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For somc Dame Nature voice Is oloqueut lu tbestghiug of the foresls lid th muriimr ' of Ihe Bea. Two thoiigiits alono we harbor as u ■ pace tlie t eizzlli'e street- Tlie oí themoisture and the hot' Jof the lieat. Washington star. Mrs. B. F. Watts is visiting lier sister in Flint. Prof. Asaph Hall, jr., oí this city, is at Cliarlevoix. Nate Stanger has had liis vacation and is home again. Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bischoff, Thursday, a daughter. Mrs. A. L. Noble and daughter Edith; have gone to Bay View. Mrs. Elizabeth Eaton, of E. Ann st., has gone to Syracuse, N. Y. Mrs. L. W. Gaffney is entertaining Miss Bramwell, of Corunna. Mrs. A. E. Millard has moved from 77 E. Ann st. to 11 Thayer st. Mrs. Bofos AVaples has gone to Hurón Bay to spend the smnmer. Rev. T. W. Young has returned from liis trip to Baltimore Md., etc. Mrs. Wm. Judson and son have returned from a Cavauaugh Lake trip. Miss Winifred Beman will be thp guest of friends in Troy, Ohio, for a time. Miss Hannah Stanger has returned home from Detroit and the St. Clair Flats. I). A. Hammond has returned from lus trip up north in the interest of education. Mrs. Alice Haven and daughter Grace have returned fromtheir visit with Ohio friends. George R. Barker, lit '98, is noW on the reportorial BlaflP of the Detroit Journal. President aud Mrs. Angelí returned Thursduy from their extended stay at Edgewood. Miss Neilie George is spending some weeks with her grandparents in Water loo, Ontario. Commissioner F. W. Rickenbaugh, o Toledo, is here to spend several weeks with friemls. # Miss Emma E. Bower has returned Erom her very pleasant visit to the Northern resorts. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Peterson, of N. Main st., left Thursday for a two wee ks' visit in Ontario. Mrs. Jocelyn, mother of Prof. L. P. Jocelyn, and Mts. Liüie Judson, have goue to Detroit to reside. F. M. Miller and wife, and D. J. Lewis, of Pittsburg, Pa., are visiting Mr. aud Mrs. F. Bessemer. Mrs. Seymour, of State st., is eutertaiuin; her daughter, Mrs. Fred C. Brown and child, of Chicago. Misses Dorothea and Hattie Kruse, ■of Grand Rapids, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kirn, oí X. Main st. Prof. Albert J. Volland, of Racine, Wis., lit. '76, is in the city visiting his párente Mr. and Mrs. J. Volland. Judge and Mrs. Battin who have been visiting W. M. Sturgeon for sonie time past have left for their home in Ohio. Mrs. J. f-mith, of Brooks st., has returned from her four week's visit to her sister, Mrs. Fred Hampshire, in Holland. Dr. and Mis. W. W. Xichols and daughter Anna Belle went to Owosso Friday to visit O. F. Webster and iamily. J. II. Prentiss left Thursday for a trip through Colorado and and Montana ín the interests of the Ann Arbor Organ Company. Miss Carrie Rockwell, who has been attending tlie Suramer School left rtlay for Chelsea, where she will teach the coming year. Will Fisher, of X. Mainst, leftThurslay morning for Reedsburtj, Wis., wheuce he will make short side trips to Milwaukee and Chicago. F. S. Abbott, of Lansing, will remove here next month to reside permanently. He is looking over the city with a view to entering into the hardware trade. Supt. Joseph Clark, of the L'niversity Hospital, accompanied by Mrs. Clark, returned Thursday from a general tour of the Atlantic sea shore resorts. Ottmar Lutz, who has been at the sanitarium in West Cairo, Oliio, for the past three months, is expected home in a few days, much improved in health. J. R. Myers and wife are in the city. He is at present engaged in booming Texas City, Texas, and hopes to interestseveral local capitalists in Texas real estáte. Elias Culver, of Masón, a member ol the at one time famous "Secret Nine," ■of Ann Arbor, was in the city a day or two since for a short time. He is now on the road traveling for a New York house. jJL D. L. Branch, of Stockbridge, who-ni inany of our older citizens wil Tenieniber, and who recently buried a daughter at whose house he made it his home, is iu the city greeting olc acquaintances. I.ittle Irene Clark has been taken to Pittsfield, Mass., by her father, W. R Clark, where she will live with her grandparents hereafter. Clarence Clark is iu New York City studying medicine with an ancle, who has a large practice in that city. -.♦tisis Anna Stajich is the guest oí Detroit tïiends for 1 time. I'ráí. T. A. Bogje haa returned trom iiis western trip. Mrs. s. A. Moran will spend the winter i.n Florida. Mrs! E. i". Hnngsterfer is sp-emling the week at 'Wliitanore Lake. Jolm H. BUke, of Big Bapids, is visitinffjiends in and near the city. George Stauch anid Sid Bang-s were ar. S tra v ben-y Iake over Sundav. Mrs. E. A. Spence bas returued froni her outing among the northern resorts. Mrs. Dr. Rockwell, of William st., is visiting friends in Michigan City, Ind. Kev. Henry Tatlock i novv in New York, and is expected home this weekA new boy at the house of Chas. Klager, at No. 9 Mosley st., Thursday. George Schliminei-, of Lanslng, is visiftng frteaids a-nd relatives in the cfty. Miss Bm'ma FLsdlier, of W. 2d st., lias gome away for a week's vacatiiau. ' Miss Grace Chamberlain, of Battle Creek, is visiting friends liere and in Dexter. The family of Hou. J. T. Jacobs are at Huronia Beach enjoying a very pleasant outing. MissMinnie Cavanaugb left Saturday for Manchester to spend a month visiting friends. Emil Speil, of Detroit, stopped in the city last pight on bis way to Grand Rapids awheel. Mrs. JudgeW. D. Harriman left on Tuesday for Mackatawa Park, Mich., to spend a ínoutli. Dr. John K. Kogers, medie '95, bas gone to Pliiladelphia, where he expects to lócate in practica.. Mrs. John M. Wheeler and Miss Christine Lilly have returned from a week's visit in Detroit. The family of Rodger W. Cady, of K Main st., have returned from a visit vrith friends in Wayue. Mrs. H. J. Brown and children left for Truemansburg, N. Y., Monday, to be absent until Sept. lst. Miss Marie Durüeirn, typewriter lor Bacli & Butler, left Sunlay for Orange Mass., to spend her vacation. Mrsi A. W. Gasser has returned irom several week's visit with relatives and friends at Liberty Centre, Ohio. Mrs. J. Richards, of Charlotte, who bas been visiting relatives in this city, returned home Monday morning. Mi.-s Xina M. Davison returned Saturday írouu a tvvo week's vacation ii -with. relat i ves in Toledo, Ohio. Ruth Eagle, of this city, is spending a few weeks with her uucle, George Blades, at Petteysville, Livingston Co. MLss Bessle Cooper, of Mantón, MiiJi., is spending a iew.days witb George Cooper, of the Register office, A little daug-hter carne to bless the home amd hearts of Ralph O. McAllaster and wife last Saturday oveniug. Mrs. Walker, who bas been a guest at Dr. Rich's, returned to her home in Ann Arbor last evening. - Middleville Sun. The family of Dr. Mc Xames, of Jefferson st., remove today to ííew York City to make that their permanent residence. Dr. Eli Sturgeon and wife, of Salem, Ohio, arrived last Sunday night to visit their son, W. M. Sturgeon, at 35 East Ann st. Mis. Mary Durstiue and tliree daug'hters, oï Cleveland, Ohio, are the un sis oí her motlier Mrs. Henion, of Thompson et.. Fred Phelps, formerly with the Two Sains, but now of Bucyrus, Ohio, is in the city visiting friends. His wife and cliiM aecompany him. Dr. W. J. Herdmau has gone to Lyndville, N. C, to be absent till Sept. 10. Dr. Hale will attend to Dr. Herdman's practico till he returns. A. B. McCullough, of Northviile, is now in the employ of the Ann Arbor Carriage works. He will not move bis family here for the present. Mrs. Clara Hathaway and sou, of Owosso, who have been visiting Ann Arbor friends and relatives the past few weeks, have returned home. Rev. G. P. Coler left Friday night for Indianapolis for a conference with the national board of the church in regard to the work in this place. Prof. and Mrs. Dean C. Worcester left Wednesday for a trip to to the East. They expect to visit New York, Boston, Batavia and Washington and will be absent about five weeks. Prof. and Mrs. J. H. Drake had a son born to'them Sunday. Mrs. Drake is at Battle Creek where her parents reside. Prof. Drake is gracefully receiving the congratulations of his many friends here. Miss Una Abel, of Detroit carne here Sunday to spend several weeks with her mothei at the S. A. E. house. Miss Abel has been engaged to sptnd the next season playing with Mme. Modjeska's company in "Ingenues." lier many friends in this city will be delighted to meet her again. Xliesweelesl rr-i i! even, After ;t w earisonn i Wil' 11 li'iivy harden of II Has been horue from our hetirts awa.v Dr. daas. I!. Xan-reik' lias i; .i ■ tu (Uiai-lesUwi, W. Va. Mísk ChriBtloe Lilly lelt Moaiday si. in. tor ol d.MMion. Dn. V. C. A'aimiian went to Ol(l Mission Hoaday a. m. MrS. M. Kiing amd cfoild left Tueerin..v a. m. for Cadmus to be absent a mout h. Paral C Ycorhete returned Mooday fro'in a sevaral weeks' visit at Grand Rapids. One nnru'y "critter" gome times leads the who'e world out of the pasture. Dn. W. II. Jactosaa lelt Monday for Old M.ission, for a three week's Macat LomDr, and Mis. F. G. Xovy are at Battle Creek, for U five weeks' stay at the Snnitariuim. Mire. Dr. W. F. Breakey went lo Old Mdssiom Monday for a etay f a few weeks. Dr. A. K. HaJë wout to Syracue, N Y., Saturday oai business, ani'd ï-eturned yosterday. Mips. C. S. JILllen and non Clinton lef( Moimdsiy a. m. for Gliarlevoix, to le albsemt dnoxing the month. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. ICeitli and son (inii'ïi' (f s. Thaycr gfc., returned !-íunlay fi-om a Xwn WEef8 outinu. Ainbrose C. Pack, üandall's wellknown operator, leaves Saturday for a two weeks' wuittag at Base Lake. Mns. Marilia "Wild-er and Boai Floyd, o! CSiloago, are visltimg Mire. We parents, líir. and Mrs. Daniel B Brown, i.f 8. Mlaám st. Mteses Mary and Catharine Ganly of Detroit, vlsited their a.u,at, Mrs. M J. Ma,rtin, O'%i&r Sun-day, on tlielr way to Clielsea. Jollín Laiutaer returned frora Ann Arbor TVedmesday, and will spend the remainidieir of the slimmer v&cation. liere. - Grand Traverse Herald . JI.i.sK Belle Tuimbull, bookkcep-er at NoWe's Clotlilmg store left Tuesdey for a tliree "week's vacation at her homO at Hamilto-n, Ontario. Mr. ainid Mrs. J. J. Keed who hare been visiting Mrs. K's parents. Mr. amid Mus. D. HLscock, of KT. Main st., 'ïeinrtnes to Cliicago Monday niornMrs. W. W, Beaimaji and daugbter "Winiired left Monday for Troy, Ohio, w h.ere tltey expected to go some days -in. e, lu:t were detained by circumstajKces. Mits. Horner and little son returned Katurday to their boane In Grand I!; . ii(ts, after a,n extended vi.sit with lier motlier, Mrs. Bberweüi, on W. Liberty et. WÍI1 r.o'en, who left l-.ere a year or ago. ui 1 lias beem living at ï,os Anhelos, (■al., for several months, is in the city again a time. He returns to take lus father back with Mm, and is very enthusiastie over tli at beautiful región. Mts. J. E. Burrows will move, ibout Sept. Ist, from ter present residence on E. Huron st., to Mayna.rd st. The High School department of the Epworth League will ;ive a social Friday evening at the M. E. Chureh parlors. Mrs. Sebrlng is moving from E. ülniversity ave., to 98 E. Washingtoin et., which Bhe has taken on a three yeaons lease. C. W. Oulbertsom, W. L. Jones and E-, S. ELausemam, of Rldgeway, Leuaweo county, wheeled) into the city j esterday to cali on friends. Henry Herzner, who ls.clerklog ai Johm Moore's drug ntore, has accepted a pasitiotn with White & White at Graimd Rapids, and lea"es tor that place Monday. Prin. E. T. Austin was in Owosso the last of the week enroute to Stantou to assist in a county teachers' institute. He has flnished liis college work at Aun Arbor and will soon receive hisdegree. - Owosso Times. The 'Wauikeíába, Wis., Freeman, of August 1, contains the followiug notie, o which will be read with much pleasure by the lady's many Ann Arbor íriends : "Rev. Isaac M. Hughes, of IÜclimond, Iad., preaclied a vigorous and helpfiil nenmon last Bunday moirminig. Mrs. Ella Butler Ual cock sang that beautiful song 'Calvary' in her own beautiful way, and her Waukesna írionds found it a great pleasure to -hear lier sweet voice again." The (StartUng iact tliat one filthy well iised by a milkman at Stamford, Oonn., has caused over 500 cases of typhoid tfc"Or and 24 deaths, has ca-ased people to open thoiir eyes a little as to the causes for this awful diseaisc. Siince CJhicaigo began to get its lake water four miles irom shore the death rato from typhoid f ever has fallón off over 50 per cent). The f act is well establislied tliat typlioid tover 1 Is a wliolly needless disease, and san■ itarians should keep up t he fight against it until it dijsappears.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier