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THE SECRET OF BEAUTY IS Themo3t effective skin purifying and-beautifyiug soap in tho world. It is the only preveiitive of pimples, blacklieads, red, rough, and oily skin, red, rough hands witli shapeless nails, dry, thin, and f all ing hair, and simple baby It is so because it strikes at the cause of most complexional disnguratious,viz.,THEC'LO;c;En, Ikkitated, IXFI.AMED, OVEKWOBKED, OR SL.ÜGGISH PORE. FOR FACIAL BLEMISHES rashes, f reckles, bites and stings of insects, irritations, yellow, oily, and mothy skins, chaflngs, and unr'.ue perspiration. CUTICUEA SOAP, because of its delicate medication, is the most soothing, cooling, purifying, and heaJing application, as ■well as being bevond all comparison the purest, sweetest, and most refreshing of toilet, bath, and nursery soaps. Sale greater than combined sales oL all other skin and complexión soaps. SoldthroughouttheworW. Trice, 25c. Totter Drvo and Chbm. Cour., Hole l'rops.. Boston. "AU about the Skin, Bcalp, and Uair," iiee. SICK HEADAGHE Positively curcd by tlieso Lrittle Pilis. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia Indigestión and Too Hcarty Eating. A per fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tor.gup ! Pain in the Side, TORPID IJVER. The; Regúlate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small PiH. Smal! DosO Smaü Price. Cbancery Sale. In pursnanceand by virtueof a decrep of the Cncuit t'ourt for tlie County Of Washtenaw. in chnncery, State of Michigan, mude and euterel on the seveuioeth dny of June 1 1895, In a certain cause therein pending ' in .iohu ('liristiun Schmidl is complainant and Sarah Fletcher and Mabel A. Ifletcher n are defendanta. Notice Ishereby glven that I [1 shall sell at public auction to the hlghest bidder, nt the east entrauce of the Court House, in tlie city of Ann Arbor, StiUe of Michigan (that being the building in whteta the Circuit Court for the Conuty of Waslitenaw is heldi, on Wediiesilny, llie 25th dayol September. 1895, at ten o'cjoei in the forenoon of siiid day. tlie tollowing described property situated'in the city of Ann Arbor. County of Waslitenaw and State of Michigan, to-uit :- Lot nuniber seven in block nunnber three south of Huron Street in range number flye cast, accordlug to the reeorded plat of the village (now city) of Ann Arbor. Dated August 6, 1895. (J. Elmer I!üttei:fiei.d, Circuit Court Commissioner, Waslitenaw County, Mich. TlIOMPSOK & HABEIMAN, Solicitors for Complainant. A Pretty Faee. s the result of a healthy pliysicial condition. "Beauty is but skin deep" vet t greatly depends upou a clear complexion, free ironi wrinkles and hollow clieeks. Health always l)ritifs wealth of seauty. A lieallhy state of the system comes with Dr l'ierce's Favorite Pret cripion. It's a medicine prepared for woman's ailments - it cures those derangenents and weaknesses which makes woman's life miserable. A woman who neglects to take prop9r exercise is particularly prone to excessi ve congestión, debility and a sluggish circulation. This is the time we advise the "Prescription." In all derangeinents and displacements of the special organs which result in'"signs of inflammation," in catarrhal discharges from the lining membranes, and distressing irregularities - this medicine effeets perfect and permanent cures. The manufacturers of GessW'g Mag-) ie Iieaducbo Wafers offer $100,000 iov any case of HeadachO or Keu-j ralgia they cannot cure. Tliis is not a, bluli, but a boaified of fer whicli,' has been opn to the world for years, ■Wliea a lirm wifl back their gooiS ■vith 4:helr money, you may feel a7 sured tfcliat they kttOAV they haive iner7 its Tüiey have given relief to thou-r eaads. A. E. Mummery wlll return your tnio-ney If tJiey flo not accomplisli( al! amd more tlian. we claim for them'. Prlcc 25 cents. English. Spain Liniment removes all Hard, Soft op Calloused Lumps and. Blomislies írom horses, Blood Spar -i-ins, Curbs, Spllnts, Sweeney, RlngBone, Stlfles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of ome bottle. "Wan-anted the most "wonderful Blemish. Cure ever knotvn. Sold by H. J. Brown, dmgglst, Ann Arbor, Mich..


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier