led all the colleges this year in the aiuniber of her gi-aduates, the total nuunber being 692. Harvard wais a good eecoind wlth (578, and Yale folloved closely behind with 575. - Tecumseh Herald. Eooinoiniy in adviertising is often false ecoimomiy, and defeats its own endis-. There is imajiiy a time when the last two dollars of ten dollars -vovth of aidvertising-, accompüshes more thaia the other eight. A la.dy eeaiing an advertisement wh,Lch offered a "safety" m return foir a certain amount of baking pyvder, sent t5ie oasli and receivcd the full assortanent of baking powler auid a very neatly ühaped brasa piu_t;hie kind mamma used tty use. Thie church comgregations Sunday gave evidemce oï there being many young men and vromen in ilie city {ro.m out of towji. Ia other ■woi-ds the sammer school attendants appear to be chu:rcli goers also. WMch BpeakE weU tor them. The Dundee Iedger gives an account of the marriage of Miss liessie Bristol, oí that place on July 10, to Le&He Fa Janaey, of Aun Arbor. llie coiuple T-ill epeaid some weeks at Ilowell, after whieh they wiU pennaaieintly looate in Aun Arboi'. Tliis is the way a horse fancier puts it: Good liorse. " jockey. " track. " tip. " money. " bye. The greatest fad in the way of a "card of thanks," is original with a woman in a neighboring city, who thanked tlirough tlie local papers those oL her kiud friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted in getting a bilí of divoice from her husband. The peopleof Aun Arbor profess to know something abont college yells, but here is one from Benzonia college that would make tbeir hair stand on end : Ski u bah ! Ki yi ! Ki yi ! Ki yippi ki y ah ! Ben-zo, Ben-zie, Benzoni-i .' Yippi ki yi ! Ki yoosh .' .' A nian down at Ann Arbor killed himself thte week, and the intelligent jury brouglit ia a, verdict of "accidental suicide." Scoro one more íor the great Americaai jury. - Fentoa Independent. The Independent appears to misunderstand the case. The Jury thougtit that the dteath was caused by acciiident, not by suicide. The lawai social held on the grounds of Rev. ajid Irs. X. W. "Vtinore, ol W. Huron s(., Prklay evening", n the interest af the Y. il. C. A., was a "iery eaijoyable affa.Lr, and attended by a goodJy iuiinili'i' of people. The jiroimds Avere liandsomely ligWed wil li Chiiipío lanterne, and the lef ro-hments wcre cry nice indeed. The assooiaticn nctted $10.70. Now the drugglst's iiwi' Is beaining, as tlie nickels tu iii m pans And he thluks Ihere' fun In selling frotli at llilll' a-llill: The. Iivery stable o!' Geoirge Craig, of Hill st.. whieh was recently destiuyed by uro will be rebvült. Tlie young peop-le's society of Zion LUtheraii chureh are to hold Uieir anxuual picnic at Whitmore I-ake July 25tli. IiilKibi'tante oif S'tate st. are trying to arrajige tor the spi'ittkling of that street. It is to le hoped th-at they will sueceed. Ia the lali game l'iilay between the Gvitman au:l EngUsh Y. M. ('. A. the final score Was 15 to 16 In favor of the Kirj,'li-h. Tlie Laimsing Gas Cto. has just given nottoe to lts Anu Arbor utockholders that it has declarad a four per cent semi-amnual dividend. Good sense : Po not attempt to extinguish the ñames of blazing kerosene witb water; it will only make tliem worse. Pour corn nieal Qr flour quickly over them, or throw over a rug or anything handy that will exelude tlie air. Prof. W. D. Jodinsiton, who for the pa.sf yeai' has been au instructor in history ia the University, and will M.U the sam-e chair the coming year, is to Te married s.hortly, to Miss Jeame 'Mtieker Rrown, of Moutreal, Canada. He left ior that place the üinst of the week. The Epwoirth Leag-ue of hls city will giTe a. lawn sotial at tlie resiidence of W. W. AA'diedon, Friday cvening- trottn 7:30 to 10:30. This is giren eispecially foir the students oL the sumiller school. All young people ot the chureh and coiigregation are urged to be present. Come prepared to enjoy yourseh-eö. A forcé of hands under the direction of Secretary Wade is unpacking th Lewis Art Collection now in the olc chapel. Tliis is not done for display hut it is iutenfled to have tliem thor ouglily cleaned and over-hauled unde the charge of a competent artist. Tliei a part of them will be exliibited in the Art Gallery and the lemainder will be stored away until soine provisión can be made for a suitable exhibition hall. Hbie ïeputatioa the Universlty School of llusic is securlag ly reas'oíi of retiaiining in itss faculty the lrst taleint to le obtaiiied, bidsfair 10 bring nHamy students froin abroai ïioxt eeasonr. Prof. Jonas' rep'iitatiioin a:t St. Ixrais is an iudication, amd those eeektog a musical educatioin soou ascrtain where the best i.- tio be obtaiine-d. Cotisequently it is -wise tio get tlie best ajüid' keep it. Henry P. Page, Ut '83. who went fpoin hiire to Deeatur, 111., at iirst teaching as principal o'f the schools ■there, and aitexward entering upon the practice O'f law, died very sudden■ly at h,Ls hoane in that city on July 2d, of appendk-itis. He leaves a viie and two daughters. Mar. Page is qiiitO well a-einembered by isoine of citizens, by whom he was held in high esteein,. His wife was a Deoatur lady. Renben G. Thwaite and I. S. Bradley of the Wisconsin Ilistorical 'Society visited the university last week and investiüuteil thoroughly onr libraiy building and the uiethods used there in handling a great liliraiy. These two men, the firsi of whom is librarían of the Universisy of Wisconsin, are making an extended tour of the country searching for plans by whicti to build the new $180,000 library building just provided for by tiie legislature of their state. This Item may be o f Interest, Uiougli iliis county sende very few to tliat institatioa In comipari-on with eome olher coointies : "The Indn.stiial .School for Girls at Adrián is avercrowded. It hs 2G7 inmates while ite actual capacity is 235. The laist bed aud tlie last mattress have beeui oalled into requlBitlon, and ihe board of B'uardiaais has instructed the superintesident to write to the county agents iind inforin them no more chai-ges caoi le received ab present." Ir. Egglestom has now got iticely domilciled in his new quaitiis OTier lirown's druig store. The Joctor giave up a lucrative practice in Cleveland, Ohio, to accept a ehair in th_e Homeopathie dep art ment, a ví'ih' or two t-iince, amd because of the uniortimate condition of affalrs in that departmont, Ms connection theiewith was sovered with all the other pirofessors at the end of the college year. Tlioso who are icquainted with Br. EfeglöSton ax-e much [ilea(-il wiih his dotcniiination to reniain in the city and enter upon private practice. The subject which the youug inan uow Is puzzled most upön. Is uot sixteeu to oue, but how Sweet sixteen is to be won. Kansas City Journal. Tlie city Assessor is novv ready to tackle lateral sewer districts Nos. 5 and 0, known as tlie William St. and the Detroit street districts. City Assessor O'Hearn now lias tax rolls completed for districts three and four known as the Packard and Hurou St. laterale, and tliey will be brought before the council next Monday evening. Ray II. Newman, publisher of the Atbens Times, and Miss Marie D. Culp were married on Wednesday of last week. Tlie bride is a grand niece of Mrs. Ann North and Mrs. C. Goodrich, of this city. Ex-Mayor Darling, Ann Arbor, writes from London England, that he plied his landlord two hours the first day he arrived, with questions concerning the city, and that he has not seen him si nee. Chances are that he committed suicide. - Adrián Press. Last year at just about thiis time, the Co wier had au item to this effect "A aew pioroh. oa John "W. Bennett's i o-idence improves its looks." Xow we caneay a largo adtütion to tliis same resldeince will wonderfully improve its convenience as well as its looks. The latest addition to the Base Lake resort is a flowing well which waa struck July 4th, on the east side, at a depth of 18 ft. It is owned by Aun Arbor parties. - Dexter Leader. Bet that belongs to Jim Harkins. A whole lake full and Uien dig for more water! Just like him. In speaking of the lecture course be ing arrangeel for the coming winter in Pinpkney, the Dispatch has this paragraph : "The coinmittee hope to secure Fr. Kelly of Ann Arbor, for the course. 1 1 was billed last season but was prevented by sickness from filling his date. He is an eloquent speaker, scholarly and greatly admired wherever known." Mr. and Mrs. E. C. L. Miller, -vvho g-raduated from tlie medical departement tliis year, are to leave s-oon for India, as medical missioaaries. They aio liaving quite a lot of drug and cliemicals jwepared by tlie Eberbach Tmg & Cliemical Co., to take wit li tliern. The tax rolls are now complete, and in the hands of the city treasurer, who will commence collecting the city taxes at the city offices next Monday, July 15. The per cent is higher than last year, amounting to $8.20 per $1,000 of assessed valuation against $6.90 last year, an increase of $1.30 on a thousand. There has been a loss of over $100,000 in personal property, while the increase will only net the city about $75,000 on the rolls. On Thursday, August lst, thé Kaigüits of Pytliias of tliis city, anruounce n excursión to Put-in-Bfiy, Ck-ner itliO T. & A. A. K. E. to Toledo and from i hm e ly boat. Train leaves Ann Arbor at S:-iö a.. m., and arrivés at tlie Bay at Keturning, tlie train leaves Toledo at 7 o'clock p.. m. Fare for the round trip $1.25 witli half rate for ohildreu The Umíversity library has just re-. oen Otl from Mary M. Cutler, medie 'S8 necenit copies of the first aewspaper ever piiblislhed in Korea. It is tlie Seoxü News. establislied by Japanese enfoertprlge immediat-ely following tlit recent wan-. It appears every otlier d:y. is edited ly both Japanese and Koi-eaoi editors, and has articles in in all ttoee langnages, Chinese, Japansc aad Koreau. Miss Cutler has subscribed for tiliis paper aoid senils it regularly to lier Alma Mater. It is quite a curiosity. Ask to see it. The Aun Arbor Courier is kicking agaiust the Michigan Central because the grounds at the depot in Ann Arbor are not kept iu better condition. Of course they do look a little bare to one who haa seen tliose at Ypsilanti, but thcn, the Courier can't expect the Central to furnish a Laidlaw for every lag station along the line. - YpsilantianOf course not. With Ypsilanti supplied the Central could not pay attention to ts other flag stations. But it is under some obligation to the cities, and esecially to Ann Arbor. A young eouple trom Anu Arbor aroused JustieO AVebb fïorni a sound sleep Tuesday mLg-lit, and presenting proper oredeiitials, asked to' be made Im-baaid aad wife. His honor rose to fchie emiM'stviiey, tied tlie kn.ot, conliiatulatcd tlie groom, klssed the [ride, (thiat is -svo supposo !ie did), potketcd tlio iee aiad sent them off for "better o.r for wonae" and Ave all brost for tJio better. - S-aüne Observei WeiU now, if'that is not a tantaalizLng way to t-eli alout it ! "Wlio woro tlie couple, tkat's the important part, and it is left out.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier